Title: Don't Forget Me When I'm Gone Author: Jennifer Fandom: OAT/XF Pairing: Victor/Mulder Rating: NC-17 Disclaimers: Not mine. These lovely men belong to some TV people--Alliance/Woo and 1013/Carter. Notes: Involves some uncharacteristic behaviour. Possible sequel to explain all that. Title borrowed from Glass Tiger. Thanks to Amy & Nicole, my beta delights. Any remaining mistakes can be blamed on me. Feedback? Sure at gemvir@execulink.com This is my first slash attempt. I'll accept words of encouragement, especially if you're looking for that mentioned sequel. Fox Mulder stepped out of the Queen Street Second Cup with his third cup of strong black coffee of the evening. As he held the door open for a woman with a stroller, he glanced across the street and dropped his cup in surprise. The hiss of the hot coffee hitting the cold pavement could not cover the sputter of alarm that rose to his lips. // Krycek. What the hell is that bastard doing in Toronto?// Recovering from the surprise of seeing his arch enemy and one time lover, Mulder sprang into action, almost running over a squeegee kid in his haste to follow the man of his nightmares...and many wet dreams. ~~~~ Victor Mansfield was in a good mood. Even though his lover Mac was out of town on personal business, nothing could dampen the ex-cop turned thief’s spirits. He and Mac were three months into a relationship that started with some wild sexual encounters in all the wrong places, making it hard to keep a straight face in the Director’s office. But it had soon progressed into a sweet and loving romance. The wild sex was still a constant however. Vic wasn’t new to having sex with men, but with Mac it was so much better. He always surprised Vic with new ways to make him scream out his lover’s name. When Mac left for Vancouver, Vic promised him he would return the favour tenfold. Vic smiled at the thought of greeting Mac at the door in nothing but a strategically placed...well, *nothing* seemed best. Distracted by the thought of a wild night with Mac, Victor suddenly lost his balance as he was grabbed from behind and shoved into an alley. ~~~~ Mulder was completely focused on the man a few paces ahead of him. He couldn’t help but notice that Krycek had switched from his usual black ensemble to a rather flattering blue jeans and green shirt look. Even Krycek’s usual stoic scowl was replaced by an almost goofy grin. // What have you been up to Krycek?// Mulder shook his head in amazement and fixed his gaze on the sexy jean covered ass wiggling only a few steps away. His pants quickly became very uncomfortable, but he had no time to adjust himself. As the man in front of him slowed, Mulder quickened his pace, his racing blood heading straight for his groin. Regardless of the danger of being detected, he knew he had to react now or lose the chance to get Krycek off the lighted street. As Krycek passed an alley, Mulder raced up and caught hold of his shirt sleeve and yanked him in. He slammed the younger man face first into a large garbage bin, pinning him effectively against his body. “I think you’re slipping Krycek. I’ve been following you for blocks.” Mulder hissed into his captive’s ear. “What the hell are you doing here? Get run outta Dodge?” He slammed the body under him again into the garbage bin to feel the man’s ass rub against him. He almost let out a groan. ~~~~ Although Victor was caught by surprise, he easily recovered from the sudden blows. He began to twist his way out of the loose hold, but stopped when he felt the unmistakable bulge against his ass // Oh shit!// Victor tensed up, ready to make a hasty exit if this case of mistaken identity got out of hand. However his curiosity got the better of him. He wondered what this Krycek fellow did to this man to get him so worked up...and aroused. “Get the fuck off me! What do you want?” Victor’s attempt to turn his head to his captor was met with another violent push. This time into the neighbouring brick wall. “Don’t play stupid with me, Krycek! I’m not here to play games. Why are *you* here?” His attacker ground his hips into Vic’s backside. This time the man groaned out loud. Victor smirked at the man’s obvious arousal. “I can tell you’re not here for games.” Vic had no idea why he said that, and he even surprised himself by pushing back into the stranger. Victor’s cock began pushing at his zipper, and he wiggled at the sudden discomfort. He desperately wished he had a free hand. The stranger must have read his mind, because Victor felt an arm snake around his waist and cup his denim covered erection. Vic moaned in response. “I think we both know what game we’re playing tonight, Alex.” The stranger violently spun Victor around, grabbed at the sides of his face and probed his month with such force that Vic thought he’d choke on his own tongue. But instead of pushing away, Victor found himself melting into the strong embrace. Victor even relaxed and began to stroke the man’s