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                   Spoilers - ep 28 - 30                                                                                                                                       


Episode 28


First, a recap. On Friday, it was Dia de Reyes. Gloria convinced Millie to
put her shoes by the window. Millie didn't want to at first because no one
ever left her anything, but Gloria asked her to do it for her. In the middle
of the night, Ivo placed a huge white teddy bear on Millie's tennis shoes
with a note saying something like: Para Milagros from the Four Wise Men".
Millie was thrilled with her gift (first time she ever received something on
January 6th); she wasn't sure who it was from, but Gloria later confirmed
that it was from Ivo. Later on, Ivo came looking for her in the convent, but
Sor Chachetes told him that she left with a rubio, maybe her boyfriend - she
said - because Millie was hugging him. Ivo walked away....

Today's episode:
The rubio with whom Millie left was Pablo. She went back to the Di Caprio's
to get her job back. She wanted Federico to tell everyone (Luisa, Damian,
Victoria, and Andrea were in the living room) the real reason why he fired
her. Federico thought she knew the whole story, but took too long to admit
it, and Millie ended up telling everyone that it was because Federico was
too cheap. Didn't want to pay her wages. (This is the excuse the Father gave
her, but Federico fired her after he found out that she's his daughter).

Ivo and Millie meet in hallway. Hello says Ivo. "How was your date with the
blond guy? I never thought you were of the easy kind. Are you more relax
now?" Millie, instead of slapping him, punches him with her fist on his
cheek. He falls. (what a great fall BTW. Very natural. Kudos to Facundo
Arana). Millie runs to her room, tries to shut the door, but Ivo followed
her. He wants to know who taught her to hit with her fist? Do you want to
kill me? Millie threatens him that she will start screaming. Ivo says: go
ahead, I don't hear any yelling. Besides, no one will be surprised that a
man is in the maids' room. Millie asks: what do you mean? Why do you this to
me? What do you want from me? Ivo replies: nothing, nothing, I don't ever
want to hear from you, and takes the teddy bear from her bed, even though
she tried to stop him.

Later, Andrea is alone in the living room. Ivo comes down the stairs with
Mickey Montana (the teddy bear). Millie is walks into the living room from
the kitchen, she thinks Ivo is going to return the teddy bear to her, but
noooooo, instead, he tells Andrea that he bought it for her. What an a***.

The following day, the Di Caprio's will be hosting a big party. Angelica
wants to use this party to introduce Millie to everyone. She calls Ivo and
Millie. She wants Ivo to introduce Millie to everyone in the party. Millie
is worried about what she's goona wear. Angelica tells her she should worry
more about her manners, etc.

Millie tells Pablo that she was just on the phone with Gloria, and
apparently everyone in the convent thinks that Pablo is her boyfriend.
Millie puts two and two together, and leaves Pablo's room.

Millie knocks on Ivo's door. She thanks him. Ivo answers: you don't have to
thank me, grandma asked me to (he thinks it's regarding tomorrow's party),
and I'll gladly introduce you to society. Millie says: no, it's for the
teddy bear. Ivo doesn't want to talk about it. Millie says: I know what
happened; when you went to look for me at the convent, everyone told you I
was with my boyfriend. Ivo asks: Do you think I'm jealous? Yes, says Millie.
Ivo "places" her inside his room (they were talking in the hallway). You'll
see what I mean by "placing" her. ;-) Ivo: How dare you think I'm jealous,
why, why would I be jealous? Besides, in order for me to be jealous, you and
I would have to be something? Millie asks: So, we're nothing? Ivo: yes, I'm
your boss (patron), you, my maid (mucama). Millie is stunned. The end.

Preview: In the living room, Ivo is telling Bobby that Carlitos is not gonna
like it, but he will not come down the stairs with her. Her place is in the
kitchen. Millie overhears this. Next scene, Ivo is with Andrea in the party.
Ivo asks grandma where's Millie? She should be serving our guests. Angelica
says: that's right, here she comes. Millie is coming down the stairs,
wearing a long light blue dress. She looks beautiful. And guess who's
walking her down? Pablo, who is no longer in the wheelchair.


Episode 29


Millie knocks on Ivo's door. She thanks him. Ivo answers: you don't have to
thank me, grandma asked me to (he thinks it's regarding tomorrow's party),
and I'll gladly introduce you to society. Millie says: no, it's for the
teddy bear. Ivo doesn't want to talk about it. Millie says: I know what
happened; when you went to look for me at the convent, everyone told you I
was with my boyfriend. Ivo asks: Do you think I'm jealous? Yes, says Millie.
Ivo "places" her inside his room (they were talking in the hallway). You'll
see what I mean by "placing" her. ;-) Ivo: How dare you think I'm jealous,
why, why would I be jealous? Besides, in order for me to be jealous, you and
I would have to be something? Millie asks: So, we're nothing? Ivo: yes, I'm
your boss (patron), you, my maid (mucama). Don't touch me. Millie is
stunned. Because of her facial expression, Ivo starts apologizing
immediately: oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that, I'm not a good mood
today. She buys it and leaves. But before she leaves, Ivo asks who was the
blond guy. Millie: Oh, the blond guy, we're just friends, nothing going on
between us. Ivo didn't believe her, but didn't tell her so.

