This is my fic that I'm continuing from *sob* Here goes:

Title: In Return For Death

Author: Satan's Sidekick aka Connie

Rating: PG-13 for a bit of swearing. May get violent later on.

Email: [email protected], or [email protected]

Disclaimers: Nope, none of this is owned by me. Not getting any money either.

Summary: The bare minimum: Edward has a hit on Jean-Claude, and Olaf is back in town. Possible A/E.

Edited by: vampgal13 at: 12/14/02 3:26:45 am

Anitaverse Addict
(11/25/02 4:15:55 am)
  Part 1


        The call came at four in the morning. I had just gotten back from my last zombie raising – four in all – and was utterly exhausted. The ironic thing was that it wasn’t the zombies that had given me a splitting headache; it was those freaking lawyers. Several times during the night I had been tempted to shove a gun in their face and scream at them to shut up. The only reason I didn’t was because it was unprofessional.

        I would have actually had to take five, but Larry offered to do my last one for me. He could do about three a night now, and I wasn’t too sure how I felt about it. I advised him not to tell Bert if he found that he could do more than three. Larry didn’t get the advice, but I hoped that he would take it anyway. I would have to remember to buy him a thankyou card or something. Let him deal with the lawyers.

        The house was empty when I came in. Nathaniel had moved into his own apartment a week ago, and I wasn’t quite used to it yet. When Jean-Claude had finally taught me how to feed from a distance, Nathaniel ceased being my pomme de sang, but that didn’t mean I didn’t miss him. I still saw him often, but it wasn’t really the same to waking up to the smell of coffee and bacon frying. Besides, he was the only one who I really talked to; Richard had stopped talking to me, I had stopped talking to Jean-Claude and when Micah and I got together, we didn’t talk. Lust is a bitch, but love is bitchier.

        Once, I might have confided in Ronnie, but we had grown too far apart for that. The last time we talked was about a month ago, on her birthday. Now days I worked out by myself.

        I dropped my keys on the kitchen bench, eager for a bath, or at the least a shower and wash all the chicken blood off me. I had barely walked two steps when the phone rang, making me jump.

        Throughout my years, I have learnt that when the phone rings at four in the morning, it’s usually the police or the pard. Either way, it wouldn’t be good news. I contemplated letting the answering machine get it, but I knew I would feel guilty about it afterwards, so I picked up after the third ring and turned off the machine. No rest for the weary. Or was that wicked?

        “It’s Edward.”

        Well that was new, though not necessarily good. He either wanted my help, or knew I would want his. I wasn’t sure which I preferred. The last time we had gotten together I had almost died, but what else was knew? I wondered if this was a Donna-sanctioned call.

        “I know you’re there Anita.”

        “Let me guess,” I said, “you can hear me breathing. What’s up, Edward?”

        “Couldn’t this have just been a social call?” he asked. I could hear amusement in his voice. Damn him.

        “I don’t think you’ve ever made a social call in your life, Edward. Not to me at least.”

        He laughed. “Am I so predictable?”

        “No predictable,” I said. “Just obvious.”

        “Glad to hear it,” he said, and the laughter drained from his voice. He was being deadly serious now. “In a way, this is a social call,” Edward said softly.

        “What are you talking about?”

        “I was offered a hit on your undead bloodsucking boyfriend. Enough to make it worth my while.”

        It was after a few seconds before I could think, and a few more before I said anything. “Did you take it?” I finally asked, though I thought I knew the answer already.

        “Would I call you if I didn’t?”

        I swallowed. This was foreign territory, and I was stepping carefully. Edward and I had gone up against each other before, but I’d never had the experience of him threatening someone close to me. I didn’t know how to respond.

        “I don’t want you to kill Jean-Claude.”

        “Why not?” He was amused, damn it. He had no right.

        “Because we’re bound by the marks and killing him might kill me and Richard.”

        Edward seemed to think about this for a moment. “I’m willing to take the chance. From what I hear, you’re pretty powerful yourself. Raising vampires, vampire servants and being a Leopard Queen. I think you’ve got what it takes to survive.”

