Title: Apartment 42 Author: Jennifer Pairing: M/K Rating: R Spoilers: None. This is my Mary Sue tale and occurs in my own timeline. Feel free to use canon to explain actions, since a betraying we will go. :) Disclaimers: 1013 & Fox get money for these characters, not I. Feedback: I'm forever grateful. gemvi-@execulink.com Notes: Thanks to Nicole S and Trela for fabulous beta! Summary: What if Mulder moved away... Apartment 42 The satisfying click of the door lock yielding to his pick brought a smile to Alex Krycek's face. With the stealth of a cat, he made his way into the dark apartment. The first thing Alex noticed was the absence of the bluish glow radiating from the fish tank. In fact, the tank was not even there! In its place was a cage in which a rat was happily munching on a sunflower seed. Alex could just make out its hairless tail in the moonlight. Shaking his head at the strange, yet highly complimentary choice of a new pet his ex-lover made, Alex surveyed the rest of the apartment. // Thank god!// The leather couch was still present, however the surrounding furnishings were all new. Actually, the living room had taken on rather un-Mulder-like qualities. There were a few framed movie posters on the wall, a dying plant sat on the coffee table along with a stack of magazines---none of them featuring naked people on the cover. "What the hell? Did Mulder get himself a girlfriend? I know I've been out of the country for six months, but...fuck," Alex muttered to himself, as he moved on to check the rest of the apartment. In the kitchen, the cupboards were fully stocked, and the fridge looked like it carried a year supply of Pepsi. The bedroom had definite signs of a woman presence. Cotton pyjamas were thrown carelessly onto the rumpled bed sheets, 8-hole Doc Martens boots were laying near the opened closet door. Inside the closet, there were many outfits in different shades of green, blue, black and brown. Alex ignored the obvious lack of Mulder's suits or other belongings. Moving back into the living room, Alex headed to the entertainment unit. Instead of Mulder's porno tapes, there were videotapes carefully labeled "Once a Thief" and "Oz", which only began a rather extensive movie collection. Alex took a few moments to scan the titles. // Whoever this girl is, she's got excellent taste.// From the corner of his eye, Alex noticed a few picture frames sitting on the top shelf. Just as he was about to take a closer look at one, he heard a key rattling at the lock. Startled, Alex quickly positioned himself behind the front door, his gun by his side. A faint whiff of perfume greeted his nostrils as a figure entered the dark apartment. Temporarily forgetting that someone besides Mulder could be walking through the door, Alex raised his gun and rested it against the figure's head. "Doing some redecorating, are we?" was Alex's sarcastic greeting. With reflexes sharper than a man Mulder's age, the figure whipped around, grabbed Alex's gun and hit him solidly along the jaw with it. Alex went flying. When his eyes finally adjusted, he found himself looking into the barrel of his own gun; held calmly by a pretty, yet pissed off looking woman. "Who the fuck are you?" she snarled. "I could ask you the same question." Alex made a move to get up, but stopped when he heard his gun cocking. "Isn't this Fox Mulder's apartment?" "Don't move---or ask questions. This is *my* place, and I have the right to shoot you right here. No further conversation required." "So, why don't you?" At the surrendering tone of his voice, Alex noticed a slight shift in the woman's concentration, but chose to remain still. If the woman was going to shoot him, she would've done it by now. // Besides, she probably knows where the hell Mulder is.// The woman just shook her head in amazement. "You're a cocky bastard, aren't you? Obviously Mr. Mulder no longer lives here. This has been my apartment, as of three months ago." "Oh. Oops." Alex shrugged a mock apology, then raised his arms in surrender. "Could you let me up, then? I won't hurt you. I'm looking for Mulder. Besides you have my gun...and some very impressive moves." // Maybe I can flirt my way outta here.