Part 7 - From 26/sep/98 till 31/dec/98

31 Dec 1998 Text-by: Josh Voeks email: [email protected] country: Altadena, California divulge-mail: YES acquaintance: SURFING THE WEB comments: I really enjoy you're page, it has alot of great ifo on Focus, I would like to know how I can obtain clean copies of the videos you have listed, I have most of them but they are poor quality. also how about live concerts on cd? I have 3 at this time, one called Sylvia from Japan, one called Focal Distance, and recently found one called Anonymous Two radio broadcast from the Philharmonic Hall in New York 1973 which is by far the best live Focus show I have ever heard, not bad quality for a bootleg, any more that anyone is aware of? Thanks, I am real happy there is several pages devoted to this great band, keep up the good work, and nothing would be more satisfying than seeing Focus Reunite and play the Los Angeles area, it would be a dream come true!
22 Dec 1998 Text-by: Andrzej Szczerba country: Poland acquaintance: SURFING THE WEB Dear Rodrigo, I have these following Focus videos: FOCUS - Single Luck (documentary 05.12.95) - 24 min. - Russian Roulette (reunited 1985) - 6 min. - Live in Apeldoorn 20.04.90 (reunion part 1) - 12 min. - Live in Apeldoorn 21.04.90 (reunion part 2) - 11 min. - Classic Albums: Focus 2 (28.06.97) - 51 min. - Hocus Pocus (Old Grey Whistle Test 1972) - 3 min. - Sylvia (Old Grey Whistle Test 1972) - 3 min. - House of the King (At the Rainbow 1973) - 3 min. - House of the King (17.05.90) - 3 min. - Uit De Kunst (1972) - 8 min. - Documentary (1972) - 25 min. JAN AKKERMAN - RNTV Presents (live in the studio 1985) - 19 min. - A Salty Dog (10.87 with Kaz Lux) - 6 min. - Live in Berlin (03.85) - 44 min. I'm looking for the music from Thijs'Solo Cds very hard, especially: - Oh my Love - Musica per la notte di Natale - Nice to have met you - In de grote Kerk te Monnickendam - Reflection - Van Leer 1987 Can you help me, please, to contact with anybody has got it? I trust you will help me! This is my address: Andrzej Szczerba ul. Zareby 16/32 os.Z Woj. Katowickie 43-100 TYCHY POLAND
16 Dec 1998 Text-by: Andrew Tomczyk email: [email protected] country: Poland divulge-mail: YES acquaintance: SURFING THE WEB comments: I'm looking for record Focus - Jan Ackerman&Thijs van Leer from 1985 year. It is imposible to buy in music schops. Month ago I was in Amsterdam. I've visited all the music schops ang found nothing. Please help me. I've an odl tape. I've heard this tape thousent times and now it is out of order. It was wonderfull music
07 Dec 1998 Text-by: Wouter email: [email protected] country: The Netherlands divulge-mail: YES acquaintance: WORD OF A FRIEND comments: Hi Focus fans from all over the world: Are you looking for specific album material of Focus and / or Jan Akkerman ?? Have you been looking *everywhere* but couldn't find that particular record, CD or recording ?? Then please contact me if you're looking for something, there's a great possibility that I can help you out. I also have some 10 hours worth of Akkerman / Focus video material and I'm willing to help everybody out there who are looking for such material. All the best, Wouter PS. Fights between Bert Ruiter and Thijs van Leer got the new version of Focus out of the way....but nevermind....Jan Akkerman is still playing marvellous gigs and that really is the TRUE future of something that is called Focus.
20 Nov 1998 Text-by: Helter-Skelter email: [email protected] country: Argentina divulge-mail: YES acquaintance: SURFING THE WEB comments: A great page, I like it so much, specially because I could get some info I didn't have here in Argentina... Thanx !!!
