Recently, His Eminence Michael Itkin has come into discussion as many in the Church seek to establish or re establish

the ancient praxis of the Church.


Archbishop Itkin made notable contributions to the study of Church History in his writings regarding the influence of the

Jewish Temple on early Christian worship.  He pointed out that within the early Church we find the origins of modern day

phyletism.  The Jewish converts did not want to worship with the converts from paganism.  The Hebrew children wanted

to have the new converts to monotheism firstly go through the process of circumcision in order that they might become

what *we* are, a Jew first and a believer in Christ second.  They maintained that only in the Hebrew tradition could one

truly become a follower of the Messiah and understand the history of our Salvation.  The early Christians were not of one

mind and one heart on all issues, only on their commitment to the person and teaching of Jesus Christ.  When the early

Hebrew converts spoke of *we* they meant the Jewish converts and excluded the Gentile converts.


It was noted, "See how the Christians love one another".  This was a casual observation based on the communal experience

of the new religious sect known as "Followers of the Way".  By the time these newly converted children of Abraham were

known as Christians (Antioch), no longer were people saying see

how they love each other. 


Within the first century, the Church had factions within the group.  Many were *Traditionalist*.


A Traditionalist translated into a Jewish convert who maintained that it was impossible to worship G-d in  a pleasing fashion

without recourse to the Liturgy of the Temple.  These also took a rigid stand on certain moral and social issues following the

example of their mentor Paul.  Peter was the mentor of another faction which the Hebrews thought was a "traitor" to the

cause by making allowances for the Greek and Gentile converts.  Some were followers of St. Mark or St. James all of whom

brought their own theology on moral and social issues to the mix. 


The Gentile converts were convinced that the Jewish converts were "pushy and overbearing".


The Jews were seen as overly assertive and dominating in the weekly assembly.  The Gentile complained that they were

being over looked even in the corporal works of mercy because the Jews took care of their own first.


To what ever extent this is true, it is consistent with the theory of Phyletism.


+Itkin rightly showed that there was no *one* moral standard common to both Gentile and Jewish converts, which caused

some on both sides to degrade the other. There was one standard for the Jew and another for the Gentile.   Phyletism

places one national group above another and even denies the universal benefits to those outside it's ranks.  We see this

today in  the Neo Papist Orthodox group and in the ethnic groups.  We also see this today within the RCC which is divided

on external issues.  Those with the Latin Liturgy see themselves superior to those who do not use the Latin.  The Liberal

sees himself superior to the others because they are in step with the times and the others are not.  The only thing that

both Traditionalist and Liberal agree upon is that they alone are the true church.  They both exclude those outside their

ranks.  And of course, they both agree that the Byzantine Catholic Church is a beautiful relic which is not really "catholic"

but Orthodox.  Of course, the Orthodox do not consider the BCA as Orthodox but rather a modern Uncle Tom.  Things

were no different in the early church.


+Itkin pointed out that anything that was necessary to establish superiority was acceptable for "G-d and country". 

This could mean murder, suppression, etc. and it was OK because it was done in the name of the Church.


In his later days, +Itkin did repentance for his misspent youth in an RCC Monastery where he died and was buried

in that same Monastery.


He was not always the picture of Orthodoxy in the traditional sense but he always had an Orthodox soul and heart. 


Some of the things that have appeared in various lists on the Internet authored by the self-proclaimed BENEDICTINE-

ABBOT Donald Pierce Weeks, are without merit.  Mr. Weeks and +MAR Itkin, his original ordaining bishop, were in constant



MAR +Itkin had convened a special commission of clergy to review all the facts of surrounding MR. Weeks' requests for

incardination and Ordination, including the Ordination itself.  MAR +Itkin felt that doing anything on his own against Mr.

Weeks would be tantamount to a "Conflict of Interest".  In the best interests of the faith, and to give Mr. Weeks due

consideration, the commission was called and an investigation ensued.  The findings of fact concerning Mr. Weeks

caused for a report that was wholly unkind to Mr. Weeks in that many of his claims were either untrue, a twisting of

FACTS and that his own personal life style left much to be desired from that which he made himself out to be to

MAR +Itkin. 


As a result of +MAR Itkin's having found that his ordination of Mr. Weeks was under deception by Mr. Weeks' own

doings, MAR +Itkin began the process for defrockment and excommunication, giving due notice to Mr. Weeks with

hopes Weeks' would seek repentance in action, more than just by word, initiating such that might salvage what

was considered, a Christ-like approach to restoring a man.  MAR +Itkin could not fully complete the process for

defrockment and excommunication of MR. Weeks as a result thereof as a result of both long set travel plans for

his far wide-spread parishes and clergy, as well as the all-of-a-sudden "resignation" and disappearance of Mr. Weeks.


Mr. Weeks then began his years of hostile actions and activities against MAR +Itkin which brought about MAR +Itkin's

having to resorting his attorneys as a means to stop the threats.  Proof is provided by this linked sentence.  It did

not stop there though, for MR. Weeks' continued animosity appeared in many other ways and forms as related by

MAR +Itkin for years later. 






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