Rebecca: When Josh, Sahara and I were in the hut earlier, Josh talked about people to vote off. He mentioned Kathleen because she didn't seem to fit in all that well. He also mentioned Matt's name because he started to feel sick this morning. Honestly, I'm up for anything right now. I sucked so bad at the immunity challenge, so I'm feeling vulnerable and desperate. I don't want to be the first person voted out of here. That would so be sad.

Matt fell ill on the morning of Day 3. Josh wasn't sure if Matt was in for the long haul of the game. He spoke of his concerns with people on the tribe with Bree as they packed up their things, getting ready to hike to Tribal Council.

Bree: I've been quiet at the start of this game. I've been getting to know everyone. I guess they call this being under the radar, but that's just for now. I don't want to do anything that might upset anyone. I haven't spoken with anyone about the vote. When I talk with my tribemate's it's not really about the game. Going into this first vote off, I'm just going with vibes I'm getting from people.

Josh: The day of Tribal Council...all I did was talk to everyone sperately about voting off someone other than myself. Hopefully it worked.

At Tribal Council, the heat between Kathleen and Sarah still existed. When the votes were read it was Kathleen who was sent packing first. She attepmted to play the victim and her inability to make a good first impression doomed her. Yes, she had a confidant in John, but one vote is never enough. She made an enemy in Sarah way to early in the game...that was her fatal mistake. Not to mention, she messed up in the immunity challenge, and didn't talk to many people after the fight with Sarah. That was when she needed to do the most rallying for herself. She didn't and that was the last we heard of Kathleen in Fiji.

Kathleen's Final Words

I can't believe this. I really didn't think it was going to end up like this. I thought Sarah was so much more weaker than I was. I'm pretty angry that my tribe saw me as a weak link obviously. Sadly they do not know how smart and strong I am. They didn't get to see the real me on Sabang, at all. I have a lot of qualities which would have helped out, but Sarah alienated me, and basically got everyone to vote me off. I will never forgive her for that. I can't picture her lasting much longer. I can't be mad at anyone else though. This is a game and they didn't do anything to hurt me personally. So, I didn't get to play as long as I wanted but I mdae a good friend in John and I hope he'll go far.
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