        Damn he was good. “Who’s your informant anyway?” And could I kill him?

        He ignored the question. “I don’t want to hurt you, Anita, but if you get in my way, I won’t hesitate.”

        I did a quick mental list of what I could use against him. And came up with nothing. Well, almost nothing. “What about your fantasy about hunting me?” I asked. I was stalling, fishing, biding time, whatever. He knew it and I knew it, but I did it anyway.

        “You know I would love to hunt you Anita, but this is about you and my hit. Put it simply, if you try to stop me, I’ll hurt you. Maybe I won’t kill you, but I can hurt you enough to make you wish you were dead.” Was that bitterness I could detect? “Don’t make me hurt you, Anita,” he said softly.

        That was good to know, but… “I can’t let you kill Jean-Claude.”

        “I knew you would say that,” he said. “It was worth a try. I’ll be in town tomorrow. See you then.” There was a click as he hung up the phone.

        I stood in the room, trying to compose myself. Edward and I had never really been on the opposite sides of an argument. Though the first time we met we mistook the other for a vampire, but that didn’t count. Even when he talked about hunting me we hadn’t really disagreed. Somewhere in the dark depths of my mind, I wanted to know too. And now, maybe we would find out.

        The whole thing seemed unreal. If a hit man were after Jean-Claude, I would’ve called Edward. But now Edward was after Jean-Claude and my headache was just getting worse. I made myself a cup of coffee, and hit the speed dial for Circus of the Damned. Jean-Claude’s private line, so I didn’t have to go through vampire red tape.

        “Oui?” Asher, Jean-Claude’s second banana, had picked up.

        “It’s Anita. Could you put Jean-Claude on? It’s kind of urgent.” If Edward was as good as he was – sorry, no if – then he would kill Jean-Claude in daylight. God knew how he was going to get into the coffin room. Jean-Claude didn’t even let me in there, unless under special circumstances.

        “Of course, ma cherie. I shall fetch him at once.”

        There were a few minutes of silence, before Jean-Claude answered the phone.

        “Ma petite?” His voice purred like a great cat, making me feel dirty just by listening to him. It was as distracting as hell, but I didn’t bother to yell at him.

        “Edward’s got a hit, and you’re the target. You should probably put up extra security; maybe have some people patrol around in the daylight. Make sure there aren’t any entrances except for the ones you know about.” I had planned to be calm and composed about this, but it all came out in a rush. Guess I was more worked up about this than I had thought.

        Jean-Claude was silent for a while on the other end. Long enough for me to ask if he was still there.

        “I am thinking, ma petite. Monsieur Edward has been offered money to kill me, correct?”


        There was another pause. “Are you trying to stop him?”


        “Then I would be more worried about yourself. The Circus is a very hard place to infiltrate. Has he threatened you yet?”

        “He said I would only get hurt if I tried to stop him.” I realised that I was uncomfortable with the whole situation. It seemed too much like ratting on Edward. Besides, wasn’t Jean-Claude supposed to be the one protecting me, not the other way around?

        “Have you told him of our triumvirate?”

        “Yes, and he’s willing to take the chance.” I was going to blow his informant’s goddamn brains out.

        I heard Jean-Claude say something in French to Asher.

        “I will take extra precautions, ma petite, but it is truly you, not me that you should be worried for. As I have said, the Circus is well-equipped to deal with these circumstances.”

        “You can’t stay in the Circus forever,” I said, and then actually thought about what I was saying. “I mean, I suppose you could, but you wouldn’t be able to.”

        “Such distress over my well-being, ma petite. I am honoured by your concern, but it is ill placed. I am very hard to kill.”

        “Don’t I know it,” I muttered, feeling a bit grumpy that I had made a big deal about it. Jean-Claude probably had to deal with millions of people wanting to kill him at some time or another. I knew I sometimes wanted to. This wouldn’t be any different for him.

