Created on August 19, 2002
Modified on: August 19, 2002
You may wonder how Mystic Waters is kept so clean given the fact that a lot of people use the facility.  There is a that all that dirty water must go through in order for nice clean water to come back to the pool and keep the water crystal clear for everyone's enjoyment!

The Mystic Waters filtration system is divided into two seperate systems.  One filter is for the main pool, drop slides, and waterslides.  The other one is for the lazy river. The main pool contains approximately 370,000 gallons of water.  It takes approximately 2.75 hours to cycle all the water through the filtration system at a rate of roughly 2300 gallons per minute, also known as a turnover rate.   The lazy river contains 150,000 gallons of water with a turnover rate of 4.25 hours.
Step 1 - The surge pit
The surge pit is designed to take overflow water from the pool which was splashed into the gutter while it waits to be taken by the pumps.  During times when the pools are not in use, the water is taken from the bottom drains.

Step 2 - Pumps
From the surge pit, water is pumped to the filtration system or some water is pumped to attractions such as the activity pool sprays, drop slides, or lazy river fountain. Each pump contains a stariner basket which sifts out large items such as hair, leaves, paper, and other garbage.
Step 3 - Filter
After going through the strainer baskets, the water is pumped to the sand filters (large blue tanks).  The main pool filtration system has two while the lazy river has one.  The sand filters filter out microscopic material before being pumped back to the pools.
STEP 4 - Chemical Treatment
Prior to getting back to the pool, the water is automatically tested by the Stranco machines and chemicals are added accordingly.  We use carbon dioxide (yes the same stuff you breathe out) to lower the pH in the pool.  We use sodium hypochlorite as the pool sanitizer (chlorine).   After chemical treatment, the water is sent back to the pool.

The Mystic Waters chlorine level is maintained at 2.5ppm with the pH of 7.4 and the water temperature is maintained at 81 degrees at all times.
Chlorine Tanks
Main Pool Stanco              Lazy River Stanco
Main Pool Filtration Pumps
Activity Pool Pumps - Mushroom raindrop, fountains in pool
Lazy River surge pits, goes to a depth of 10 feet which holds extra water from the lazy river before going to the lazy river.
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Mystic Waters Filtration System
How does that water get nice and clean???