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Castor Troy


Castor Troy


Castor Troy


Castor Troy

Movie Villains Heading


Castor Troy from Face-Off

Castor Troy was the bad guy in this brilliant movie called Face-Off.  Below you will find information about that movie and my critique - keep in mind this is my opinion only.


-=-Face-Off (1997)-=- 

Directed by:
John Woo

Writing by:
Mike Werb
Michael Colleary


Nicolas Cage


Castor Troy/Sean Archer
Alessandro Nivola


Pollux Troy 
John Travolta


Sean Archer/Castor Troy 
Joan Allen


Dr. Eve Archer
Dominique Swain


Jamie Archer 
Robert Wisdom


Tito Biondi 


One of my favourites - so much so I watched my video of it just 2 nights ago (yes it's nearly wearing out too).  Just love the character of Castor Troy.  Very loveable, albeit a tad crazy, bad guy.  The story was original and with the excellent actors it made for a top film.  The movie revolves around FBI agent Sean Archer who has spent 6 years trying to catch the very psychotic/psychopathic terrorist Castor Troy, who while trying to kill Sean accidentally killed his young son.  He eventually catches Castor, thinks he killed him, and to save the city must undergo a surgical procedure which will give him Castor's face (and body), then he must go into jail to try and get the info out of Castors brother.  I don't really want to spoil it, although have probably told you too much already.  Just rent it.  It's brilliant.

Rated: 9.5/10

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