Mr. Orc's Triumph

Once there was a guy named Mike Dicafia.  He smelled the worst of all the bumpxing folk in the land.  He also smelled of dirty socks and smelly feet.  "Hi", he said with his ugly distorted face that looked like Pee Wee Herman's nose with a velcro mustache stuck on.
Up and hanging, Mike was at the store when he met Eric Carnagan(he's got the stuff!  Nooo, the stuff he ordered from his Pepsi Catalogue). Eric punched Mike in the gut and said, "You slept with my wife and boyfriend."  Just then Mr. Orc came in and slayed them both!
Two day's later Mr. Orc almost got arrested.  But he didn't because he slayed the cops and burried their guts.  Then he said, "Wa, Ho, let's go out and buy fur coats!" Mr. Orc took over 60% of the universe.  The other 40%, for all you mooks that want to know, was taken over by Mr. Meanbeanbutter.

                          T         H         E               E         N         D

Produced by: Rats & Corp. and of course brought to you by Mr. Black!

Sept 30/97
Hosted by