Cabbage from Yahoo group member kyrelathenewme you need: head of cabbage 1/2 cup uncooked rice (i cook mine half way and then use it) 28oz crushed or tomatoe sauce onion 2 egg whites 1 lb of ground turkey or chicken (do not cook) 1/2 water garlic (depends on how much ya like) remove outer layer of cabbage the big grean leaves, remove the core and put in a pot of ALREADY boiling water until the leaves become plyable Mix all the ingredients together except the sauce and some onion and garlic for your sauce once the leave are plyable take them out of the pot and try to cut as much of the hard spine off as you can if not no biggie then place about a tablespoon of the mixture in each one and roll and fold like an envelope. If oyu have toothpicks to keep them shut, if not thats ok. in the mean time prepare you sauce and once its hot place your cabbage rolls openside down in the sauce, and let them cook in there for about and hour. then enjoy...!