Touya Kinomoto

  • Birthday: February 29
  • Blood Type: O
  • Favorite Subject: chemistry
  • Least Favorite Subject: none
  • Extracurricular Activities: soccer
  • Favorite Color: blue
  • Favorite Flower: peach blossoms
  • Favorite Food: steak
  • Least Favorite Food: ganmodoki {tofu based fried dish}
  • Most Adept Recipe: rice omelet, fried noodles

  • Top of Wish List: a new pair of sneakers

    Touya is Sakura's brother. He teases her a lot and calls her monster, but he loves her anyway. He' s done every part-time job possible - and made it look good!  Like his sister, Touya possesses some magical ability; he can tell when somebody is not human and he can see spirits and ghosts. For this reason he is the only person in his family who can still see his mother. This is also the reason that Sakura is so afraid of ghosts (when Touya saw them he would tell Sakura that they were there..... that would scare me too! '_';).

    Touya knows that Yukito is not human, but doesn't tell him for a very long time. He's finally prompted to say he knows properly when Yukito begins to disappear.  Because Sakura's powers aren't strong enough, Touya freely gives Yue his power so help sustain him on the condition that Yue promises to protect Sakura. Touya also has a vague idea of what Sakura is doing, but he keeps this to himself.


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