        “And how do you fare, ma petite? You have been avoiding me, I know,” he said, starting the voice tricks again. Invasive bastard. It was times like these that I wouldn’t have minded him being dead.

        “I’m fine,” I said shortly. “I’ll be over tomorrow night. To make sure everything is secure.” I hung up before he could say anything else.

        Maybe I was making a big fuss over nothing, but I knew Edward. If there were some secret way to get into the coffin room, Edward would find it. And if there weren’t, then he would probably make one.

        The next person that I rang surprised me, and almost as much as it surprised the person on the other line.

        “Hello?” Ronnie’s voice was sluggish at four thirty in the morning.

        “It’s Anita,” I said, and felt guilty for waking her up.

        “Anita!” she said, and I had a mental image of her sitting up in bed. She didn’t sound tired or sleepy anymore. “Is there anything wrong? It’s four thirty in the morning!”

        Didn’t I know it. “I’m sorry for waking you up. I know we haven’t been too close recently, but I just want you to listen, ok?” I filled her in on the latest developments in my life, leaving out Micah and the ardeur. My life was already too complicated for my supposed best friend to think I was a monster. I told her about Edward’s threat.

        “Well, honestly, I’m all for killing fang-face. But since this isn’t what you want to hear, what would you like me to do?”

        “Can you match up the names Edward, Theodore and Ted against the names Forrester and Van Cleef? Any records that come up with a blond, Caucasian male, about 5’8” I want to hear about, no matter how stupid.”

        I spelt out a few of the names, and Ronnie jotted them down. Either that or she was playing tic tac toe by herself. “Earliest I can get them to you is tomorrow night, though it would probably be closer to be the morning after.”

        “I don’t care. I just want them as soon as possible.” It was about time I found out about the real Edward.

        “Um, and Ronnie? Thanks. For listening and helping.”

        “Take care of yourself, Anita. Try and get some sleep.” We exchanged goodbyes and hung up.

        It was five by the time I had gotten off the phone, and five thirty when I actually crawled into bed with Sigmund. The Firestar was under my pillow because I was feeling more paranoid than usual, and the Browning was in its usual place on the headboard.

        If I dreamt, I didn’t remember it.

Anitaverse Addict
(11/25/02 4:17:31 am)
  Part 2


        I woke up to the sound of the phone ringing. The clock read a few minutes past eight. Two and a half hours of sleep. Yippee. I let it ring, so the machine could get it, but realised I hadn’t turned it on again the night before. I mentally smacked myself and picked up the phone.

        “Hello?” I said groggily. I was hoping that it was Edward calling off the whole thing, or to explain that it was a joke, but somehow I didn’t think my chances were too great.

        There was no reply on the other end, but there was breathing. Slow, deliberate breathing. The hairs at back prickled, but I refused to be spooked out.

        “Who the hell is this?” I would have yelled, but I really didn’t have the energy to.

        More breathing.

        “If you don’t tell me who the fuck this is-“ I began, but was rewarded with a familiar click and a dial tone. I sighed and put down the phone. I would have said it was Edward trying to creep me out, but he didn’t do shit like that. I debated on whether to call the police or not, but decided that it was probably some kid playing a prank. Probably. It was too early in the morning for this type of shit.

        The next time I woke up, it was twelve. I decided that I had gotten all the sleep that I was going to get, and stumbled into the bathroom. The warm water hit me with a blast, waking me up a bit, though I wouldn’t be truly awake until I had my coffee. It had been nice when Nathaniel was there to make my coffee for me.

        Minutes later I came out the bathroom, reasonably refreshed and walked into my bedroom to get dressed.

        I found Edward sitting on my bed with Sigmund in his lap. I frowned, and snatched Sigmund back, placing him back with the rest of my collection. The penguins had overflowed the loveseat and were beginning to take over the floor.
“I should’ve known you’d be here bright and early.”

        Edward just watched me with predatory eyes.

        “Are you going to tell me why you’re here? Or are you just going to stare at me until I break down and admit everything?”

        His lips twitched. “Why do you think I’m here, Anita?”

