My Art Philosophy

Art has the power to communicate.  Art is a commentary on society, an observation of the world, or an analysis of art itself.  Art enriches its surroundings and enriches the life of the viewer.  Art is a natural part of life, it influences thought, incites critical thinking and imagination. The ability for art to accomplish this lies in art’s natural tendency to invite criticism from the viewer; art compels its viewer to reflect upon its meaning.  Art has the ability to affect and influence the observer.  Art is an expressive tool, a means of communication, and a dialogue between the artist and the world.  Art is a medium that students can learn to draw on to express their thoughts, concerns, and passions.  

I believe that an art teacher is a facilitator that provides an environment where students have the ability to engage in contemplation, creative experimentation, risk-taking and purposeful inquiry.  I want to give my students guidance and support, and the opportunity to express themselves without fear or apprehension so that they leave high school with confidence in themselves and in their abilities.  My role in the artistic development of my students is to act as a resource and guide, giving my students skills and techniques to aid them in their unique creative process.  I believe that the art classroom is a place where personal expression and individualism should be encouraged and fostered, where students have the opportunity to express themselves creativity and imaginatively.  Art is an integral part of a student’s total educational program.  Art teaches students how to perceive and look; it opens new doors and expands horizons.

I want my students to expand their understanding and appreciation of art.  I want to make art accessible to all students and give them the opportunity to develop their intellectual, personal, emotional, moral, and social potential.  Students will investigate the work of artists and the history of art to examine and discern how people and cultures have used art to convey thought.  I want students to be aware of the role of art in contemporary society and engage in thought provoking discussions.  Art surrounds us on a daily basis, and to be able to interpret all these images is an important life skill.  Students will develop their own personal aesthetic, and gain the vision and insight to interpret art critically.  My students will find their own voice through the expressive medium of art and develop critical thinking skills.  I will encourage students to experience, study, analyze and employ art as a catalyst for change.  I believe that art has the power to convey a message and influence thought.

The environment I would like to provide is one of inclusion and safety.  I will model a supportive atmosphere where students respect each other and feel comfortable sharing their work with their classmates.  It is important that all students see themselves positively reflected in the classroom and in the curriculum regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, ability or disability. My classroom will develop interests and knowledge, and provide a foundation for students to continue their art education.


Michael Turcotte

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