Pantheon: Norse Mythology

The Dwarves are one of the race of dark elves that live in Svartalfheim. They were created from the maggots that fed off the flesh of the dead giant Ymir. The Dwarves live deep in the earth and collect gold, silver and precious gems, which they also hid deep in the earth. The dwarfs are excellent craftsmen and created many items for the gods.

The leader and first created of the Dwarves was Modsognir, his second in command was the second dwarf Durin.

When the sky was created from Ymir's skull, four dwarfs were placed to hold it up they are: Austri [East], Vestri [West], Nordri [North], and Sudri [South].

Other dwarves of note are: Ai, Alf, Althiolf, Alvis, Andvari, Bifur, Bombar, Brok(k), Dain, Dolgthvari, Dori, Draupnir, Duf, Dvalin, Eikinskialdi, Eitri, Fal, Fili, Finn, Fjalar and Galar, Frosti, Fundin, Gandalf, Ginnar, Gloin, Har, Heptifili, Hlediolf, Hor, Hugstari, Ingi, Ivaldi (see Sif), Kili, Lit, Modvitnir, Nain, Nar, Nidi, Niping, Nori, Nyi, Nyr, Nyrad, Oin, Onar, Ori, Radsvinn, Rekk, Siar, Skafinn, Skirpir, Thekk, Thorin, Throin, Thror, Vali, Vig, Vindalf, Virpir, Vitr.

Also known as: Dvergar

See Also: Svartalfar, Freyr

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