9 Nov 1998 Text-by: It's great to be able to research the bands music email: [email protected] country: australia divulge-mail: YES acquaintance: SURFING THE WEB comments: I have found it difficult (NO IMPOSSIBLE ) to get a CD of the 1985 album by thijs & jan, please send me a supplier if you can. I will import to australia if i can find the source... thanks
04 Nov 1998 Text-by: Gert Kozijn email: [email protected] country: The Netherlands comments: Hallo mede Focusfan, Zojuist de Focus Home page ondekt en terloops doorgenomen. Ik ben in het bezit van een videocopie van een opname van Sylvia, uitgezonden door de BBC enkele jaren geleden. Ik meen Old Grey Whistle Test of TOP In deze opname is met name het intro anders Thijs op Hammond doet wat Jan normaal op gitaar doet. Als je geinteresseerd bent hoor ik het wel. Weet je mischien of er naast de amerikaanse versie van Hocus Pocus nog meer "obscuur" materiaal bestaat? groeten Gert Kozijn Nijverdal Holland
26 Oct 1998 Text-by: Mark Conway email: [email protected] country: U.S.A. divulge-mail: YES acquaintance: SURFING THE WEB comments: I'm a big fan of Focus, and especially JAN AKKERMAN! I had the pleasure of seeing Focus in 1975 ( Hamburger Concerto Tour ) when they opened for Joe Cocker. Focus, and Jan, are the very embodiement of where emotion and virtuousity come together. You can't listen to songs like "No Hang Ups" "focus 2&3" "Prima Donna" and NOT be moved! Any fans of Focus or Jan Akkerman, feel free to email me and correspond. Mark Conway [email protected] Evansville, Indiana, U.S.A.
9 Oct 1998 Text-by: carol lou allen email: [email protected] country: usa divulge-mail: YES acquaintance: SURFING THE WEB comments: hey more on thijs van leer...woodwinder the flute player is always interested in music and especially the flute...hey thijs,,,how about a master class??? you are classicly trained,,,you name it and i can arrange it.. i am the treasurer of a non profit organization in the new england area that promotes live music (classical wind literature) us to promote our cause...lets do bach!!!!...come on we are hitting kids here and want them to have the umph to continue playing into the later years like you and me!!!!!!!!!
5 Oct 1998 From: [email protected] Subject: About Philip Catherine Hello, My name is Eduardo Luedy and I decided to write you because of Philip Catherine. As a matter of fact, I discovered his great talent because of those wonderful records that he made with Larry Coryell (Twin Houses and Splendid). (Did you know that they also played together in "three or four shades of blues" of Charles Mingus? Didn't you? Thats a very good record and the guys play like demons there). I'm trying to find those albuns "twin houses" and "splendid" on cd format but it has been very difficult to find them through on line stores (I've been told that the japanese version of "splendid" has extra tracks). Do you know some way that might help to find those cd's? I also have a chat with Mr. Coryell last year and he told me that he and philip would be on tour in Europe. Have you known something about? At that occasion I asked him about Philip and why they don't get together again--they commited the best guitar duo in jazz/rock that I've never heard since then. Congratulations for the well done and beautiful web site, All the best, Eduardo Luedy
5 Oct 1998 From: [email protected] Subject: shows do Focus?? Belissima pagina, camarada Rodrigo Meu nome e Marcelo, 21 , Sou do Rio de Janeiro. Tenho uns colegas mais velhos que adoram o Focus e devem viajar essa semana pra Europa e tao doidos atras de um show deles. Sera que voce saberia informar as datas dos shows na Holanda e no resto da Europa e os locais do show. Na pagina so dizia que os shows vao de Setembro/98 a agosto/99 e deve-se contatar o empresario responsavel da banda. Ja mandei um e-mail pra ele e ate agora nada. A Focus tem um site oficial ou o seu site eh o oficial? Brigado pelas noticias Marcelo Abraco [email protected] "One person is conditioned to rule and control The media sells it and you live the role" -A pessoa esta condicionada a regras e controles. A Midia vende isso(essa ideia) e voce apenas vive o papel. (Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train - Blizard of OZZ) [email protected]
5 Oct 1998 From: [email protected] Subject: of a fan of focus hi Rodrigo I am a great fans of Focus mainly Thijs Van leer I have in cd "introspection 1 to 4" and a cd with Elly ameling and "bolero" too.But I see that there is others cd disponibly on thijs but I can't have. I amm happy to see that we have the news about focus and you are a precious person that give a beautiful information on focus thank you very much how I will can to have vid�os on focus ??
