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                   Spoilers - ep 19 - 22                                                                                                                                       


Episode 19:

Angelica asks to see immediately Mili since she find out form Luisa that she
intends to leave the house.

Milagros caughts Tito entering the house but she cannot figure out that Tito
is really Pablo.

Soccoro find out the her money is missing but she cannot imagine that Marta
took them after Damian aks her for money and since she didn't have any she
tooks her mother's money. Angelica finds out the truth and tells it to
Soccoro and this way helps Mili since everybody thought that Mili took the

While in the garden talking with Lina, Mili thinks of a great idea to make
money. Along with Lina they cut Luisa's roses, those one of the contest, and
sells them. While they were selling Ivo arrives and tells her to give him
all the roses that she has.

When Luisa finds out that her roses have been cut and stolen she goes

Back to the house, when Lina goes to change she sees the roses and takes
them to Mili. with much suprise Mili finds out that the roses are from Ivo.
During the time she was looking at them Luisa enters the kitchen and she
accuses Mili of stealing them and Mili tries to defend herself by saying
that her boyfriend gave her the roses. At that time Ivo enters the room and
Luisa asks him to take Mili's boyfriend to the police for stealing her
precious roses. Ivo asks Mili if she has a boyfriend and who he is. Mili
tells him "you?"
At this remark Luisa yells at him for stealing her roses for the maid.

When Federico comes home after Luisa called him, he asks what the hell i
going on and Luisa tells him. Federico tells her that she is crazy since her
roses are still in the garden and they are perfectly all right.

When Luisa goes to the garden and sees them she wonders if she really is
loosing her mind but when she takes one she realises that they are fake.


Episode 20:

Mili tells Tito that Pablo is lying to her and to everybody and tells him
that Pablo is not really invalid but he can walk. Tito who is really Pablo
is trying to find excuses for him telling her that he might have his reasons
for lying to everybody about it.

Victoria is very nervous on the day of the underwear fashion show since she
and her friends are included in the models.

Federico furious threatens not to cheat him again otherwise she or her son
might have an accident.

Bobby, as Mystery Man, continous sending her songs which he sings through
the radio without her knowing who he really is.

Ivo gets upset when Pablo tells him that he is in love with Ivo and tells
him he cannot be inlove with her. Pablo asks him why and Ivo tells him
because she is the maid.

Episode 21:

Mili and Lina go to the disco but the owner is upset about the band not
showing up and after Lina's suggestion to bring Booby to sing, Mili goes to
the mansion and asks from Ivo his help and explains to him and also tells
him that is Bobby's chance to fulfill his dream being a singer.

Federico has compuctions about Rosario and his lost son.

Victoria needs a dancing teacher to teach her how to dance tango and Soccoro
sends her to Rocky.

When Ivo goes to play football with Mili's team, she can believe what she


Episode 22:

Ramon asks Soccoro to be his girlfriend but she denies since she is
dissapointed from previous afairs she had.

Ivo caughts his father woth Milena and asks from him to leave his mother
alone since he sicks to other women.

On New Year's Eve Ivo decides not to attend the family dinner since he has
other plans.
He tells Andrea that he is going to spend the night with his family and to
the family he says that he is going to spend the night with Andrea but he
trully intends to go to the abbey dressed as Santa Claus and to give to the
children the presents. When he goes Mili to thank him she gives him a kiss
on the chick.

The other day they are all wondering where Ivo went last night since Mili
thanked him again in front of everyone for what he did for her and the
demand an explanation especially Andrea since she came to the house last
night looking for him and didn't find him.







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