GIGS 2001
January 4, 2001           CBGB            315 Bowery NYC
This show rocked! It was a lot of fun and there was a ton of people there. It's cool playing first because we just jumped up there and let it go, we opened with the ELO classic Don't Bring Me Down, setting the bar for the evening.  This was the big cd release party and I let out a sigh of release since I'm so glad that the cds are out. The coolest part is that CBGB just gave us a FRIDAY NIGHT in March! We made it to the weekend!!! Whoo-hoo!!!
February 7, 2001           The Lion's Den    214 Sullivan St.  NYC
We did two covers this time: the ELO song plus Communication Breakdown. Played with Matt Rocker, a fellow Saratoga native. The Set was: Don't Touch Me, Empty, Hey, Insincerity, Cracked, Communication Breakdown, Dance For Me, Alienation, Didn't Mean, London and Don't Bring Me Down.
March 23, 2001           CBGB            315 Bowery   NYC
Despite a couple setbacks (short set, steep cover charge, plus Peter twisted his ankle) this was a good show. Two punk guys stood in front of the stage and danced their asses off through the entire set. They were getting very creative: I had never seen the "Drag Your Broken Leg" dance or the "Fly Like An Airplane" dance before. The dancing got us all charged up, our energy level was in the red and the crowd got into it. We did a new cover, The Wailers' "Out of Our Tree" (Nuggets garage rock, not Marley). At the end of the show I dropped to the floor and thrashed around and Peter knocked over his drum kit- It was great!  The set list was: Didn't Mean, It All Comes Out When I Wash, Insincerity, Carnage, Empty, Out of Our Tree, Don't Touch Me and Ride The Mole.
April 20, 2001        The Knitting Factory        74 Leonard St.  NYC
Friday night marked the Mole's debut at this downtown venue. The Knitting Factory folks treated us real fine.  Lots of beer and fresh towels were included as perks (soiled towels are available to the highest on-line bidder.)  A lot of good people came out to the show and were very kind to us.  Thanks everybody.  The performance itself was inspired, if a bit sloppy.  There's nothing like being well rehearsed.  Ted's rockstar jumps are near perfect.  Thanks to the Figgs for a rousing set and for the scotch. Click here for pictures.
June 21, 2001       The Ship's Mast          315 Kent Ave.  Brooklyn
The Ship's Mast, The Local, The Rock Star Bar...Williamsburg's notorious watering hole was a unique experience for all.  The vintage PA system pumped out the signature sound of AM radio broadcasting a tracheotomy victim on a cloudy day.  After a convenient last minute sheduling change, we took the stage 2 hours later than planned. That allowed us to enjoy plenty of drinks served congenially by Emily Dickinson.  The performance featured mike stands crashing to the ground, Marc thrashing around with a cracked rib and a drug addled aging space cadet volunteering his assistance as an audio engineer.  Thanks to everyone who came out (AND DANCED!) Thanks to all the Aussies.  Thanks to the dude with the microphones.
October 18, 2001            Tupelo                     34-18 34th Ave, L.I.C.
Tupelo is great. This cozy Queens club loves having us, and we love playing there. We tuned up, turned down and tied one on. The show was a slight departure, with drum machines and acoustics in place of distortion and feedback. The response was good, if only because people could actually understand the lyrics. We pulled out a couple of oldies (City Girl, Swivelbone) as well as Communication Breakdown and John's new one Well Enough Alone.Thanks to Evan, the owner, for supporting us, Roger the sound guy and Greg for the 12-string.
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