Sally, Jessie, and Rafaela

Sally, Jessie, and Rafaela (triplets) are all going to enter a dance contest. The contest costs $100.00 per person to enter. If they enter as a group the cost is only $250.00. They need to buy glittery costumes and special dance shoes. The costumes cost $60.00 each and the shoes are $32.00 per pair. They also need to provide their own music, so they buy a Hannah Montana CD for $17.00 and 3 new Ipod shuffles to practice. The Ipod Shuffles are on sale for $49.00 each at Target. How much money did they spend for the dance contest. If the grand prize money is $1000.00 and they win. How much money will each girl get after paying for all their expenses?

Sally Jessie Rafaela

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