Jo Bingham

Birthdate: May 29, 1982
Birthplace: London, England

Jo Bingham was born Josephine Rae Bingham to the world renowned cardiologist Dr. Nigel Bingham and his wife Helena. Jo's mother died during childbirth when Jo was only 3 years old. In 1997, Dr. Bingham moved to Chicago to take a job as head of cardiology at Chicago County General Hospital and he took Jo with him.

Jo graduated as salutatorian of her class in May of 2000 from MacArthur Secondary School, after which she spent the summer abroad visiting relatives and old friends. When she returned to the states, she enrolled in Roosevelt University's theatre program and is a freshman there.

Jo's favorite activities are singing, dancing, acting, writing, rollerblading, swimming, and horseback riding.

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