Soul Detective - 1995
Bernard Oattes

Soul Detective - 1995


  1. Island World
  2. Rebel Heart
  3. Sold
  4. Always You
  5. Positively Male
  6. Still Dreaming of You
  7. Big Bang
  8. Lost on Earth
  9. When Will Love Begin
  10. Comet Skies
  11. Way Out of Love
  12. Soul Detective

Released 1995


Jan Akkerman - Guitar
Richard Elliot - Saxophone
Peter White - Guitar (Acoustic)
Perla - background vocals
Bernard Oattes - Arranger, Drums, Keyboards, Vocals, Producer
Bert Meulendijk - Guitar
Wim Both - Trumpet, Flugelhorn
Ruud Breuls - Trumpet, Flugelhorn
Blanche Elliz - background vocals
Robert Halewijn - background vocals

Jan Akkerman plays on Soul Detective and Big Bang.

This is jazz tinged album recorded by Bernard Oattes in 1995 and which features Jan Akkerman on two tracks. The album sounds like a cross between Steely Dan and Earth Wind and Fire and makes for some great late night listening.

Timothy Baugh

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