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                   Spoilers - ep 9 - 11                                                                                                                                          



Episode 9:

Damian asks from Luisa to give him money so that he can proof to everyone
that Federico cheats on her.

Pablo is convinced that Milagros is his beloved Carolina and that she has
returned for him.

Mili sets up a plan so that the personell will go to the swimming pool
while all the masters are out of the house.
All the masters except Angelica since she is always in her room and never
leaves and Bernando is sleeping in the living room's couch since Mili put
some of Angelica's sleeping pills to his drink.
When Victoria comes the only person who saw her was Martha and went to get
dressed and brought her to the pool to see what the personell did.
When Luisa finds out about it she went insane as usually and especially to
Berbabdo since she found out that he was sleeping to her couch. She was
about to dismiss him when Mili came and told her that its her fault that
Bernando slept there because she put something to his drink to made him

Alfredo tries to talk with Federico about Luisa but Federico tells him that
since he is the expert he should deal with her.

Episode 10:

Luisa watches the videotape that Damian brought to her and falls apart since
in the video she sees Federico with two other women.

Milagros devises a plan so that she can get back at Ivo since now she knows
what his true intentions are.

Federico gets jealous of Andrea and fires her, something that puts Andrea
herself and Ivo in suprise.

Victoria meets with a woman that she will give her the oportunity to
repesent underwears in her country. The problem is that the woman speaks
only English, so she brings Rocky to be her interpreter, since he always
told her that he can speak english fluently. But when he meets the woman and
Victoria gives him to read the contract and to check it he looks at it only
once and says that its ok, although he didn't understand a think what it
said, and she signs it.


Episode 11:

Victoria gets furious when she finds out that in her contract says that she
will have to do the model as well besides being the representative.
Also she is angry with Rocky that allowed her to sign it and telling her
lies that he could speak English.

Angelica suprises Ivo and Mili when she tells them that she will teach Mili
manners and how to behave properly.

Federico threatens Andrea that if she marries Ivo he will destroy him.







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