back, down to his lovely round ass. He gave it a little squeeze which made the man kiss him even deeper. Their tongues were doing a dirty dancing number inside Victor’s mouth as both their erections became increasingly more uncomfortable. Surprising both him and his captor, Victor fondled the front of the man’s dress pants, searching for a way inside. He wanted to touch him without any restraining material. “Please...let me...touch you.” Victor watched as the man practically tore out the crotch of his pants to let Vic grab hold of his now weeping member. The man’s breath hitched when Vic began caressing every inch of his beautiful cock. Victor’s fingers trailed lightly down the underside of the engorged flesh before giving it a tight squeeze. The man groaned and reached for Victor’s hand. Victor’s eyes widened when he felt a light kiss on his palm. “That felt so good, Alex. But I want more. I want to be *in* you.” Victor was caught off guard at his attacker’s sudden tenderness, however he nodded and smiled shyly. He couldn’t remember the last time he had felt so reckless. // I want this gorgeous stranger in me.// Victor turned to face the wall, bracing himself as he spread his legs slightly. His gut tightened in nervous anticipation when he felt the stranger lean against his back to pull down his zipper. He yelped when cool air touched his legs, his ass and his cock all at once. The man had wasted no time and yanked down his jeans. Victor shivered when he felt the man’s cock brush against his opening. “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll warm you up real quick.” Victor had no chance to change his mind. The man had quickly gathered all the precum from his and Victor’s cock and began probing his coated finger inside Victor. Soon a second finger joined in the search for that special spot. Vic let out a gasp when the fingers hit their target. “Oh...yeah...uhhh...deeper...yeah.” Victor moaned and shifted his weight to receive the full penetration of the exploring fingers. As Vic leaned back, the man licked up his neck and roughly bit his earlobe. The pain went straight to Victor’s weeping member and he knew he was close. “Don’t stop. I--I’m so close.” The man gave one final lick to Victor’s neck as he moved his hips into position. With one hard thrust, he pushed his way into Victor’s tight opening. Victor let out a scream at the sudden violation of his thoroughly worked hole as his muscles clenched around the large member inside. The stranger chuckled. “Has it been that long, Alex?” He grabbed onto Victor’s hips and began pounding even harder into him. If anyone passed close enough to the alley, they would surely hear the slapping of bare flesh and small grunts of pleasure coming from both men. Since the man was ignoring Victor’s cock, he grabbed onto it and began to stroke it feverishly in response to the thrusts behind him. Victor wouldn’t last much longer. His balls were so tight. The combined pleasure and pain was so intense, that he felt almost light headed. Victor began to shake as his orgasm traveled up his spine. He came with such force that some of his seed splashed back from the wall onto his naked waist and hand. His ass cheeks clenched even tighter around the man’s cock as the orgasm swept through every pore of his body. The stranger sensed the tightening heat of Victor’s ass, and drove his pulsating member deeper. It took only two more thrusts until the man’s own orgasm crashed through his body. He spilled his juice into Victor as he continued to pump in and out. Victor felt the stranger’s spent organ slip out of his ass. He sighed at the absence of it. // That was incredible. And I don’t even know this guy’s name.// His brow creased at the thought. He just realized he had sex with a stranger. In an alley, no less. His thoughts were broken by a kiss on his lips. “Thank you, Alex. That was wonderful.” Victor raised his hand and stroked the stranger’s face. He wanted to take a good look at the man who had just fucked him against an alley wall. He was gorgeous--hazel eyes and a pouty mouth. Not a man who needed to pull a stranger into an alley for some fun. But to him, Victor was no stranger. // Who is this Alex Krycek guy?// “You’re welcome, handsome.” Victor couldn’t resist pulling the man in for one more searing kiss. This was a night he wouldn’t soon forget. “Don’t forget me when I’m gone.” ~~~~ Mulder left Krycek standing in the alley without another word spoken between them. Mulder knew they would meet again. They always did. The End ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Looking for the latest consumer electronic gadgets or computer equipment? eBay has thousands of audio equipment, computer games & accessories. You never know what you might find at eBay! http://clickhere.egroups.com/click/1142 The latest version of the FAQ can be found at http://members.aol.com/aqualegia/termafaq.html The TER/MA website URL is: http://members.tripod.com/~ter_ma/