Nutramax [mtco Company] Food Supplement:
Zotreem Plus Slimming Capsule, has been clinically tested and proven to provide quick and effective weight loss without a drastic change in lifestyle. It is perfect for those people who have tried many other diet products with only limited success. Zotreem Plus is designed to start weight loss with quick results from the first day you take it. As a result, it has a growing world-wide reputation as a highly effective weight-loss product. Zotreem Plus Slimming Capsules are produced through modern technology with pure, natural plants which grow only in the "Kingdom of Green Vegetation", namely the Yunnan province in China. Benefits: *Produced from pure herbal plant extracts *Non-toxic and safe *Has no known side effects *Provides fast and positive results *It does not have a laxative action *Weight loss occurs at places with the highest fat deposits *No weight rebound Dosage: Take only 1 capsule of Zotreem Plus per day, either before or after breakfast for best results. Warning: Do not take this product if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Not recommended for those who are younger than 16 or older than 65. People with high blood pressure should consult their health professional before using this product not suitable for those who have cardio-vascular disease or apoplexy, or if you are taking any prescription medication. Storage: Store in cool (room temperature), dry and dark condition. Valid period: 36 months **These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Individual results may vary. Disclaimer: Before using this product, please consult with your medical professional if you are pregnant, nursing, if you have any medical conditions.
Due to the popularity of Zotreem Plus slimming capsule, some companies are marketing fraudulent copies. These products often look genuine, but in fact do not follow the same formulas and may be harmful to your health.
Shaping Beauty can not be held responsible for those products.
Please, be careful. Fake products contain the ingredients which might be dangerous for you. Don't buy the product Zotreem Plus from unauthorized sellers.
They can not guaranty that their products are genuine.
Nutramax [mtco Company] is a company that sell food supplement all around the world. For more informations, read the about page.
Zotreem Plus is a weight loss product, and it will be in the pharmacies soon.
We are proud to present for our customers Vigamax, and soon the other products will be in the pharmacies.
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