Some Settlement Definitions                       
  • Dispersed settlement - Scattered individual homesteads>
  • Hamlet - very small, few houses

  • Village - small settlement surrounded by countryside (but used colloquially in cities for local centres that were once villages).
  • Town - threshold population varies, usually 1500 to 5000 people, but even up to 50 000 in some countries; other criteria may be used to define "urban" population, so comparisons between censuses or countries can be very difficult.
  • City - a large town - other specialist definitions are used in different parts of the world.
  • Metropolis - largest town or urban agglomeration in a region or country.
  • Conurbation - continuous built-up area formed by expansion and coalescence of previously separate towns.
  • Megalopolis - very large urban spread, containing some open land, formed when conurbations or metropolises link up.

  • World City - large city with major international fuunction.
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