        We had hardly exchanged ten words, and I was already getting pissed. “Oh, I don’t know. Because you like to annoy the shit out of me?”

        Edward smiled. “Besides that.”

        At least he had admitted to it. “Why don’t we just cut to the chase, and you can tell me why you’re here. This way, we don’t have to play twenty questions.”

        He nodded. Down to business then. “I want you to cancel the search that is currently being conducted by Veronica Simms.”

        For a few seconds I couldn’t do anything but stare. “How do you know these things?” He had one hell of an informant. Either that, or he had bugged my house, and now that I thought about it, it was entirely possible that Edward would be keeping tabs on me inside the house. When I had gotten over my initial surprise, I said, “What I do in my spare time is none of your business.”

        Edward made for my arm, and I stepped back, going for my gun, only to realise that I had nothing but a towel on. He caught hold of my forearm and clamped onto it tightly. I looked into his eyes, and was so surprised to see emotion there, that the words stuck in my throat.

        “Anita, this is deadly serious. You search for records about me, and you send up flags all over the place. It’s going to alert a lot of dangerous people. My kind of dangerous. So far I’ve managed to keep your friend’s search quiet, but if she continues it, I won’t be able to.” He squeezed my arm a little bit harder, enough so that it would hurt. To show that he meant business. “I’ve been very careful to keep you a secret, but they caught a whiff of you in Santa Fe. They don’t know who you are yet, but trust me, they’re searching hard.”

        I vaguely remembered Bradley telling me that someone had flagged my file. I had also seen Edward’s type of dangerous in Santa Fe, but hell would freeze over before anyone told me what do.
“I’ll tell Ronnie to call off the search,” I said, although I had no intention of doing such a thing.

        Edward let go of my arm and sat down. “Thankyou.” It was as emotional as I had seen him get. He narrowed his eyes at me, “But if I find out you’ve been lying to me…” he left the threat unfinished.

        He knew me way too well for comfort. Still, I thought that I could bluff it out. “Edward, you saw me when we were in that gunfight. I was useless. Why would I want a repeat of that?” I didn’t try to look innocent, but I did try to look helpless.

        Apparently, it worked, because Edward was nodded his head slowly. I felt a small surge a triumph, but kept my face expressionless. If I was fooling Edward, it meant I had become an accomplished liar. Was that a good thing? Maybe not, but it was definitely useful.

        “So what now? You go after Jean-Claude and I try to stop you?” I walked towards my dresser and discovered that there was a black box it that hadn’t been there before. I looked at Edward questionably.

        “It’s a gift,” he explained. He stood and began walking to the door. “I’ll be fair and give you a head start. You’re smart enough to have warned Jean-Claude already, but I’ll give you until midnight tonight until I go for the hit.” He stopped at the door and looked back at me. “They’re the monsters and we’re the humans, Anita. That’s how it works.”

        I shook my head. “We might be humans, but we’re monsters too.” And now I wasn’t even sure about the human part.

        Edward left and I opened his gift. To my surprise it was the Seecamps .22 that I had wanted, but had never got around to ordering. Edward must have known, so he had ordered it for me. The grip fit nicely in my hand, although I would still have to go out to the shooting range and try it out later. He had been considerate enough to give me a box of silver ammo with it as well.

        There was a short note at the bottom of the box.

        “This is to make up for the hit. Enjoy.”

        I would have laughed if the situations had been different. Edward had always known what to get me. Meanwhile, I was late for my consultations at work, and I was also going to be asking for the night off. Bert was going to kill me someday.

Anitaverse Addict
(11/25/02 4:18:55 am)
  Part 3


        I was home by seven that night. As I had suspected, Bert had threatened to fire me, and chop my head off if I didn’t turn up for work the next day. I politely informed him that Friday was my day off, and I wasn’t working on Saturday or Sunday. Some insults were exchanged, but I left victorious. I would get my night off.

