Questions on Philosophy of Language emphasizing Wittgenstein


  1. development of philosophy of language and contributions of Russell and Moore
  2. philosophy of language is not meant for doing philosophy but to understand it - explain
  3. referential theory, Emotive theory, Ideational theory, behavioral theory, picture theory, Referential theory, Bearer theory, use theory of meaning
  4. Is the empirical criterion of meaning acceptable? Discuss after Hampel.
  5. ordinary and artificial language philosophy
  6. vagueness and ambiguity of language

7.     meaning of meaning

8.      philosophy of language - its problems

9.      Distinction between meaning and reference. do all meaningful sentences refer to something?

10.  verifiability of meaning. What are the criteria of verifiability? explain.

11.  Rules of language

12. Analytical philosophers and Wittgenstein's views about the justification of religious and metaphysical propositions.

13.  essence of language. wittgenstein's views against the essence of language.

14.  Wittgensteins's views on the relation of the world and freedom of will.

15.  What does Wittgenstein mean by language game

16.  influence of wittgenstein's philosophy on the logical positivists' philosophy

17.  What does Wittgenstein mean by family resemblance? Explain.

18.  conceptual analysis of language

19.  what does Wittgenstein mean by proposition? what is the relation between proposition and truth?

20.  Wittgenstein's influence on the logical positivists

21.  What does Wittgenstein mean by private language?

22.  Discuss Wittgenstein's views of the "Forms of Life"

23. Proposition and elucidation

24.  Wittgenstein's views regarding scepticism

25.  Mention the central point of the Tractatus Logico Philosophicus. Discuss in this connection the purpose and function of Philosophy

26.  "The world consists of facts, not of things" explain this statement after Wittgenstein.

27.  What is logical atomism? Russell and Wittgenstein on logical atomism



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