27 September 1998 Topic: Focus at the rainbow. Hi Rodrigo. At least Jan send me a copy of the rainbow concert and I can tell you that it is magnificent ,what I never knew was that he also played Brittannia on the lute live and that was a big surprise. Bye for now Jan van Beek (Netherlands)
27 September 1998 From: IN:[email protected] Topic: video's of Focus Hallo Rodrigo, I'am an old Focus fan ( 45 years ), and I read a article on the Internet about Focus video's. Now I have a question ? Where can I buy or order these video's. I'am specially interrested for the "Focus at the Rainbow " video. My local CD distributor is not able to order this video. Thank you very much Theo Bollen [email protected]
26 September 1998 From: IN:[email protected] Topic: informa�oes Prezado Rodrigo: Descobri a sua pagina deste grande grupo holandes da minha epoca de adolecente e gostaria de saber se existe e onde encontrar os discos dos mesmos. Se puder me ajudar agrade�o. Roberto (Brazil)
26 September 1998 From: IN:[email protected] Topic: Mais um f� do FOCUS Caro Rodrigo, Foi realmente uma surpresa das mais agrad�veis encontrar esta p�gina na Rede. Considero seu trabalho bastante louv�vel, visto que deve ser bem dif�cil conseguir informa��es atualizadas sobre artistas estrangeiros que quase n�o t�m divulga��o no Brasil. Parab�ns pelo seu trabalho. Os f�s do FOCUS agradecem. Quando li que seu �lbum favorito � Hamburger Concerto, me lembrei de como comprei meu primeiro exemplar deste mesmo disco. Andava procurando por este �lbum e sempre me diziam que estava esgotado, fora de cat�logo. At� que um dia achei um exemplar em uma banca de saldos; quase um sebo. A capa estava em um estado razo�vel mas o disco estava muit�ssimo arranhado, sendo que havia uma faixa praticamente inaud�vel, de t�o estragada. Segui "garimpando" e depois de algum tempo, encontrei outro em situa��o inversa: disco quase bom - com poucos arranh�es - e a capa destru�da. Comprei os dois. Est� claro que este � um dos meus favoritos, juntamente com At The Rainbow e, por incr�vel que pare�a, Focus Con Proby. Acho este disco sen-sa-cio-nal! Na verdade, ele foi o m�vel para a minha busca sobre o FOCUS na Internet. Estou tentando encontrar as letras dos temas deste disco. Eu julgo ter um bom conhecimento de ingl�s, j� "tirei" muitas e muitas letras de v�rios artistas, entretanto h� algumas frases que n�o consigo compreender ou deduzir o que � dito pela voz poderosa de P. J. Proby. Preciso de ajuda. Ser� que voc� tem este material? ou sabe onde conseguir? J� investiguei v�rios "sites" de letras e nada. J� pensei at� em tentar na Editora das m�sicas - Bovema - mas n�o encontrei o "site". At� pensei em apelar para Mike Vermon. Em realidade, estava buscando este caminho quando encontrei a sua P�gina. Ser� que dei sorte? Bom, de antem�o agrade�o o seu interesse e mais uma vez gostaria de cumpriment�-lo pelo trabalho. Um abra�o, Paulo Maur�cio C. de Souza Pinto p.s.: Este � um outro e-mail para contato: [email protected]

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