        Usually when I visited Jean-Claude, I would wear something formal, commonly a dress of some type. In this case, I decided to go in with my Browning, Firestar and my knife down my back. I was tempted to bring the Seecamps with me, but decided that I probably wouldn’t need it that night. Edward may have given me until midnight, but I would bet that he would go for Jean-Claude in the day. I did, however, bring an extra clip of ammo with me.

        It was eight-thirty when I arrived at the Circus. It was already crowded by then, but I spotted Jason straight away, and for once he was dressed normally. I guessed that Jean-Claude did it so he didn’t look conspicuous. Usually, when Jason was left to himself, his outfits covered only the bare minimum.

He made his way towards me, and he was still the same, with or without flashy clothes. He looked too damn happy for comfort, which made me instantly suspicious. But despite everything, I was still glad to see him. He was, like Edward used to be, one the constants in my life. Jason only stopped grinning when things got really bad.

“I see you’ve decided to dress like us normal people today,” I commented to him, when he stood in front of me.

I saw him pout. “I know. Jean-Claude made me wear this. It’s no fun.” He grinned. “But if you like it, Anita…” Jason made a ‘come hither’ motion.

I took the lead and Jason trailed behind me. The clowns on the sign had fangs. It reminded me of the time when I was first there – I had scrambled out of Nikolaos’ hideout, almost pissing myself in fear. And now Jean-Claude was the Master of the City and I was his human servant. How times had changed.

My thoughts swung to Edward again. He had been with me when I killed Nikolaos, and he was there again when we took out Oliver. He was the one reliable thing in my life up until now. I touched my Browning. He had given it to me after the police had confiscated mine. In fact, more than half of my weapons stash were originally ‘gifts’ from Edward.

Once upon a time, I would’ve helped Edward kill Jean-Claude, and felt pity. Now, I was protecting Jean-Claude, but if the circumstances were right, I could kill him without hesitating. It was true; I was a monster. The fact that it didn’t bother me, did bother me. It made me wonder how far I would really go, and had gone. Edward had once told me that only I could decide that. Sometimes I thought it was too late.

“Earth to Anita,” Jason said, knocking me out of my thoughts. He was waiting for me to walk through the door, and down the stairs that would lead into the Master’s hideout. I rid my head of any thoughts, and prepared to meet Jean-Claude for the first time in a month.

I let Jason walk down first. I stared at his ass. With everything going on, I had forgotten to feed the ardeur that day. Fan-fucking-tastic.


        Jean-Claude was sitting motionless on the couch when I entered. His face was turned away from me, but he knew I was there.

“Play nice,” Jason said with a wink. He slid out of another door and shut it behind him, leaving us alone. He didn’t know Edward as well as me, so he could be excused for being bouncy. On the other hand, Jean-Claude had always known just what Edward was capable of.

        Jean-Claude stood in one smooth motion that made me think of lap dancers. The outfit was one of the more ‘conservative’ ones – a sheer white shirt, black leather pants, and suede boots. Standard clothes for a person who constantly looked as if he’d just walked out from someone’s wet dream.

        “Good evening, ma petite,” Jean-Claude said and I felt the ardeur stir under my layers of control. I dug my nails into my palm, and I could concentrate without thinking about sex. But if Jean-Claude touched me that night, I was gone.

        “You have not fed the ardeur,” he said. It wasn’t a question, and I could hear the anger in his voice. Goody.

        I shrugged. “I forgot. As long as we don’t touch, I’ll be fine. I can stop Guilty Pleasures later tonight.” I would usually stop by for ten to twenty minutes every night before I went to my zombie raisings. I was enough of a regular by then that they had reserved a table for me. Not near the stage, but in the middle of the audience, where the lusty feelings were coming from. “We have more important things to do anyway.” My body was screaming that I should jump him, but I just stood stiffly and tried ignored it. A few weeks ago, I wouldn’t have lasted minute, but I had had practice since then.

        Jean-Claude sighed, and the sound rubbed down my back. “I shall fetch Jason.”

        I frowned. “No, you shall not. I think I can stop myself from turning into slut-girl for an hour or two. I won’t use my friends, especially when there’s another way.”

