The Bible Project - sample video: Genesis - Facebook - . . . . .Free Website Translator .

The Bible Project is about helping people to see the Bible as one unified story, that leads to Jesus.

Holy Bible
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Recommendation: The Bible Project has been the greatest resource in understanding how all of Scripture points to Jesus. The read scripture series was my first love, and the podcast has been incredibly valuable to how I understand scripture. The theme videos have been helpful to me and my whole family. I can't say enough about how much I've benefited from them.
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The Bible Project is a non-profit that is creating short, animated videos for each book of the Bible, as well as its central themes, free to the viewer. Founded by Tim Mackie (along with storyteller Jon Collins), these videos provide an approachable way to become familiar with the narrative of Scripture.
What prompted you to start The Bible Project?

TM: My own experience with the Bible really started when I was 20 years old, reading it as a new Christian. While the stories about Jesus were compelling, the rest of it remained fairly impenetrable, strange, and occasionally disturbing. I think that many people experience the Bible in that way. They resign themselves to not really reading or understanding it very well, and for some the Bible actually becomes an obstacle to growing in their faith. And this, I think, is tragic. The Scriptures have become such a powerful source of transformation for me personally, I wanted to help correct misunderstandings of the Bible and help others grasp just how profound and beautiful they really are. My partner Jon Collins has a similar story, and he’s been honing his skills as a storyteller through the medium of short, animated videos. Our dream was to create short videos that were engaging and beautiful, that allow the Bible to tell its own story to our culture, using a medium that everyone is tuned into right now, YouTube. -- [Read More Here]
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The Bible can be intimidating, says Mackie. Many dive in with gusto and good intentions, but their understanding of the text isn't strong enough to sustain their momentum. That's where The Bible Project videos come in.

What is the Bible project? (short video)

• The Bible Project: Facebook -
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The Bible Project -
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Sample video • Genesis. Ch. 1--11. 7 min.
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I recently found my way back to God, and am starting studying my bible, and finding this channel was important.

Phil R
I've never been a non-believer per se, but at the same time I've not exactly been committed either. I recently changed my mind about all of it; pledged to make every effort to stop sinning, repent and seek forgiveness; ...and finally... to get reading.
I do find some of the Bible hard to digest, not because it's the Bible, but because I have a mind that tends to wander when reading (regardless of the material)! Nevertheless, I will persist, and your channel gives me a wonderful foundation for more detailed reading of the Bible.
Thank you very much... Subscribed, obviously :-)
Pip Stanton
It's my 27th birthday today and this is a wonderful birthday present thank you and God bless
The Good Dark Hero
I am an atheist, but this IS very educational and helps me understand this faith a little better.

Loud Nuff 4u
'Noah (the new Adam) was broken and ashamed just like the first.' An absolutely sobering statement.

I have new understanding of Genesis now. Thank you so much!

omgosh yesterday when i went on my bible app (youversion) and clicked on video and than saw your videos, i was like ' hmm im going to watch one and see if its any good. omgosh im addicted! thank you so much for making these videos about the old testament. like a light went off in my head. i finally understood a lot i didnt. wow. thank you!! the art is amazing. i hope you keep making more!

Neysa Jones
I absolutely love the work you have done with the videos. I have been a Christian since I was 16 years old ( I'm almost 50). Certain Bible concepts have always baffled me, but I accepted them by faith. I am thrilled and overjoyed that your videos are literally clearing those up right before my eyes.
Thank you for your investment of time and talent to elucidate God's word for others.
I am grateful!


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• Eternal Life, Where the Narrow Way Leads, by Stephen Foglein
• Hell, Where the Broad Way Leads
The Happiness Of Heaven:

The Joys and Rewards of Eternal Glory, by F.J. Boudreaux

 Shows how the joys of Heaven stem from the direct vision of God--the joys of the heart; of the mind; of physical beauty; of the senses; of friendship; and of perfect love of God. Tells of the magnificent variety in Heaven. How Mary Magdalen's glory exceeds that of many innocent souls; etc. Explains that a high degree of glory in Heaven is within the reach of all baptized souls; however poor; ignorant or insignificant they may be here. A marvelous book!
The Rev. Fr. J. Boudreau, S.J., was a priest of the Society of Jesus and author of the nineteenth century. His work The Happiness of Heaven: The Joys and Rewards of Eternal Glory was originally published in 1872 by John Murphy & Company, Maryland. It discusses the infinite joy of the souls in Heaven, as well as the fact that all baptized persons are capable of obtaining it, no matter how seemingly insignificant they may be. Father Boudreau's book was also reset and published by TAN in 1984 with the Imprimatur.
The Happiness of Heaven. * Download TXT
Happiness of Heaven. * * All formats
Happiness of Heaven. * * html format


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