Wild Herb Stuffed Chicken ~ from PonoHawaii Need to create: --Marinate breasts --Mix Stuffing --Make Tomato sauce for serviing Marinate 6 Chicken Breasts in white wine for 30 minutes ==== Stuffing - Mix in bowl: 1 cup Portabello Mushrooms and white onions grated in small bits 1/4 cup white rice ground oatmeal 2 egg whites Corriander, Fennel Seeds, Paprika, Basil, Parsley, Majoram, Cilantro, Tumeric, Cumin Cover and Refrigerate for 15 minutes ==== Spray Glass baking pan with cooking spray Preheat oven to 400 degrees Put baking pan in oven to get hot ===== 12 Wooden Skewers - Cut them in half Take chicken breast and fan it out as much as possible. Arrange the meat so that the thinnest/ widest portion is towards you. Put in a tablespoon of the stuffing mix and roll it up and insert the skewers diagonally through each end. Place in warmed baking pan and do the next. Cook for 20-30 minutes depending on the size of the chicken breast and the altitude of your location. =========== Take out skewers and put in container to refrigerate overnight. After the chicken has been cold - take out and cut in 1/2 inche slices. Portion in bags and refrigerate or freeze. ===== Tomato Sauce 4 whole tomato chopped 1 white onion chopped 1 red pepper chopped 1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 garlic cloves grated 1 small jalepeno finely chopped 1/4 cup tomato salt free sauce Put all ingredients in blender and blend until thick soupy sauce around 1-2 minutes. Store in refrigerator. Sauce also goes great with other dishes/potatoes, etc. ===== To eat: Arrange chicken slices in bowl or small plate in a downed domino position. Spoon over tomato sauce Microwave 30 seconds for non-frozen/ for frozen - microwave 1 1/2 minutes first then put on tomato sauce and finish for another 30 seconds.