紫綺 ~Siki~ [gui]

Birthday / Blood 10/13 / O
Places you like  Places where the atmosphere is good
Places you don't like Places where atmosphere is not good
Analyze your own personality Emotional
Your favorite saying  Nakama
Place you fell most at ease My room
Most important thing in live Band members
What do you like to hear others say about you? Ganbatte-, ganbatterune-
Thing you will not allow Betrayal
What do you want to be reborn as Myself again
Your favorite season (reason) Fall, it's cool
Things necessary when you're making music Members
Your part in the band Guitar
Message to members   (I cannot read his hand writing.... But something about "I don't understand a lot of things"..... O.o??)
You're walking down a road. What do you see around you? (Again, I cannot read his handwriting....)
Your favorite Chu-Hi flavor I don't drink alcohol
Message to fans Please support Beata


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