The Benefits from Figs

[by Mutmainaa - 07/02/03]


"By the Fig and the Olive.."

[surah at-Teen; 95: 1]


Listed below are some common problems and ailments which can easily be cured from the use of Figs:


Soak 2-3 dried figs in 1 cup water. Take them with milk for 1 month


Take fig either fresh or dried

Hemmorrhoids (Piles)

Clean 2-3 figs thoroughly with hot water to easily digest them later. Soak them overnight in cold water and take 1x early the next morning and 1x in the evening. Repeat 3-4 weeks. Take the fig together with the water used to soak them as some of the nutrients may have transferred to the water.
Muhammad is also recorded to have said to make use of Figs in order to curb Hemorrhoids.
Subhan'Allah, wal-Hamdulilahi Rubbil Alameen!


The milky juice of green figs help to soften corn that has been suffered for a long time.

Bladder Stones

Boil 2 figs in 1 cup of water. Drink daily for a month Constipation:

Abscesses, boils

Apply as paste a baked fig that has been cut in half over the inflamed area.



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