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                   Natalia Oreiro - Tu Veneno                                                                                                                             



Natalia Oreiro

If there is something worth mentioning about Natalia Oreiro's career is her
perseverance.  She marched through all the apparently indispensable roads to
earn her spot amongst "the famous". She started as a model, in her birth
city, Montevideo.  She was 12 years old when she started and by the time she
was 16, she had appeared in over 30 commercials for very popular products. 
Her face was starting to look familiar to people, and finally, at 14, she was
chosen among 10,000 girls from different countries in Latin America, as the
new "paquita"  in the popular Xuxa show. (Note: Xuxa, a brazilian actress had
a popular kids show. The paquitas were the girls helping Xuxa on the show)

At 17, (she was born May 19th, 1977), Natalia crossed the Rio de la Plata and
settled in Buenos Aires...and things started happening. She left her modeling
carreer to devote herself to acting.

But Natalia, as usual, wanted more, and she got her first movie role starring
with actor Guillermo Francella in "Un Argentino en Nueva York" (An
Argentinian in New York) directed by Juan Jose Jusid. Apart from the great
success (1,600,000 spectators) the movie helped her get noticed as a singer.
Some of the songs from the movie appeared in her first CD, "Natalia Oreiro".
The CD, with deliberate latin rhythms, was recorded with the participation of
the Miami Sound Machine musicians, and radios everywhere played over and over
songs like Huracan, Me muero de amor, Que si, que si, and De tu amor.

Her expectations were already fulfilled: From model to TV actress, from the
small screen to the big one and from the world of cinema onto the world of
music. Her first CD was not only a success in Latin America, but also in
other far away countries where many latin artists have found loyal fans.
Thus, the CD was Double Platinum in this area, and Gold in countries such as
Greece, Slovenia and Israel.

But Oreiro returned to TV with a smashing success, "Muneca Brava". Now it was
becoming increasingly harder to get rid of the title "The Thalia of  South
However, in the year 2000, Natalia Oreiro kept her promise: to leave TV and
devote herself entirely to her second CD, "Tu Veneno".  The CD has 15 songs,
among which we'll mention, Basta de ti ("Enough of you" She cowrote it with
Fernando Lopez Rossi), Que pena me das ("How sorry I feel for you"-written
for Nati by Andres Calamaro), Rio de la Plata (a pseudo-autobiography), and
Estamos todos solos ("We're all alone" a Spanish version of the Bob Scaggs
song). Although it has an undeniable latin flavor, Oreiro seems to have kept
another one of her promises, to get slowly closer to the world of rock and
roll, apparently, the rhythm she loves most.





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