        It was his turn to frown. “Jason will not mind.”

        “That’s beside the point, Jean-Claude. I will mind. I don’t use friends as food. I don’t feed off them,” I paused. “Not unless I have to.”

        He shook his head, and looked weary. “Your morals make you who you are, ma petite, but do not let them make you stupid. Our friend Richard is a good example of how that can happen.”

        The anger that was cooling rose again. I had forgotten that I hadn’t speaking to Jean-Claude for a reason. “Leave Richard out of this. I came down to check that your security’s ok, not for you to mother me.”

        Jean-Claude let out a frustrated noise. “I keep trying to help you, Anita, trying to help us, but you and Richard oppose me at every turn. When will you realise that you cannot deny the triumvirate we have made?”

        “I’m not denying anything, Jean-Claude. I just won’t feed the ardeur using my friends.”

        “So instead, you will feed it using the lust of strangers. Strangers who do not understand what is happening to them, and who have not consented.”

        “Damn it, Jean-Claude. It’s not like that, and you know it.” The headache I had was returning fast, and I would’ve given almost anything for an aspirin.

        “No, Anita, I do not know,” his voice was warm with anger when he said it. “I do not understand why you refuse to take my advice, or why you deny the ardeur a proper feeding. Perhaps you could explain to me?”

        I was suddenly very, very tired. “I didn’t come here to fight, Jean-Claude. I am not feeding on my friends, and that’s final. Nothing you say will make me change my mind.”

        Jean-Claude just looked at me for a few seconds, his face in a pleasant mask that I could never read. We had managed to piss each other off, yet again.

        “I shall call for Asher and Damien,” he said tersely, and walked out of the door.

        I was going to meet my boyfriend’s former vampire lover, and my vampire servant. By this time, I had stopped thinking about how deep I was buried in preternatural shit. There was no point: I was already six feet under, and still sinking.

Anitaverse Addict
(11/25/02 4:20:11 am)
  Part 4

        “When did these new toys get installed?” I was standing in what seemed to be a control room, with enough panels, buttons and screens that made me feel I was in the Starship Enterprise. Beam me down, Scotty. But somehow, even here, Jean-Claude had managed to make the room look like it was part of show. Lush carpet, stuffed couches, and goddamn paintings. It was these times that I couldn’t understand him at all.

Jean-Claude had upped his security system since I had last visited. Either that or he had done it a long time ago, and I hadn’t noticed the security cameras in each room. Which I hadn’t.

        “I am not sure of the precise date, but I believe it was a fortnight ago.” Damian nodded to support Asher’s statement. “It is currently still in its trial stage.”

        Jean-Claude had installed a new security system only two weeks before I learnt of Edward’s hit. A coincidence? Maybe not, but I could’ve just been more paranoid than usual. He had mentioned that he’d gotten a few challenges, so I had assumed the system was installed while I was trying to get my shit together. Obviously not.

        “Is that the coffin room?” I asked peering at one of the screens. The coffins were lined up neatly in two rows, and the image was clear enough for me to see a pair of fuzzy dice. Some things never changed. “What happened to the door?”

        “Jean-Claude had a new door installed: steel enforced, three inches thick, and heavy enough so that no ordinary human could open it. You need security clearance to get past it too,” Damian added. He pointed to another screen. “That’s a camera filming on the other side.” I looked at it, and was happy to see two guards there. Still, even I had to admit that the guards were a little excessive. With a security system like that, it could probably hide the crown jewels, so long as only humans tried to break through. And Edward was human, as far as I knew.

        It occurred to me that Jean-Claude had only set up human precautions, not preternatural ones. If he had been really worried about challengers getting too enthused, then he would have gotten a witch to ward the coffin room. Or at least gotten some sort of preternatural power trigger. Was it possible that Jean-Claude knew about the hit before Edward? I wouldn’t put it past him.

        “Did Jean-Claude ever mention why he wanted to do this? You guys seemed fine with the security before. Why the new high-tech gizmos?” I had meant to sound curious, but it came out sounding suspicious. Ah well.

