Stopwatch ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For once in my life I've done what I should Took this thing by the horns and started something new First time for me but I'm trying to be Something that is real And it feels like this is the end though I know I'm starting again The End by the Philosopher Kings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I didn't say anything after his lips brushed my cheek. Nothing seemed right at the time. How could I absolve the past in the seconds it took for Alex Krycek to leave my apartment? Instead my resolution took seven days, sixteen hours, forty-two minutes and twenty-eight seconds. My eidetic memory kept track of every second, like a stopwatch recording the time of a runner. But instead of a marathon, my mind was running through our past. After the kiss, I sat numbly on my living room floor, ruminating on its meaning, nearly forgetting what was spoken about the Consortium. Then I spent some time contemplating why the kiss took precedence over learning the truth. A new search began that evening. It took me to places I was scared to go; places that I thought were hidden in the dark. I discovered that I could feel something other than hate for a certain man. Alex Krycek had never been an easy guy to like. We met under tense circumstances; accusations of tenacity and naivety were thrown back and forth. Admittedly, he was accurate about my stubbornness, while I secretly admired his eagerness. I was pleased to finally have a partner that didn't discredit all my theories, and Krycek became someone I could trust. Unfortunately, he soon taught me you can't trust anyone. He turned out to be double agent, working towards destroying me. His disappearance was both a relief and a frustration. I didn't want to see the bastard again, but I was desperate for the truth...for the reasons behind his deception. // Will the real Alex Krycek please stand up?// His shadow loomed over me, as I uncovered half-truths about the government. That shadow turned to ice the day my father was murdered. Krycek would feel the sharpness of my anger every time our paths crossed; nothing could melt my determination to make him suffer. I took pleasure in transferring some of my pain onto Krycek's body. My emotional pain became his physical bruising. Blinded by hate, I never noticed the resignation in his eyes or my lack of injuries after such encounters. We both knew I'd used him in Tunguska. I dragged him there just to prove that I had the upper hand in an unvoiced struggle of desire verus deception. It's hard to accept your deepest and darkest fantasies when cold hard facts of betrayal are thrown in your face. You can learn a lot rooting through the garbage with the rats. My father lost his chance to throw out his trash, so it sat rotting away until I stumbled into the mess. I had never doubted that Krycek was my father's murderer, but in time his death became a blessing. And Krycek was the messenger. My internal stopwatch froze the evening I came across Alex Krycek in the park. Finding him meant I no longer had to think of our turbulent past, I could possibly make amends. With a brief kiss, he started a wave of introspection which made me acknowledge that our past comprised little of hate, as I previously assumed. I wanted to stop thinking of all that went wrong, and begin to make things right. I wanted to let go of the past that haunts us both. Krycek sat on a bench, just out of reach from the glare of the park light, but the moon provided me with enough glow to see his silhouette. There was no mistaking his frame, packaged in denim and leather, looking arrogant and sexy at the same time. His posture was casual, but I knew he was always as alert as a cat...watching and waiting for the chance to pounce. I stood no chance at sneaking up behind him, however I found myself walking toward him, trying to be discreet. My heart was racing as I closed the distance between us. Krycek gave no indiction that he knew I was creeping behind him. I reached for my holster hidden under my shirt, but I didn't pull out my gun. Instead I placed my hand on his shoulder, quickly bent over and...licked his ear. Startled, Krycek sprung from the bench, his hand flying to his ear to violently wipe away the moisture. The sight of him rocketing off the bench made me wonder about his state of mind. // Aren't assassins suppose to be cool and collected?// His wayward motion gave me opportunity to move from behind the bench. His leather jacket was bunched up, and I saw no visible gun, although that didn't comfort me. He could've had a knife in his boot or even some elaborate James Bond-ish weapon tucked up his sleeve. However, I decided to take my chances and moved even closer. That's when I noticed his most dangerous weapon. His eyes. Those beautiful, deep sea green eyes which were staring at me in shock. I found myself getting lost in their depths. "Shit, Mulder. What are you doing?" Krycek asked in a husky voice which snapped me from my underwater adventure. I blinked to clear my head, then grinned. "Just returning the favour, Krycek." "The favour? I..." He stopped mid-sentence and his eyes flashed with recognition. A slight blush crept up his cheeks. "Mulder. I...that...umm....that was a Russian thing....." He trailed off, looking