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                   Natalia Oreiro                                                                                                                                                  

The representatives handled to the race of Natalia from the time of the soap
opera 90 60 90 Models, that were emitted by old Channel 9 in 1996. They had
signed a contract, that united them until the 99, but when it sent his race
like singer, the Oreiro changed of managers and initiated the demand by
illegal retention of salaries. The judgment evolved, although as were not
concrete tests of the protested thing by the singer, justice failed in his
against and now it will have to wait for the answer of Brave SÀenz and You
lick. What they protest is the corresponding percentage of the contracts
that signed Natalia with Telefe and BMG, its record company. Apparently, at
the beginning of this year the lawyers of the Oreiro would have tried to
reach a extrajudicial agreement with the lawyers who represent their ex-
agents. But the supply of l 10,000 dollars that would have done did not
finish convincing them. It is more considering the failure of justice, Brave
SÀenz and You lick would demand to the star a sum near the 300,000 dollars,
and it is speculated on whereupon they could get to extend the demands and
to initiate individual judgments by insults and contract breach.
Luckily for Natalia, in other orders its life is encarrilada. Their relation
with Pablo Echarri afian za day to day and, although still they do not
coexist, are expected the news on the matter at any time. As far as its
race, already it is sounding in the radios Your poison, the first cut of the
board, that will on sale leave next the 31 July. The disc was recorded in
the studies: New River, of Lauderdale; Igloo, Conway and Mad Hatter, of Los
Angeles, and the foot and the charquito, of Buenos Aires. Although all
channel is not confirmed, is probable that Natalia leaves tour by the
interior of the country in August and culminates his presentations with a
series of shows in the theater Great Rex, towards month ends same.
Expectations? Enough: the Oreiro tries to have at least the same luck that
ran with its first disc, that got to sell 500,000 copies anywhere in the

Edith Insipid Arias

Translated by Stella








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