of the
printed by authority of the Upper Left Temple & the Imam of  the Far West, Holy See of Seattle, 1993
Transcribed from the CRESCENT MOON  PRESS 1986 edition:  edited & updated by the editors 1992 (Virtual  Edition ). (No Copyright)
Imprimatur & Nihil Obstat USTAD SELIM (Enforcer of the Law  & Bishop-Exilarch of Persia)
A morning breeze
trails musk  behind it
from the street
where my love is
Yes, and the  world wastes
while you sleep
The caravan is leaving
The sweet smell is  dying
Get up!
~Jalaloddin Rumi
Moorish Orthodoxy is not a new religion. Historically it began with the  message of the American prophet Noble Drew Ali, born Timothy Drew in North  Carolina in 1886, raised by Cherokee Indians and adopted into that tribe. At  sixteen Drew began his wanderings as a circus magician, which took him to Egypt  where he received self knowledge and direction from a priest, the last of a cult  of High Magic practiced for centuries in the pyramid of Cheops. This magus  recognized the young American as a reincarnation of a former leader of the cult,  and saw him for the prophet he was.
From him Drew Ali learned the messages of The Circle Seven Koran, as well as  much higher truths; he returned to America where he was told in a dream to found  a new religion "for the uplifting of fallen mankind." He began the first mosque,  or temple, in Newark --- but because he and his followers refused to fight in  World War I he was forced to move to Chicago, where his movement, the Moorish  Science Temple, began to grow. The Moorish Science Temple attracted mostly Black  Americans. Noble Drew however was no racist, though he held certain racial  theories. Blacks, he said, are Moabites or Moors, and under this identity he  taught pride to a race of oppressed sufferers. Moors are an "Asiatic Race" --but  so are many others. For example, Noble Drew identified Celts as an Asiatic Race;  later, when Whites of various sorts became interested in Moorish Science, he  identified all such as "Persians", a sort of spiritual rather than factual  identity. For Moorish Americans Morocco is a "promised land"; this shows the  influence of Garveyite "Return" teachings, and provides an interesting link  between Moorish Science and Rastafarianism. Moorish Orthodoxy (despite its name)  gives all these teachings an esoteric significance. For us, "The Asiatic Nation  of North America" includes all who embrace some form of the Oriental Wisdom,  whatever their other affiliations, and "Morocco" signifies their goal,  "illuminated" consciousness.
In Chicago Noble Drew issued many Moorish Passports, and it is said that some  new converts, in the zeal of their newfound nationality, began to grow less and  less subservient in their dealings with the oppressor empire ("Pharaoh" or  "Babylon"). This culminated in a full scale attack on the Science Temple in  which (despite the secret escape route, an essential feature of all Moorish  Science temples) many of the faithful were martyred, including the Enforcer of  the Law, a man whom Noble Drew had recognized as a reincarnation of Jesus.
Shortly thereafter (in 1929) Noble Drew prophesied the hour of his death. He  was "taken for questioning" by the Chicago Police, brutally beaten, and died  soon after his release.
After this, the Moorish Science Temple began to split into sects or factions,  one headed by Noble Drew's chauffeur another by Elijah Muhammed, who abandoned  his Moorish Science origins and taught a pseudo-science of race hatred disguised  as the "Nation of Islam". Until Elijah's death, many Moors expected him to  recant.
In the 1950's in the Baltimore/DC area, some white poets and jazz musicians  came into contact with the Science Temple and acquired passports. They formed  another offshoot of Moorish Science, the Moorish Orthodox Church of America. At  that early stage, the M.O.C. was seen as partly Moorish and partly Eastern  Orthodox, and there existed certain ties with "Errant Bishops" of the Old  Catholic Church, Syrian Orthodoxy, etc. Some of these founding fathers drifted  eventually into Sunni Islam, others remained faithful to the M.O.C. and friendly  to the Science Temple.
In the early 1960's on Manhattan's Upper West Side, one of the youngest of  these, Walid al-Taha (Warren Tartaglia), jazz saxaphonist and author of "The  Hundred Seeds of Beirut", initiated some friends into the Church shortly before  his tragic death (in his early 20's). A new temple was established in a basement  on 103rd street off Broadway, along with a head shop "The Crypt", and a Moorish  Science Reading Room. The Church maintained a M.O.C. Motorcycle Club at various  neighborhood garages, and a campsite of 123 acres was acquired in northern New  York. Close ties were formed with the Ananda Ashram in upstate NY. Members in  Baltimore renewed ties with elders and missionaries of the Moorish Science  Temple, including the Moorish Governor of Maryland, who ran a junk shop that  smelled of rose attar and woodstove smoke, and talked like a Persian poet from  Alabama -- an echo, no doubt, of Noble Drew's own perfect Moorish Voice. Ties  were formed with the M.S.T. in Brooklyn, which provided copies of The Circle  Seven Koran, Catechisms, etc.
When the Ananda Ashram moved into Milbrook NY with Timothy Leary's League for  Spiritual Discovery commune, the M.O.C. also established a presence there. The  M.O.C. is proud of its heritage in the Psychedelic Churches Movement of the  60's, when we shared many adventures at Milbrook till the Empire banished its  Celtic guru into exile and prison. We still have a temple in Duchess County,  where the church is legally incorporated.