// Alex grinned devilishly up at the woman and rubbed his jaw to prove his point. Not surprisingly, the grin seemed to work its magic. The woman gestured with the gun for him to move. Alex scrambled to his feet, while his gun was still trained on his chest. "Where did you learn to hit like that?" "In a self defense class. My parents wouldn't let me move out here without taking the program. They're just slightly overprotective." The woman shrugged and smiled shyly. Alex noticed the woman had relaxed some more, but still made no move to overtake her. He had to get some information out of her first. "So Mulder moved, huh? Funny, I never expected that from him. Where is he now?" The woman's brow creased as she took stock of the man in front of her. Obviously his appearance did not send supreme warning signals to this woman. // Maybe she loves a guy in leather. // Alex relaxed his posture and flashed a warm smile to the woman. Within seconds, Alex noticed a change in the woman's eyes. He often saw the same look on Mulder's face. It was one of pure animal lust. Alex watched as the woman lowered the gun to her side. "I've been forwarding his mail to some address in Alberta." "Alberta?! Isn't Mulder still with the FBI?" Alex squeaked. "Look. All I know is Mr. Mulder needed this place rented out ASAP. I needed a place to live, and voila! Here I am. If Mulder is your friend, which I highly doubt considering you broke in here, I'm sure he would have told you his reasons for leaving D.C.." "Ms...?" Alex heard a soft sigh of resignation leave the woman's lips, before she responded. "Vaughn. Becky. You're?" "Alex Krycek." Alex held out his hand. Becky uncocked the gun, shoved it into the back of her jeans, and self-consciously wiped her hand on her shirt, before she shook Alex's hand firmly. "Strange way to meet someone, eh?" Both laughed and Becky's remaining apprehension faded away. "Yeah. Listen, Becky. I *really* need to see Mulder. Could you give me his forwarding address?" "Sure, I guess. I don't know how much it'll help, though. It's only a box number." "Shit. I don't suppose he left a phone number, did he?" "Umm, let me check." Although Alex had broken into her apartment searching for Mulder, Becky was willing to help. It wasn't hard to tell from Krycek's desperation that he and Mulder had an interesting past together. In her desk drawer, Becky found the slip of paper that had Mulder's new address and number. "Here it is." She held it just out of reach of Alex's waiting fingers---teasing him by waving it in the air. "Before I give this to you, I want to know why you want to see him." She laughed and easily sidestepped Alex's attempt to lunge for the paper. Alex groaned inwardly. "It's a long story, but the gist is I'm his lover. Well ex-lover, but I'm trying to change that. That's why I need to see him." "Uh-huh. Now that's an oldie but a goodie. Tell me more." After a considerably long story, in which Alex slightly embellished---and edited---to get a sympathy vote, Becky was near tears, and easily gave up the treasured piece of paper. "Wow. You two sound made for each other." Alex nodded. "May I use your phone?" "Sure. Oh, wait. I have a message. Let me listen to it, and then the phone's all yours." In Alex's mind, he had already dialed the number and was waiting to hear Mulder's voice on the other end. His eyes widened when he heard Mulder's voice fill the apartment. "Hello, Ms. Vaughn. This is Fox Mulder. Don't bother with this week's mail. I'm actually coming into D.C tomorrow. My flight gets in at four o'clock. If there's no problem, I'll drop by around six, all right? Bye." Alex was stunned. He suddenly felt anxious and unprepared to see his ex-lover. It was easier to be in control of the situation---lead off with a surprise attack. Now he felt Mulder had the upper hand, and was disconcerting. // I'm making the biggest mistake of my life.