Personal Safety tips for Muslims
When Walking in the streets:
  1. If you often walk home alone in the dark, get a personal attack alarm from a DIY store or ask your local crime prevention officer where you can buy one. Carry it in your hand so you can use it immediately to scare off an attacker. Make sure it is designed to continue sounding if it is dropped or falls to the ground.
  2. If someone asks you for directions, or any other information, and if you choose to reply, remain at least two arms lengths away.
  3. Carry your bag close to you with the clasp facing inwards. Carry your house keys in your pocket. If someone grabs your bag, let it go. Remember your safety is more important than your property.
  4. Don't take shortcuts through dark alleys, parks or across waste ground. Walk facing the traffic so a car cannot pull up behind you unnoticed.
  5. Do not read while walking or standing on the street.
  6. Do not wear headphones while walking in the streets.  Be aware and alert of your surroundings.
  7. When dropping someone off at their home, make sure they are safely inside before driving away. Have them do the same for you insha'Allah.
  8. Tell someone where you'll be and what time you're supposed to return, or if you will be with someone you don't know well.
  9. Be very careful using outside phone booths or ATMs at night or in unfamiliar surroundings.
  10. Try to not overload yourself with packages. If you must have your hands full, visualise how you would respond if approached, how you would get your hands free, etc.
  11. If you regularly go jogging or cycling, try to vary your route and time. Stick to well-lit roads with pavements. On commons and parklands, keep to main paths and open spaces where you can see and be seen by other people - avoid wooded areas. If you wear a personal stereo, remember that you can't hear traffic, or somebody approaching behind you.
  12. Don't hitch-hike or take lifts from strangers.
  13. Cover up expensive-looking jewellery.


If you feel threatened:

  1. Make prophetic du'as; such as "Hasbinullahu wa ni'mal wakeel" - Allah Suffices us, and He is the Best Guardian [abu Dawud]
  2. If you think someone is following you, check by crossing the street - more than once if necessary - to see if he follows. If you are still worried, get to the nearest place where there are other people - a place or anywhere with a lot of lights on - and call the police. Avoid using an enclosed phone box in the street, as the attacker could trap you inside.
  3. Attract attention if you are in a dangerous situation.  Don't remain alone, try walking with others if you can, family, friends, but not alone. 
  4. If a car stops and you are threatened, scream and shout, and set off your personal attack alarm if you have one. Get away as quickly as you can. This will gain you vital seconds and make it more difficult for the car driver to follow. If you can, make a mental note of the number and description of the car. Write down details as soon as possible afterwards.
  5. Self-defence and safety awareness classes may help you to feel more secure. Ask your masjid, community centre, local police or your work if they have classes.
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