A Romadaan Mubaarok

Message and Du'aa_

Prepared by: M. Tahir Farrath([email protected])



Bis-Mil LAAHIR Rohmaanir Rohiim


Wa Nahmaduhuu wa Nusollii 'alaa Rosuulihil Kariim



Ash-Shukru lil-LAAH, once more will the Muslimuun throughout the world, from every conceivable corner, show a united force of superiority over the rest of the world as they in obedience to ALLAAH, Subehaanahuu wa Ta’aalaa, begin their fast during the day and offer the Taraawiih at night. Al-Hamdu lil-LAAHI Robbil ‘Aalamiin, this is how ALLAAH forever Bestows His Mercy upon the Ummah of HIS Beloved Prophet Muhammad, Sollal LAAHU ‘alayhi wa Sallam, as the Muslimuun are again Given the opportunity to turn to HIM in total 'Ibaadah.


Therein, they will be motivated, revived and refreshed to utilise more of their available time, reciting the Holy Qur-aan, having ALLAAH, our One and Only Robb - the Creator, the Cherisher, the Lord oof all the worlds - constantly on their minds and in their hearts. Lips moistened in Thikrul LAAH! Their minds will ponder on deeper meanings in the Message of the Kalaamul LAAH, and such reflections will enhance their knowledge in leaps and bounds about the beautiful Diin of the Almighty, the Ever-living, the Eternal, the Pure, the One Who never slumbers.


As their sincerity, perseverance, endurance and tolerance are being put to the test, they will control their attitude towards one another and to others - free of such evils as suspicion, animosity, hatred and division from within their ranks. They will show the qualities of being able to share and care, and will be charitable to each other and to those in need. Yes, they will be ever mindful of ALLAAH(S.W.T.) and will show more sympathy, love, patience, understanding and resoluteness. Yes, they will come to life again and be spiritually resurrected. They will act less cunningly in business and towards their subjects, and to those who are so easily swayed by their influence, authority and control.


How fortunate are they in the month of Romadaan - for in this Mubaarok month, this graceful month, this month of mercy and repentance - the weak Muslim will be influenced by the stronger one, irrespective of his or her standing in society, concerning his duties towards ALLAAH. All this will not be for a day or a week as found in worldly celebrations, but for the entire month and ever more thereafter - purely for the sake of ALLAAH, Subehaanahuu wa Ta'aalaa. The entire Arkaanul Islaam will be put into practice, as the Muslimuun act with faith. Their faith will be put into action as they pray. Their fast will be an excellent fast, and they will also start to take stock of their possessions for their Zakaah, when due, and there will be the fortunate ones who will start to make arrangements for Hajj.


Subehaanal LAAH, brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, husbands and wives and children, let us not lose sight of this tremendous Ni'mah. This is how ALLAAH(S.W.T.), over and over again, Bestows HIS Favours upon the Muslimuun. Year after year, ALLAAH Provides the Muslimuun the means to repent and reform so that they can show the "complete way of life" in Islaam through acts of righteousness in their A'maal, Mu'aamalaat and Mu'ash-sharaat. It is not merely wishful thinking or lip service as one makes a flimsy new year's resolution, but in fact a real physical one. Each year in preparation for it, ALLAAH(S.W.T.) has preceded it with the two blessed months of Rojab and Sha'baan. Rojab is another Month of ALLAAH, Sha'baan is the month of HIS Rosuul(S.A.W.S.) and Romadaan is the month that ALLAAH(S.W.T.) Grants to the Ummah of Nabiy Muhammad(S.A.W.S.).


Therefore, it is said that Rojab is the month to sow seeds, Sha'baan is the month wherein one should water it, and Romadaan is the month to reap and benefit of its harvest. During the month of Rojab, ALLAAH(S.W.T.) also Granted HIS Rohmah and Maghfiroh to the Ummah of Nabiy Muhammad(S.A.W.S.), for it was in this month that Nabiy Nuuh, ‘alayhis Salaam, sought Protection while in the Ark during the Great Deluge. This is also the month in which Laylatul Israa_ wal Mi'raaj is found, which is the night of the heavenly Ascension. And although there are various opinions as to when the Mi'raaj was, it is generally believed that it took place in this month, for in it the Solaah became Fard on the Ummah. In Sha'baan, Hasan and Husayn(R.A.H.) were born and also when the Qibelah was changed from Jerusalem towards the Ka'bah. And in this month there is a night called Laylatul Baraa-ah, which means the night of Pardoning or Innocence, wherein our deeds are presented to ALLAAH. There is also a report of differing opinions on its authenticity in Ibn Maajah in which ALLAAH(S.W.T.) Descends to the lowest heaven between sunset and sunrise, and Asks: Is there any sinner who seeks forgiveness that I shall Forgive? Is there anyone who desires an increase in Rizq that I shall Increase it? In this manner ALLAAH(S.W.T.) Addresses HIS servants: Is there anyone in distress, seeking assistance, a favour or a blessing? Is there such or such? until the rise of the morning. It is also said that all events for the year ahead such as births, deaths, illnesses, prosperity and misery, etc. are discharged to the Angels on this night. And they record these from the Lawhil Mahfuudh till Laylatul Qodr.