At that time the Church more or less abandoned all "Orthodoxy" (though not  the name) and found its true spirit in Sufism. What interested us most was  Sufism of various unorthodox varieties, including Ismailism (the teachings of  the Assassins). But many other strains were woven into the M.O.C. in the 60's,  including Advaita Vedanta, Tantra, Neo-American-style psychedelic mysticism,  Native American Symbolism, and insurrectionist activism.
The 70's and early 80's in retrospect seem a rather dim period in Church  history. Members scattered around the world and interest waned. The "New Age"  bogged down in various Greed Therapies, guru-scams and bland-outs. For a while  only small groups in Manhattan and Duchess Co. kept a shadowy existence and  continuity. Recently however the time has become ripe for a Revival. New  religions are appearing: Native American rites, Neo-paganism, Anarcho-taoism,  the followers of Eris and others with whom we feel a natural affinity. We have  launched a new edition of our newspaper, The Moorish Science Monitor (quiescent  since 1967!) and many new conversions have resulted. The sudden upsurge of  interest necessitated this revised edition of the M.O.C. pamphlet, out of print  since the late 60's.
* * * * * *
What is Moorish Orthodoxy? What is its "Catechism"? Many people have  converted to Moorish Orthodoxy simply on hearing its name or seeing the  photograph of Noble Drew Ali (frontispiece of the Circle Seven Koran) -- later,  however, they may wish to learn something of Moorish doctrine.
In effect,  there is none. Moorish Orthodoxy is like a mirror in which each seeker beholds a  beloved form, each one different. We have no required ritual and no source of  authority other than those the individual imagination provides. We do however  perhaps share a certain "taste" or spiritual aesthetic.
Moorish Orthodoxy was  founded originally to explore the esoteric dimensions of Noble Drew's teachings,  discovered in such passages from the Circle Seven Koran as these:
"You are, each one, a priest,
Just for yourself."
"Now cease to seek for heaven in the sky;
Just open up the windows of  your hearts and,
like a flood of light, a heaven will come
and bring a  boundless joy."
"By the sweet breath of Allah all life is
bound to one; so if you touch a  fiber of
a living thing you send a thrill from
center to the outer bounds  of life."
"Allah and man are one."
"I (Jesus) brought immortality to light
and painted on the walls of time  a
rainbow for the sons of men;
and what I did all men shall do."
"When man has conquered every foe
upon the plane of soul and the
seed  will have full opened out,
will have unfolded in the Holy Breath.
The garb  of the soul will then
have served its purpose well,
and man will need it  never more...
and man will then attain unto a blessedness
of perfectness  and at one with Allah."
The antinomian and egalitarian aspects of lines like these have  reinforced our position, in relation to all organized religion, of heresy; in  relation to all liberatory teachings and beautiful imaginings we take up a  posture of "rootless cosmopolitanism" that seeks out universal spirit hidden  anywhere, revealed in all cultures, always occult and dissident, an "Invisible  College" embracing East and West but rejecting all official stultifying  Consensus Reality. A Moor might belong to any religion or none, "free either to  take up a form or not take up a form... not bound to any. Forms are for use, not  to make captives" (Hazrat Inayat Khan).
The idea of an American heretical Islam is one such form. We appreciate the  aesthetic of Moorish Science, of Noble Drew's unique and prophetic mixture of  Afro-American, Native American, Magical, Oriental and Moorish symbolism and  imagery. We admire his courage, his martyrdom, his revolutionary stance against  "Pharaoh", his Americanizing of the prophetic spirit (he always wore a Cherokee  feather in his fez). We reflect this aesthetic in our lives and creative work.  But we are not bound by it. Like certain esoteric Javanese sects we reject the  figure of the Master (guru or murshed) in favor of the teacher. Anyone can be a  teacher in relation to someone; everyone has something to teach, something to  learn.
To symbolize this attitude, all Moors are encouraged to create new names and  titles for themselves. The Moorish Hierarchy is self appointed; anyone is free  to print Passports, although the old Manhattan Lodge possesses certain seals and  procedures which converts may appreciate. Popular titles include: Moorish  Governor, Metropolitan, Deacon, Vicar, Exilarch, Imam, Castellan, Papessa,  Contessa, Marshall or just plain Reverend. Moorish Science Temple adherents  often add "Bey" or "El" to their names, others favor other traditions, and some  use their own names. All Moors are entitled to titles, however, since all Moors  have "authority".
The Moorish Orthodox Catechism, then, consists of no rules or dogmas,but only  of adherence to the "Five Pillars" of Moorish Science as listed by Noble Drew:
to which we add a sixth, "Beauty".
This bud opens into the red  rose,
the nightingale is drunk for joy---
Hail, seekers! Lovers of  wine;
wine for a thirsty world
like a slug under
the rock of  repentance...
a rock smashed by a mere goblet---
and that is the  announcement, the Miracle
Wine for the king! Wine for the slave
this  banquet was set for everyone,
drunk or sober, and when
the Feast is over  and night grows up,
and the inside door of the Tavern springs open
Low and  High together will bow down
under the Arch of the World
to meet  what...outside?
~Hafez Shirazi
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