Sexually-Transmitted Diseases

Fatima M. D'Oyen


A big problem which comes from people having sexual relations with several boyfriends of girlfriends is that they can catch sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs) or veneral diseases. These very contagious diseases, in most cases, are caught from other people only through sexual contact.

The most common contagious diseases that are spread through sexual contact are: gonorrhoea and chlamydia, which can make people sterile (unable to have any children), genital herpes which causes recurrent, painful blisters on the private parts, and syphilis which can damage almost every part of the human body.

Another terrible disease that has been spreading rapidly throughout the world is AIDS, caused by the HIV virus. HIV is transmitted mainly through sexual intercourse or infected blood (i.e. needles or blood transfusions). AIDS leads to a slow and painful death.

Married couples who are faithful to one another (who do not have sexual intercourse with anyone else) do not get veneral diseases. STDs are spread either by unmarried people with more than one boyfriend or girlfriend, or by married people who are unfaithful to their spouses. Unfortunately, a religious Muslim can catch an STD from an unfaithful spouse. Fifty years ago, the only known sexually-transmitted diseases were syphilis and gonorrhoea. Now, new ones are appearing every few years, and they are becoming harder and harder to treat. For many diseases, such as AIDS and herpes, there is no known cure.

These diseases are Allah's punishment on society according to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) who said:
'If fornication becomes widespread, then realise that this never happened without new diseases befalling people that their ancestors never suffered from.'
[ibn Majah]

From "The Miracle of Life - A Guide on Islamic Family and Sexual Health Education for young people"
by Fatima M. D'Oyen - The Islamic Foundation, UK


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