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Phantom Of The Opera Mask
Phantom Of The Opera

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Erik from Phantom Of The Opera

Erik from Phantom Of The Opera was the villain  in a multitude of different movies, and also musicals of the same name.   Below you will find information about that movie and my critique - keep in mind this is my opinion only.  Also I have just included the main characters in my cast - who remembers the others anyway!

"Only love and music are forever"

-=-Phantom of the Opera-=- 

Written by:
Gaston Leroux


You will notice there is no cast list.  Phantom Of The Opera has been made into many films, many musicals, and is widely known.  The most recent movie of the same name was done in 1989, but the storyline had been changed so much as to be almost unrecognizable.  Robert Englund (aka Freddy Krueger) starred as Erik, who is not the victim of an accident, but sold his soul for supernatural powers.  It was a good movie in itself, but totally bastardized the original and was a letdown for all Phantom fans. My suggestion to you would be to read the book or go to the musical, although the best one was with Michael Crawford (aka Frank, from Some Mother's Do Have 'Em).  Brilliant voice.  If memory serves me correctly the lead woman was actually Sarah Brightman.   I feel the Phantom warranted a mention in the movie villain profile.  If you are interested in knowing what it's actually about, it's the story of a slightly maladjusted musician (ok he's mostly just crazy) who hides in the labyrinth of one of the famous Paris Opera Houses.  Everybody refers to him as the "Opera Ghost" which refers to all the strange goings-on around the Opera at times.  He falls in love with Christine a beautiful opera singer.  He knows she will never feel anything for him due to an accident which left him with half of his face horribly scarred (this is where the mask comes in), so he kidnaps her and tries to live below the Opera House hoping she will develop feelings for him.  Depending on which movie you watch, she does or she doesn't.  I'm not giving the original ending away.  The would be sacrilegious!

Rated: 9/10 


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