Cooking Mess with her kittens!
Bandaging a lamb's broken arm
Wading in the pool with duckies
Girl and her goat
Girl with a baby duckie
Feeding a baby deer
With her umbrella which has a spider hanging from it
Fixing the poor mouse's tail
Quiet as a lamb, fierce as a lion
At the birdbath
In the barn with the chickens who dropped an egg on her puppies head
Girl in her curlers weighing herself with her puppy!
Bottle feeding a baby lamb
Towing a wheel barrel of puppies!
Girl is holding a cute squirrel!
Cleaning with her puppy and kitty!
She's learning how to iron!
She opens her present and it's a kitty!
Her lop-sided cake and her cute puppy!
Tucking her kitty into bed
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