While Andrea was with Ivo in his room, Millie sneaked into Andrea's room to
rescue Mickey Montana. Lina didn't think it was right to do it, but Millie
insisted that she didn't steal it. Mickey is hers. Ivo fills in Andrea on
grandma's request about introducing Millie to all the guests, walking down
the stairs with her. Andrea is shocked. Ivo tells her not to worry, I won't
do it even though I told grandma yes. I'll just make Millie believe I'll do
it. Andrea is thrilled by this, for a moment she thought Ivo liked Millie.

When Andrea went back to her room, she realized the teddy bear was missing.
Ivo tried to calm her down by saying that no one stole it, it's a
misunderstanding, and I think I know where it is. Don't worry. Andrea ended
up spending the night in Ivo's room.

In the meantime, Millie was up all night hugging and talking to Mickey. She
was very happy because the teddy bear is from her "boyfriend", as everyone
tells her.

Next morning,

Millie is in Pablo's room telling him all about the party. He wants to know
what feeling does she have for Ivo. We're just friends, like you and be. No,
worst than you and me because you've only lied to me twice. Bernardo walks
in. Before Millie leaves, she asks Pablo to join them tonight, she'll even
tango with him. I can't tango says Pablo. Me neither, we'll learn together,
replies Millie. No thanks is Pablo's response.

Ivo stops Millie in the hallway.
Ivo: We need to talk
Millie: About Yogi bear right?
Ivo: About the teddy bear
Millie: Mickey Montana
Ivo: Who?
Millie: Great name huh?
Ivo: Why did you take it?
Millie: It's mine. It was a gift from the Four Wise Men. She (Andrea) won't
even miss it. (Millie walks away).

Angelica and Millie go shopping for Millie's dress. But Victoria was making
a big fuss about it because Angelica asked Morgan to drive them, and
Victoria wanted Morgan to take her some place. He's my driver, Victoria kept
saying. Angelica told her: we'll I need him now, you can drive, take a taxi,
or even ride the bus. LOL! Millie even gave her a coin for the bus ride.

Ivo is with Bobby at the construction site. Bobby can't make it to the party
because he has a date with Victoria (although Ivo doesn't know it's with
her). Ivo tells him that he'll miss the stunt he's gonna pull tonight with
Carlitos. He's so upset with Millie, that he doesn't want anyone calling her
Milagros. It's Carlitos he says. Bobby doesn't understand why. Ivo is mad
because she gave used on him: "no, we're just friends" when referring to the
blond guy.

Back in the Di Carlo's kitchen, Millie, Lina, and Socorro are very excited
with Millie's new dress. In comes Martha to tell them that tonight Ivo will
announce his engagement to Andrea. Millie is suddenly sad. She overhears Ivo
telling Bobby in the leaving room that he'll give Andrea her engagement ring
tonight. Bobby thinks he's rushing into this, but Ivo enjoys Andrea's
company. As for Carlitos, no way am I (Ivo) gonna walk down the stairs with
her, she's the maid.

Millie is crying in Pablo's room. Once again, Ivo lied to her, and she was
so stupid to believe him. Pablo tells him that some people are just like
that. He asks if she really wanted to go. He's trying to convice her to go
so that Ivo and others won't get away with it.

Party time....

Father Manuel shows up to the party, even though he wasn't invited. He's
relieved to hear Ivo's engagement is with Andrea. Ivo tells grandma he won't
come down with Millie. Ivo and Andrea are smiling for what they've done, but
Ivo still wants more. He wants Millie serving the guests. Andrea thinks she
might be snooping. Ivo calls Bernardo, he wants to know where Milagros is.
Bernardo: Miss Milagros? Ivo, no Milagros, where is she. I want her out
here, serving our guests. Angelica tells him, don't worry, she will, in
fact, there she is.

Millie is coming down the stairs with Pablo (who is also walking).
Ivo: What is this?
Pablo: This (pointing towards Millie) is our most beautiful guest. Don't you

Millie is looking very beautiful and smiling. Of course, everyone is shocked
not only because of Millie, but also because Pablo can walk.


