Freeza is a very evil and powerful enemy. He controlled many planets and hundreds of minions. He took Prince Vegita from the King when Vegita was young. He has four forms which he can transform into. He is on Namek to get dragonballs to wish for immortality. He destroyed all the Saiyans that were on Planet Vegita because he feared that the Saiyans were getting too strong. He has his own group of mercenaries called the Ginyu Force.
He comes back to get revenge in the Trunks saga but is quickly defeated.
Gohan defeats Freeza again in one of the DBZ movies.
Parents: King Cold and ???
Siblings: Koola
Goku beats him on Namek, Trunks kills him when he is Cyborg Freeza.
Kill Count: Millions
Freeza and his dad, King cold.
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