// "Well, imagine that. Your friend is coming to see *you* instead. Must be fate...." Becky trailed off when she caught sight of Alex. He was trembling. "Alex? Are you okay?" She walked over and cautiously put her hand on his arm. "Alex?" "I can't...I...H-He won't want to see me. We were just fucking around. I fell for him---hard---but he wanted nothing to do with me. I betrayed him before. He'll just expect me to do it again." "Then why did you come here?" "I wanted to tell him I was sorry. Sorry for hurting him, for ever coming into his life. To make a wrong a right...somehow..." Alex was practically sobbing now. Becky moved in front of him, wrapped her arms around him to hug him tight. Alex slumped into her grasp. It took all of Becky's strength to drag him to the couch. "S'okay, Alex. Just breathe. I'm sure you two can work it out. Mr. Mulder seems to be a reasonable man..." Alex became agitated by that comment and broke free of Becky's calming embrace. "No! It won't happen. What the hell was I thinking? I gotta go..." Alex's rant was stopped by a bruising kiss to his lips. He broke free and sputtered. "W-w-w-why'd you do that?" The shock of receiving affection from Becky, highly visible on his face. "I had to stop you from making a big mistake. From what you told me, I think there's something between you and Mulder that has to be explored. Good or bad, you need to know the truth. *Both* of you need to know. Besides, I love self-depreciating men." Becky grinned, then laughed when she got a strange, teary-eyed look in response. "Oh, come on. It's not the end of the world. Why don't you sleep on it? If you really can't go through with it, I'll let you go." "You'll *let* me go? What's stopping me?" Alex demanded incredulously. "Well, I still have possession of your gun...." "You wouldn't..." Becky shook her head. "No. I'm not that callous. I don't know you at all, but I *do* know the pain of regrets. Leaving is something I think you'll regret. The couch is yours...well actually it's Mulder's but you knew that, didn't you? Just sleep here, okay?" The evening was full of surprises for Alex. He'd expected Mulder to walk through the door, beginning their dance of words and fists. Instead he was overtaken by a gutsy young woman, who told him Mulder had disappeared to Canada. Becky took his word at face value, and allowed him to stay; to confront Mulder in her own apartment. // I wish I was that tenacious. I just want to run away. But, maybe Becky has a point. I already regret too much in my life. It's time to make this right. If only for myself.// Becky watched Alex slump in defeat and nod slightly. She got up to locate a spare blanket and a pillow, and handed them to Alex, who took them silently. "Believe me, Alex. You'll appreciate this in the morning. Night." ***The next morning*** Becky was bustling around her kitchen, getting ready for work, when Alex sleepily walked into the same room. "Hi. Morning. Sleep well?" Alex stretched, and shook his head. "Actually, no. I was thinking about what you said last night. Though every nerve in my body is telling me to run, my heart is telling me to stay. I've always followed my gut, but I can't run anymore. It might not be pretty, but I'm going to tell Mulder the truth." "That's great, Alex. Really. It will work out, I can feel it." Becky glanced at the microwave clock. "Oh shit, I'm running late. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen. There's clean towels behind the bathroom door for a shower. Just make yourself at home, and I'll see you about five, okay?" The last orders were spoken in a breathless, rushed tone. Before Becky hurried out the kitchen, she leaned toward Alex and gave him a quick kiss on the forehead. "Bye. And don't worry." Alex smiled and touched his forehead. // What a strange woman.// He couldn't believe that after breaking into her apartment, Becky was going out of her way to help him with his personal crisis. She could've kicked him out, or called the police, or worse // better?// shot him dead. He would definitely have to find a special way to thank her. Taking Becky's advice, Alex helped himself to a breakfast of toast, four cups of strong coffee, and some orange juice. He continued making himself at home as prescribed by his hostess, and headed for the bathroom. The shower stall was equipped with a massaging shower head, so Alex took his time cleaning himself up. He groaned as his muscles began to loosen under the hot water and his gentle scrubbing. Alex's cock began to harden when he started fantasizing that Mulder's hands were the source of the soft caresses. He stroked his length until he came with a low moan. When the water became cool, he stepped out to dry off. He hissed a little when the soft material brushed his sensitive organ. Alex kicked his clothes out of the steamed up bathroom, hating the fact he had to put on the dirty clothes again. Since he was alone, he decided to remain wrapped up in the towel for the rest of the day. To occupy his time, Alex chose a suspense film from Becky's collection. The complicated plot, however, did little to deter Alex from reflecting on his upcoming moment of truth. He doubted Mulder would forgive him outright, but perhaps with a little prodding // begging?