Episode 30


Millie is coming down the stairs with Pablo (who is also walking).
Ivo: What is this?
Pablo: This (pointing at Millie) is our most beautiful guest. Don't you

Millie is looking very beautiful and smiling. Of course, everyone is shocked
not only because of Millie, but also because Pablo can walk. She was the
queen of the night, even a senator congratulated Federico on how beautiful
his daughter is (referring to Millie). Federico told him she was a friend of
Victoria. Millie asked Ivo if he was enjoying "la jodita" with sarcasm. She
then complimented Andrea on how beautiful her dress is. Speaking with Father
Manuel and Andrea behind her, she told Andrea that her boyfriend is not a
quick person; he only kisses two women. Everywhere Ivo turned, he had people
(Vicky, Andrea, and Luisa) asking him to kick Millie out of the party, but
of course if he did, he would make a scene. Andrea wanted Ivo to announce
their engagement quickly, but Ivo kept telling her not yet. Ivo was pretty
much speechless everytime he looked at Millie from a distance. Millie drank
a couple of glasses of champagne, and danced all night with Pablo. At the
end, she went to take a break in the kitchen because the shoes were hurting
her, but Pablo came to take her back to the party because Luisa was about to
make the announcements:
1. Federico running for office
2. Her nephew's (Pablo) return from Europe (this is what they made everyone
3. Ivo's engagement to Andrea. As he was putting the ring in Andrea's
finger, he looked at Millie.

Once the party was over, Millie was with Angelica in her room. Angelica was
very happy and told her that she also wanted Millie to attend the party to
send a message to Federico: a maid could turn out to be a lady and attend
one of those parties. Millie got upset because Angelica used her. Angelica
admitted it.

As Millie was coming downstairs to her room, she and Lina sat on the stairs
to talk about what Angelica had just told her. Lina and Millie went to the

Andrea was upset in Ivo's room because according to Andrea, Millie ruined
her engagement party, and Ivo didn't do anything. Ivo then came down the
stairs by himself, and and the end of the staircase, he found one of
Millie's shoe.

Millie and Lina were in the kitchen. Ivo walks in. Can we talk?, he asks.
Lina leaves.
Ivo: Here Cinderella (as he hands her the shoe)
Ivo: Why did you do it?
Millie: I didn't do anything
Ivo: Carlitos...
Ivo: What's wrong? I call you Carlitos, and you don't say anything?
Millie: No, I'm too tired
Ivo: You made it to upset me
Millie: No, I did it for revenge
Ivo: Revenge, why?, what did I do to you?
Millie: Nothing, nothing. What did you expect? Did you wanted me to be
ready, all dressed up, make-up on, hair done, waiting like a stupid for a
party that was never going to come?
Ivo: Milagros, you ruined my engagement to Andrea
Millie: I ruined your engagement? And what did you ruin me? You know what, I
hate you. That's why I'm really happy about your engagement, and that you're
gonna marry her. You're gonna ruin your life by yourself, and I'm gonna be
here watching you, enjoying it.
She walks away.
Ivo: Milagros, Milagros. I want you to talk to me about my cousing
Millie: I don't. She leaves

Next morning...
Bernardo brings Pablo his breakfast, but Pablo will have breakfast
downstairs. In walks Ivo. He wants to know why he did it. Pablo doesn't get
it. Ivo is too upset with him for lying to everyone about not being able to
walk. He wants to talk about Millie.

Father Manuel comes to see Federico to his office to return him a check.
Apparently, Federico gave them a check to get Millie out of the house.
Millie doesn't want to go; therefore, Father Manuel is returning the check
because "Millie has no price".

Millie is with Angelica, still a little hurt because she used her. Ivo comes
in, he need to talk with Angelica to ask her to send Millie back to the
convent because Luisa, Vicky, and Andrea can't stand her. What about you?,
Angelica asks. Me, "ni fu, ni fa" answers Ivo. Then, don't get in the middle
of this. If they have problems with Millie, let them come to me, and they'll
have to hear what I have to say. Throughout the whole conversation, Ivo was
very distracted. It's as if he really didn't want to ask grandma this.

Andrea is gonna talk to Angelica about this. Ivo was following her to talk
her out of it, but failed. He stopped at the leaving room, then Millie came
in. He grabbed her, and wanted her to confess that she did it because of
Andrea and him. No, says Millie. I wanted to know how it felt like to attend
one of these parties. So, how did it feel, asks Ivo. I felt like a frog
something (I forgot), no, you guys made me feel that way. Ivo says, I'm
sorry. Why, why did you hurt me, why do you hurt me?, asks Millie. Ivo: I
don't know, I went to the convent, they told me you went, you were, he
kisses her, and doesn't want to let go. They finally come apart, Millie asks
why did you kiss me? You didn't even tell me why do I have to forgive you.
Ivo: We need to talk, but it's not the time nor the place, come to my room.
Millie: To your room, no way, because then ßacata. Ivo: what do you mean,
we've been there before and not ßacata. Millie: Because I didn't let you.
Ivo: because I didn't want to. They finally agree to meet in the study, in
the dark. As she goes, Ivo tells her he liked it. What?, asks Millie. The
kiss, says Ivo. What kiss?, asks Millie.









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