        Damian shrugged, and it was Asher who responded.

        “I do not know, cherie. Jean-Claude merely felt the need for better protection. It is not our place to question the Master.”

The last comment was said sarcastically. It made me wonder if Asher and Jean-Claude’s relationship was really ok. It had always been strained, but for most of the time, they seemed to get along. I saw Damian give Asher a quick look before turning back to me.

        I was more or less done for the night. I checked my watch. It had to be a miracle. It was only ten o’clock. If only all vampire shit took this long. Hopefully I could just get home, shower and sleep. Strangely, I had been doing a lot of that lately. My zombie appointments weren’t too hectic, and there hadn’t been a sign of preternatural or police trouble for a month. I would’ve been relieved if I didn’t know that something would come up. And something had. The only difference was that I wasn’t in control this time. Edward and Jean-Claude were the people calling the shots. All I could do was stand in the sidelines and try to keep everyone alive, including myself. The arrangement did not make me happy.

        “I should probably go,” I stepped forward to kiss Asher on the cheek, which had become a sort of routine for us.

        Out of nowhere my ardeur flared up. Asher and Damian exchanged a glance, and I wondered whether vampires were telepathic. Whatever had been keeping the ardeur at bay was gone now, and I wasn’t sure if it was stress, anxiety or anger or a mix of all three. But what mattered was that the ardeur was hungry, and it was hungry now. I took my step back, so I was out of reach, and even as I did that, Damian stretched out to me.

        My instincts took over, and Damian ended up frozen in mid step with my Browning pointed at his chest. He just stared at me with his startled green eyes, and I think everyone in the room knew I could and would do it.

        “You could kill me,” he said simply. There was no emotion in his voice, and he was shielding so I couldn’t tell what he was thinking. Somehow I didn’t think it would be happy thoughts.

        “Yes, I could kill you. Now step back, and get the hell away from me.” I looked at Asher. “That goes for you too.” Damian did what I told him to do, and I put down the gun, but I didn’t put it away. I wasn’t the most trusting person when the ardeur was active. Hell, I wasn’t a trusting person without the ardeur.

“Nobody touches me,” I said, and began backing away from the two vampires. I hit the wall and stopped. Neither of them made any move to want to approach me. Smart boys.

        “Ok, let’s stay calm. I just need to get out of the Circus, and to my car without touching a male.” My eyes staring fixedly at Damian’s bare chest, and I was already thinking bad thoughts. I wanted to sink my teeth into him, to hold his flesh in my mouth. When I started stripping him down in my mind, I scratched my arms, and that didn’t even help much. I had denied the ardeur for too long, and I was losing focus fast.

        “Alright, I need restraints.” It was all I could do to stay still, and not jump on both of them.

        Asher nodded to Damian who walked out of the room, hopefully to get some rope or something. I was left alone with Asher.

        “You could feed on Damian,” Asher suggested when he was out of the room.

        My anger rose out of the ardeur long enough for me to think. I could not believe this. What are the chances of being mothered by two bloodsucking fiends in one night? “I am not feeding on my friends. Get me to Guilty Pleasures – hell, it doesn’t have to be Guilty Pleasures, anywhere with lust will do. But under no circumstances am I feeding on friends, when I can feed from afar.”

        “Ma cherie, he is your vampire servant. You are entitled to feed on him, and Damian will not mind.”

        The response was almost the same as Jean-Claude’s. It was eerie. “I am not feeding on Damian because I’m his master. He’s mine, and I protect what’s mine, I don’t use them as food. And he’s not only a servant, he’s a friend.”

        Asher gave me a condescending look. “Anita, you do not have to love him to have sex with him. You can have sex with a friend that you love in a different way.”

        I was going to tear my hair out soon. The only good thing that was coming out of this was that I was momentarily distracted from the ardeur. “Jesus Christ, what do I have to do to get through to everyone that I will not be feeding on my friends? And since when does sex have anything to do with it?” Ok, I was lying, sex had everything to do with it, but thankfully at that moment, Damian entered with some rope.