very embarrassed. "You're cute when you're flustered." That declaration unnerved him even more, and he blushed again. He looked away, shoving his hands in his jeans pockets. I was enjoying the game of making Alex Krycek uncomfortable. He never failed to unleash the worst in me. If I wasn't hurting him with fists, my words made him shrink away. It was time...and I was start something new. "C'mon. Let's go somewhere else, and you can tell me all about this Russian thing." He stiffened and turned his head to stare at me. I watched as those beautiful eyes turned darker while his body tensed up. He looked ready to fight...or run. It was a stance I was all too familiar with. "Is this a new arresting technique, Mulder? I *am* a wanted felon, you know." "Is that why you're sitting out in the open? Do you want to be caught? I thought you had a world to save." "We. You and I, Mulder. I can't do that alone. Besides, my priorities have changed." "Oh?" I was surprised by his change of heart. He was so passionate that night in my apartment. I was motivated to kick some alien butt. I knew how his speech had altered the last seven days of *my* life, I wondered what had happened to him. His bitterness was alarming. He glanced around as if contemplating his next move, shrugged then started walking. I followed him. Krycek made no gesture to show whether he knew or cared that I was a few steps behind. We walked silently through the park, and I had noticed that we were going toward my apartment block. That's where I wanted to end up, but I was surprised that Krycek had led me there. I doubted his intentions were the same as mine. // Were they?// I smiled when the perfect scenario of what could happen in my apartment came to mind, but how I found Krycek kept nagging at me. "Who were you waiting for?" My voice sounded hollow after the long silence. Krycek met my question with an icy glare. "What makes you think I was waiting for someone? Can't someone enjoy an evening in the park?" "Not if that someone is you, Krycek. You always have another agenda." Krycek spun around and got right in my face. "So what? What do you *want*, Mulder? I'm not in the mood for your little mind fucks, " he snapped. He gave me a shove to prove his point, and I automatically raised my fist in retaliation. He tensed, expecting the blows I would not deliver anymore. // So much for the perfect scenario. // My stomach clenched as I realized how quickly I resorted to my old ways. I lowered my fist slowly, and stole a quick glance at Krycek. He was standing there, intently watching me with his eyes narrowed. "Sorry," I mumbled. "Why? You have another punching bag now?" "No. I don't want to do that to you anymore." Krycek's jaw dropped in surprise, but the apprehension remained in his eyes. Now, I just had to convince him of the truth. No easy task as I'm sure his mind...and body...still remembered my furious attacks. I moved closer, trapping him against a store front window. "Hear me out, Alex." I startled us both by using his first name. I hadn't done that since we were partners. Either my style of persuasion had improved or Krycek was too stunned to think straight, but I sighed in relief when he nodded. "After you left my apartment, I came to the realization that my anger shouldn't have been directed at you, although my fists were. I was angry at our situation. You were set up to take the fall, and to make sure I was pulled down with you. But, we're both still here and there's no denying how that happened." I was close enough to hear his breath quicken as he took a dry swallow. I raised my right hand again, but to flick aside a stray strand of hair from Alex's eyes. I left my hand on his face to gently caress his flushed cheekbone. "You saved us. Why?" Under my touch, I felt Alex shudder and watched as he regained his composure. He licked his lips, swallowed again, then opened his mouth only to quickly shut it again. I saw him fighting his desire to speak, so I prodded him gently. "Alex. What is it? Please tell me." "I," he paused, glancing away but keeping his head still. I hadn't removed my hand, as I felt Alex nuzzle into my palm. I rubbed my thumb across his earlobe, bringing his attention back to me. "I was only saving *you*, Mulder." It was my turn to be taken aback. I had never expected such a honest admission, considering I had him confined against a wall, leaving no escape. Until that night, there was no reason for him to believe that I wouldn't hurt him again. // Was he suffering from the same doubts I'd had?