Dystopian Communities                                 Name___________________
Preliminary Research                                         Period__________________

The following website is what you will be using for research:

Use this page for
your notes.  The assignment will be typed or neatly written and submitted on ___________________.

Vocabulary:  As you read through the information, make a list of words that you do not know or understand and define them.

II. Go to the website and search for the answers to these questions:

1. Read the different definitions of
dystopia so that you understand the meaning clearly.  Take
    notes on them. Then write your own definition by combining 3 of the definitions provided;
    write the definition in one complete coherent sentence.

2. Dystopian societies have common characteristics.  Briefly describe each of the following
    characteristics and give 1 example from a movie that further explains the characteristic.

    A. What is the setting:

    B. What is the theme:

    C. What
aesthetics are used�what visual aspects help emphasize the message:

3. After reviewing the list of movies, novels, and stories that are labeled as dystopias,   provide
    3 examples of films or books that you have read, seen, or heard about. Identify what genre  
    they are and state your knowledge of them.

Example: I have read the novel 1984, seen the movie Back to the Future and heard 
            about the novel and film
A Clockwork Orange. 1984 is about�. Back to the Future is�,              etc.

4. Dystopias can be categorized by their focus, setting, or message.
    Define the following dystopias and provide 1 example.

    Off-world dystopias
    Leisure dystopias
    Post-apocalyptic dystopias
    Time-travel dystopias
    Capitalistic dystopias
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