Marinading recipes! From Yahoo group member Michelle msmuir421 I usually use lemon juice and pepper. I am a mexican food nut and I found a product that is great. It is called 505 green chile sauce. It has 40mg sodium, 25 cal, 0 fat, 2g sugar. It tastes awsome. (Especially when you're craving a huge chimichanga) LOL If you can't find it in the stores, there is a web site on the jar. It is So far the amount of sodium in this product hasn't stopped my weight loss. 12lbs in 3 weeks and still losing. =============================== Marinading recipes! From Yahoo group member Maggie maggie62476 Hey I don't really have any specific marinades but I usually marinate my meats with the flavored vinegars and Mrs Dash type seasonings. =============================== Marinated Chicken from Yahoo group member Heidi h_l_m_d I marinated my chicken breast in equal parts lemon juice and water, plus garlic and herb Mrs. Dash, and it was so tender it truly melted in my mouth!