// he'd get Mulder to understand he had no choice. He was just following orders. He was trying to keep Mulder alive. Honest. Alex shook himself out of his reverie and stared up at the ceiling. // Will Mulder believe me this time?// ***Same day, 5:30 p.m.*** Becky came home to find Alex nervously pacing around her living room. She noticed he had his gun tucked into his waistband. "Alex, give me the gun. You don't need it now." "You don't know that. Mulder could have a gun. I'd be dead in a second without mine close by." "No, Alex. Mulder won't kill you. I'll be here. I'll be your protection." Becky was surprised at the mothering feeling she felt to this grown man. Alex was openly terrified. She held out her hand for the weapon. Reluctantly, Alex handed Becky his gun. He made a mental note of where she placed it, in case the evening required some reinforcements. The gun stash came none too soon, as both jumped at the knock at the door. Becky motioned for Alex to hide to the bedroom as she went to let Fox Mulder in. "Hi, Mr. Mulder. It's nice to see you again. How was your trip?" Becky gestured for Mulder to step inside the apartment. Through the opening of his overcoat she noticed a gun holster, which frightened her. She silently wished she let Alex keep his gun. Becky wasn't hoping for a shoot out in her living room, but she wanted Alex to have a fighting chance. She looked nervously in the direction of her bedroom. Fox Mulder picked up on Becky's nervousness, but didn't comment. "It was pleasant enough. Thanks. So, how's things? The apartment looks great." He walked confidently into the apartment, like it was still his. "Things are good. Make yourself at home. Want a drink?" "Sure, anything is fine." Becky took her time in the kitchen getting the drink, figuring Alex would take the opportunity to make himself visible. He did. "Hello, Mulder." Becky rushed into the living room, just in time to see Mulder reach for his gun. She expected a shot to ring out, but Alex had already crossed the living room, and hit the weapon out of the shocked man's hands. The gun skittered across the floor, stopping under the entertainment unit. "Krycek! You fucking bastard! What are you doing here?" The two men circled each other, their fists clenching, each waiting for the other to strike. "Just catching up with an old friend." Alex jerked his head toward Becky, who was still frozen in the entry way, and smiled at her. Mulder looked startled at the sight of the woman, as he completely forgot this was Becky's apartment. He shook his head and began to urge Becky to leave, not realizing the full extent of her participation. "Becky, please. Get out of here. This man is dangerous." Becky was about to protest, when Alex blurted out, "No. I want her to stay here, Mulder." "Why? As a witness?" Alex laughed. "Perhaps." The laugh made Mulder snap. He took a lunge at Alex, swinging wildly. His punches met with little resistance as they bruised skin and muscle while both men tumbled onto the floor. Mulder didn't slow down when he heard Becky give out a shriek, but he did stop when he felt a hand grope his crotch. "Feel that, Mulder? You like to hit me, eh? Makes you hard?" The accusation made Mulder furious. He grabbed the collar of Alex's shirt and yanked him straight off the floor. Mulder was going to pound Alex again, when he heard a gun cock behind his ear. While the two men were occupied, Becky had run over to where she stashed Alex's weapon. "I wouldn't do that. Put him down, or I'll put a bullet in your head." Both Mulder and Alex had mirrored shocked expressions of their faces, but Alex's soon turned into a grin. "I'd do as she says, Mulder. I've already met her once in this position." Mulder reluctantly loosened his hold on Alex, and stepped away from his sworn enemy. Alex staggered up from the floor, wiped the blood oozing out of a few nasty facial cuts onto his sleeve, and moved behind the gun-toting Becky. He reached for the gun, but Becky pulled away. "No, Alex. I'll keep this on him, while you tell him why you're here." "*Why* he's