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Heeeeer's Johnny....oops I mean Jack Torrance from The Shining


John 'Jack' Daniel Torrance was  the villain in this movie.   Below you will find information about that movie and my critique - keep in mind this is my opinion only.  Also I have just included the main characters in my cast - who remembers the others anyway!

"Heeere’s Johnny!"

-=-The Shining (1980)-=- 

Directed by:
Stanley Kubrick

Written by:
Diane Johnson
Stanley Kubrick 


Jack Nicholson


John 'Jack' Daniel Torrance
Shelley Duvall


Wendy Torrance
Danny Lloyd


Daniel 'Danny' Anthony Torrance
Scatman Crothers


Richard 'Dick' Hallorann 
Philip Stone


Delbert Grady



Awesome movie.  I'm sure you will recognize Stephen King's hand in here (he wrote the original novel of the same name).  Jack was such a nice guy....until he became a psychotic killer.  I think I was too young to see this movie when I did as it gave me some really awful nightmares.  Jack's first mistake was to accept the position of caretaker with his family at the Overlook Hotel for the months of winter *after* being told what happened to the last caretaker last winter (do I mention here that the last guy took an axe to his wife and 2 daughters then a shotgun to his own head?).  You just *know* it's a big mistake to take the job, then again there'd be no movie if he said "Nice job, but no thanks I don't want it....<end of scene> <end of movie>!!!".  He arrives with his wife and young son, Danny, who it happens has a special psychic power that when given the final tour by the chef, Dick, he is taken aside and told he has "The Shining" and they develop a special bond.  The weeks pass with each of the family members having some form of scary hallucination and visions of the past in the Hotel.  Jack begins his slow and inexorable decent into madness, with the help of whiskey and the ghost of the last psychotic caretaker who is helping the situation by encouraging Jack to "discipline" his wayward family.  Want to know what happens?  Rent the video :)

Rated: 9/10 

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