Sam Genovese, In Memoriam
For Sam's Army service, Sam was awarded these medals and citations:
Purple Heart medal for combat wounds
3 Bronze Battle Stars for combat bravery
Good Conduct Medal
Expert Infantry Marksman Badge
European Theater Medal with 3 bronze battle stars & 2    arrowheads beachhead landing clasps
African Middle Eastern Theater Medal
WW2 Victory Medal
141st Regimental Prersidential Unit Citation.
General of the Army, Omar Bradley, awarding Sam his WW2 medals in the hospital ward. As a new wheelchair paraplegic, he was one of the original members of The Paralyzed Veteran's Assoc. in Birmingham Hospital, Van Nuys.
Sam and his wheelchair veteran friends were heavily featured in Stanley Kramer's film, The Men '50 starring a young Marlon Brando. The movie shows men coping with their new lives. Sam is in rightside of frame..
"The Men" internet movie credits LINK
Sam survied 75 major surgeries from his WW2 injuries. He worked as an aerospace electrical assembly inpector for Radioplane, Viking, Litton, and Lockheed for many years. He was an avid fisherman, hunter, traveler, and photographer.
Sam's health as a constant family concern after he lost a kidney in mid 60's. Very sadly, Sam Genovese died Sept. 13,1970 of renal (kidney) failure at 50 years of age. His family lives in LA and Sacramento. He was a wonderful person. He is missed!
Kidneys are the gift of life. Use your organ donor card!
A prayer for my dad and all who have served our country:

Do not grieve for me, for now I am free,
I am following the path God laid for me,
I took his hand when I heard him call,
I turned my back, and left it all.

I could not stay another day,
To laugh, to love, to work or play,
Tasks left undone must stay that way,
I found that peace at the end of the day.

If my parting has left a void,
Then fill it with our memories of joy,
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss,
Oh Yes, these things I too will miss.

Be not burdened with times of sorrow,
My life has been full; I savored much,
Good friends, good times, a loved one's touch.

Perhaps my time seemed all too brief,
Do not lengthen it now with undue grief,
Lift up your hearts and share with me,
GOD wanted me now, HE set me free!
36th Division Society Memorials LINK
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