// I figured there was only one way to know for sure. As I leaned forward, I lifted his chin slightly to brush my lips lightly against his. When I pulled away, his tongue slipped out to lick away the moisture. My cock rose in approval of that response. In return, I gave him another kiss, nipping at his lips and trying to probe deeper inside, but Alex pulled away. "What are you doing, Mulder?" That question again, but with a softer tone that made my cock twitch. "Trying to get you home, Alex. Will you come?" He responded by taking my hand in his, and lowered it to the front of his jeans. I felt his arousal, as he growled, "Yeah, I think so." ~~~~~~ He didn't let go of my hand as we traveled the last few blocks to my apartment. In the elevator, we remained silent. Alex rubbed his thumb across the back of my hand while I stared at our entwined fingers, shocked that my perfect scenario was working out after all. Inside my apartment, I stopped just inside the door. Before Alex could attempt to end the hand holding, I brought his hand up to kiss a faded scar I had located earlier in the elevator. I glanced up to see him staring at me, his bottom lip caught between his teeth. The look sent a jolt right to my groin, despite seeing a flash of uncertainty in Alex's eyes. But he kept my gaze, and I noticed his jaw clenching in contemplation. "Do you want this, Alex?" It had to be real for the both of us. The guilt I had over beating him, coupled with the seduction would tear me apart. I moved my right hand up to his shoulder, letting my fingers caress his arm. He then nodded his consent, and I repeated the action with my another hand, so we ended up looking like a reluctant dance pair. I led him backward to the couch, slipping off his jacket in the process. When Alex's legs hit the couch, he lowered himself down, pulling me along with a tight grasp of the front of my shirt. We knocked heads and I laughed into his hairline. He laughed too, but it ended in a muffled groan. I raised my head to find myself staring into a lustful gaze, that no doubt resembled my own. I leaned forward and brushed my lips against his sweaty brow. His skin tasted salty and sweet at the same time. His nipples tightened in appreciation as my hands roamed his shirt clad chest. I stopped my ministrations when Alex placed his hands on top of mine, and spoke softly, "I think we need to get this under way, Mulder." He placed my hands in his lap, and reached for the corners of his shirt, pulling it off quickly. I immediately went back to worshiping his body, placing small kisses on his collarbone, down his chest to his erect nipples. Alex encouraged me to continue, nuzzling my hair with his chin and moving my head further down his body. I was no longer sure who was seducing who, but I accepted my role like an affectionate cat. I rubbed my face across his rib cage, my tongue making his skin ripple with small goose bumps. As I moved lower, my chin brushed his denim-covered erection. I pressed more firmly into the fabric which resulted in a loud moan from above. His response gave me courage to undo his zipper and button of his jeans. I spread the material open, and traced the bulge outlined in the soft cotton underwear with my finger. I groaned, bowing my head to breathe in his musky scent. Without a word spoken, Alex raised his hips to allow me to remove his jeans and underwear. I blew softly onto his uncovered shaft, and watched it twitch in response, precum oozing out of the slit. I gathered up some of his essence with my thumb to taste the bittersweet flavour. My ambition increased with the taste, I wanted more of Alex. Gripping the bottom of his erection, I swirled my tongue around the head, concentrating my licks to the sensitive underside. Alex's hips thrust upward, and I accepted more of his pulsing cock into my mouth, as my throat muscles relaxed to the invasion. Alex begun to writhe and pant heavily under my attentions. Selfishly, I held down his hips to keep him inside my mouth. His silky skin rubbed across my lips, and I moaned around the swollen shaft. I began sucking, making sure my teeth didn't graze him at all. Small grunts of pleasure let me know Alex was appreciating my efforts, and his hand in my hair kept me concentrating on the task. My own penis was straining against my underwear, begging for attention, but I ignored my own arousal. I saved that for round two. Alex let me know he was close to orgasm by tightening his grip in my hair, while attempting to shove a hole in the back of my throat with a strong thrust. With a groan, his balls tightened and his come shot down my throat in salty waves. I licked his spent member clean, grinning to myself, despite the discomfort in my pants. I looked up when I sensed his eyes on me. Alex smirked and bent down so that we were face-to-face. He proceeded to kiss me fully and tenderly, not bothered by his own taste . When I thought I was going to pass out, he withdrew his tongue, and gave me another chaste kiss on my lips. "That's what I should've done a week ago." We both laughed while I picked myself off the floor, and sat down beside Alex. Something bothered me about our earlier discussion in the park, so I bought up the subject cautiously. "What did you mean when you said your priorities had changed?" Alex cocked his head, and shyly grinned at me. "This. This is what I meant, Mulder. I wanted you. I wasn't sure if you felt the same way. But obviously, you do." Alex confirmed his observation by stroking the bulge in my pants. I groaned, my lips trailing a path across his chin to his lips. We kissed passionately, as his hand continued to massage my cock through the thin material of my pants. But before I could let us carry on to our inevitable consummation, I had to know one more thing. "One last question," I panted, my head resting on his shoulder. "Hmm...?" Alex's hand snuck into the waistband of my pants, and I almost didn't get the question out before his hand wrapped around my erection. "How did I sneak up on you in the park?" "I let you, Mulder. I let you." END .