here? What? Was this planned or something?" "Silly, Mulder. Remember *you* called to come over and play. I was already a guest." Alex decided to have some fun with Mulder while he could. "Take a seat, *Fox*. I have something to say to you." "I don't have to listen to you and all your lies! You're a bas..." "Oh, but you do, Mulder. You see, we have the gun. Now shut up." Mulder sank himself down into the leather couch, and glared as Alex made his way around the coffee table. With the back of his knees, Alex maneuvered the table away from the trapped man, so he could sit comfortably in front of Mulder. He reached forward and caressed his ex-lover's right thigh. Mulder jerked away, trying to keep his growing erection away from Alex's view and roaming hands. Mulder's eidetic memory was both a blessing and a curse. There was no way Mulder would forget Alex's betrayal, but he didn't ignore his apology either. It was just hard to believe during their most intense---and final---argument. When Alex walked out of his life, Mulder was happy to physically move on. But his mind wouldn't let Alex go. Every moment Mulder spent with Alex was constantly played back in his mind, until he finally heard the apology for what it was--- a sincere attempt to tell Mulder the truth. Alex wasn't acting on his own accord, he was merely a pawn. Looking back, Mulder realized many of Alex's criminal acts actually saved his ass. Remorse quickly overcame Mulder. He desperately tried to find Alex, to tell him he believed him; but when Alex didn't want to be found, there was no chance to locate him. Mulder resigned himself to a life alone, up in Canadian wilderness. Now that Alex was sitting in front of him, Mulder was flooded with emotions. He wasn't shocked that anger boiled out of him first, considering the anguish Alex put him through. It still hurt, but Mulder was ready to forgive. He had no idea what Alex had to say to him, but he was ready to listen this time. "You haven't forgotten how good I can make you feel, have you Mulder? We had a good thing going..." "Until you betrayed me. And left me." Alex sighed. "I told you I was sorry, Mulder. I told you I was just following orders. I *told* you I love you." "And I suppose that was an order too? Screw with my emotions? Tell me what I wanted to hear?" Mulder whispered his confession, afraid to hear it himself. // Whoa. Wait a minute. What did he just say? This suddenly got very interesting.// "You *wanted* to hear that? God, Mulder. Why didn't you tell me? It's the truth. I wanted you the moment I laid eyes on you. It destroyed me when they told me their orders. I had to do it to save you. I wish you'd believe me." With his mind temporarily absent of any lingering memories, Mulder heard the sincerity in Alex's voice. His heart started to pound in his chest, and his breath quickened. Part of him had doubts, but he needed to believe Alex this time. He wanted Alex in his life again. For better or worse. "I do." Alex groaned at the admission. He leaned forward and fastened his lips to Mulder's, stopping any further words from being uttered. Alex reached down to stroke Mulder's groin through the thick jean material, but his hand was grabbed instead. "Wha?" Alex broke the kiss, wondering if this was all a big mistake. Mulder chuckled at Alex's forlorn expression. "Relax, Alex. We're not done yet. I just think we need to get more comfortable first." Realizing she had just become a spontaneous witness to a normally private moment, Becky decided she should help the two men reconcile in comfort. "You can have my bed." Becky's shaky voice came from behind them. Alex turned to see a flushed Becky smiling at the two men. "Go on. If you don't leave now, I'm going to insist I join in." Both men's jaws dropped at Becky's carefree suggestion, which made her giggle. "I'm kidding. This night is for you." The aroused men quickly untangled themselves from each other to make their way to the bedroom. Alex stopped in front of Becky to kiss her deeply on the lips. He mouthed 'thank you' as Mulder pulled him toward the bedroom. Becky licked her lips, sighed and began to ready herself for a sleepless night on the couch. Not because the couch was uncomfortable, but how could she sleep with two hot guys screwing in the next room, on her bed? She would definitely have a few wet dreams tonight. The End