My Crazy Dog

The Bad-Assed Shepherd-Collie.

My family adopted Holly when she was just over a year old. Who couldn't resist those perky ears?
Many people comment that she looks like a fox...and once, someone said a deer. Go figure.

The more people I meet, the more I like my dog.

Nicknames: Grassroots (for her grass eating behaviour), Holly-Dog, Muscle-Butt, Holly Hunter, Butt-Tuffs, Holly-Bally, Miss Thing...oh yes, some of these are *quite* original.

"The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you but he will make a fool of himself too." --Samuel Butler

Stuff Holly is scared of: thunderstorms, fireworks, the mating calls of toads (we live by a river), the lawn mover and vacuum cleaner, loud cracking/snapping of branches...basically anything louder than a whisper. Also getting a bath by the hose and getting her nails trimmed--she *hates* that. So you may be wondering how she's so "bad-assed"? Well, she acts tough and seems to enjoy picking fights with other dogs that she can't win. Especially any dog that has the nerve to walk down our street!

Holly's special qualities: she knows when to cuddle and has begging down to an artform, playing "tag" with a bucket or deflated ball, sitting "just so" on you that it's cute but very uncomfortable, swimming a horrible doggie paddle and she's gotten me in trouble with the law (not a good thing, but one for the memory books)

Haikus of the Dog Variety

I love my master;

Thus I perfume myself with

This long-rotten squirrel.


I lie belly-up

In the sunshine, happier than

You will ever be.


Today I sniffed

Many dog butts- I celebrate

By kissing your face.


I sound the alarm!

Paperboy-come to kill us all-

Look! Look! Look! Look! Look!

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