Food we most certainly cannot survive without

by Farzana Parker


I wonder what the first thing was that came to your mind. Was it perhaps Dhikr?

Have you ever felt something truly happen to your heart? Was it ever moved or even awakened or have you ever felt complete peace within yourself or ultimately, have you ever been touched by an angel and opened your eyes with a smile on your face?

Indeed amongst the hustle and bustle of our daily lives our souls also need to be fed just like our physical bodies do.

The remembrance of Allah is of such a nature that we cannot afford to survive without it - as was said by ibn Taymiyyah : "The dhikr of Allah is to the heart what water is to a fish."

So go on, see for yourself. EXPERIENCE IT! and REMEMBER:

"And remembrance of Allah is the greatest (thing in life without doubt."
[Surah 29:45]

"...for without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction."
[Surah 13:28]


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