Thus has ALLAAH(S.W.T.) Prepared us for the month of Romadaan, and in it is found Laylatul Qodr, which is the night of Power - equalling a 1000 months. It is this month that is divided into three parts; the 1st part deals with ALLAAH's Rohmah; the middle part with HIS Maghfiroh; and the last part frees one from Jahannam. In this month also were the four Holy Books Revealed; the Tawraah to Nabiy Muusaa(A.S.); the Zabuur to Nabiy Daawuud(A.S.); the Injiil to Nabiy 'Iisaa(A.S.); and the Qur-aan to Nabiy Muhammad(S.A.W.S.). All of which is found in the Glorious Qur-aan.


At the start of this month, the doors of Jannah are opened and Jahannam closed, and the Shayaatiin chained. So, let us make frequent Ade’iyyah during this month, for the Du’aa_ of a Saa-im will be accepted:


1.         Bis-Mil LAAHIR Rohmaanir Rohiim. Al-Hamdu lil-LAAHI Robbil 'Aalamiin.

In the Name of ALLAAH, the Beneficent, the Most Merciful. All praise belong to ALLAAH, Lord of all the worlds.


2.         Was Solaatu was Salaamu 'alaa Sayyidinaa Muhammad wa 'alaa Aalihii wa Sohbihii Ajema'iin.

and Salutations and Peace be upon our master Muhammad and upon his family and all his companions.


3.         Yaa Nuuron Nuur, Yaa 'Aalima maa fis Suduur

O Divine Light of (all known and unknown) light, O One Who Knows what is in the breasts,


4.         Akhrijenaa, Yaa ALLAAH, minadh Dhulumaati ilan Nuur.

Deliver us, O ALLAAH, from darkness to the light.


5.         Yaa Badii'us Samaawaati wal Ard, Yaa Thal Jalaali

O Originator of the heavens and the earth, O Possessor of Majesty


6.         Wal Ikraam, Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qoyyuum, Nas-aluk

and Glory, O Ever-Living One, O Eternal One, we beseech Thee,


7.         ALLAAHUMMA, Yaa Nuur, Yaa Nuur, Yaa Nuur, Nawwirnaa bil-'Ilm wa Nawwirna bil-Haqq

O ALLAAH, O Divine Light, O Divine Light, O Divine Light, Illuminate us with knowledge, and Illuminate us with the Truth,


8.         Wa Nawwir Quluubanaa bil-Fath wa Nawwirnaa bil-Hilm wa Nawwirnaa bis-Siyaam

and Illuminate our hearts with victory, and Illuminate us with clemency, and Illuminate us with fasting,


9.         Wa Nawwirnaa bil-Qiyaam wa Nawwirnaa bil-Islaam wa Nawwirnaa bil-Iimaan

and Illuminate us with the standing(for Solaah), and Illuminate us with Islaam, and Illuminate us with Faith,


10.       Wa Nawwirnaa bil-Ihsaan, wa Nawwirnaa bil-Qur-aan fii Shahri Romadaan

and Illuminate us with excellence, and Illuminate us with the Qur-aan in the month of Romadaan,


11.       Marhaban Yaa Shahro Romadaan, Marhaban Yaa Shahrol Qur-aan

Welcome, O month of Romadaan, Welcome, O month of the Qur-aan,


12.       Marhaban Yaa Shahrol Ghufraan, Marhaban Yaa Shahrol Barokah

Welcome, O month of forgiveness, Welcome, O month of blessings,


13.       Marhaban Yaa Shahrot Tawbah, Marhaban Yaa Shahror Rohmah,

Welcome, O month of repentance, Welcome, O month of mercy,


14.       Marhaban Yaa Shahrol Masaabiih, Marhaban Yaa Shahrot Taraawiih,

Welcome, O month of brilliance, Welcome, O month of Taraawiih (Solaah).


15.       Yaa Robbal 'Aalamiin, Yaa Arhamar Raahimiin Irhamnaa,

O Lord of all the worlds, O Most Merciful of those who show mercy, have Mercy on us,


16.       Yaa Arhamar Raahimiin Irhamnaa, Yaa Arhamar Raahimiin Irhamnaa,

O Most Merciful of those who show mercy, have Mercy on us, O Most Merciful of those who show mercy, have Mercy on us,


17.       Subehaana Robbika Robbil 'Izzati 'Ammaa Yasifuun, wa Salaamun 'alal Mursaliin,

Glory be to thy Lord, Lord of Might - free of what (unbelievers) claim, and Peace be upon the Messengers,


18.       Wal Hamdu lil-LAAHI Robbil 'Aalamiin.

and all praise be to ALLAAH, Lord of all creation.


May ALLAAH(S.W.T.) Grant us health and strength to pass the month of Romadaan with Taqewaa, peace and success - In Shaa-al LAAH. As for those who trained themselves by observing a few fasting days or performed acts of righteousness over the previous months, I pray that they are starting to see the fruits of their labour - Aamiin.


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