        He walked towards me with it, and I turned my back to him so I couldn’t watch him. So I wouldn’t be tempted to do something stupid. I slid both hands behind my back.

        “Be careful not to touch-”

        The warning came too late. Damian’s hands touched mine, and the ardeur rose and rode us both. I felt his body tense as I pressed my back into his chest. He was afraid of me and I liked that. I liked that a lot.

        I called out to Asher. “Help us!”

I was turning, and pushing our bodies towards a leather couch that sat against a wall. It was a dark mahogany colour.

        “I cannot help you, Anita, and you must feed sometime.” He started to head towards the door. “I will leave you alone with your servant.”

        I wanted to say, “Fuck you,” to Asher, but at that same moment, Damian ripped open my shirt, and unhooked my bra. We had landed on the couch with him riding on me. My mind stopped focusing completely when he began to lick my nipple. I heard him whisper my name, and I felt his warm breath tickle my stomach. His body was warm, and he had taken that warmth from someone else that night. It was that thought that made me take control.

        “Damian, look at me.” His eyes looked up from fiddling with my pants. “I’m on top,” I told him. I knew that I could control the ardeur, so I wouldn’t do anything that I didn’t want to. I didn’t trust Damian so much.

His eyes were wild with need, but he moved slowly off me. After a bit of manoeuvring, we managed to swap positions with me straddling his torso. “Damian, I’m going to feed on you because I can’t stop now, but we are not having sex,” my voice was flat, and controlled, although I was struggling to keep the ardeur overriding everything. Brownie point for me. “I don’t-”

        Damian pulled me down and began kissing me. “Anita, I don’t give the fuck. Just touch me,” he whispered hoarsely.

        My will collapsed, and I did.


        I stared at the mirror. There were two delicate fang marks on the right side of my neck. Damian bore my bite on his right shoulder. We hadn’t had sex, but we had come close. Very, very close. Fortunately, the ardeur had been sated enough that I regained myself before we went through with it.

Asher had dumped me in Jean-Claude’s bathroom to clean up. I had learnt my lesson, and now I kept at least one outfit of mine at the Circus. I had showered, so I was clean. I had clothes, and I had weapons. I wasn’t hungry for anything except food. What more did a girl need?

Nothing. Then why was I sitting on the bathroom floor, staring at myself in the full length mirror? I would not cry, especially when I didn’t know what exactly I was crying about.

My cell phone rang. It was probably important. Not many people called you at eleven thirty at night. I noticed the number was private. Edward. I was almost relieved.


I heard a chuckle. “Hello, Anita. How did you know it was me?”

“You’re the only person who would ring me on a private number. What’s up? Besides trying to kill my boyfriend.”

“I’d like to have a talk, Anita. I’ll meet you at your house in forty-five minutes. You should be able to get there quickly from the Circus.”

I scowled. “I am not putting up with any of your bullshit tonight. No more games, Edward. I mean it. I just had the shittiest day.”

“Then it’s about to get worse. Forty-five minutes, Anita. I’ll see you there.”

Anitaverse Addict
(12/14/02 3:25:53 am)
Reply  Part 5

        The Circus was in full swing when I left. It smelt vaguely of popcorn and candy with the undertone of blood and death. The car park looked ominous with pools of light coming from the lamps above. The cars threw shadows everywhere, and there was a particularly dark shadow over my Jeep. As I walked towards it, a figure slipped out from the darkness. I knew that figure. And I had thought my day couldn’t worse.

        “Gretchen,” I said flatly. My hand went for the Browning, and I had it unholstered and pointed in a matter of seconds. I had released Gretchen from her coffin prison, and I hadn’t heard a peep from her ever since. Until now. Some people never learn.

        “Anita Blake,” she hissed. She started to approach me, but I made a motion with the Browning. She stopped. Maybe old dogs could learn new tricks after all.

        “I am too tired for this,” I muttered to myself. To Gretchen I said, “You want to take me on? Take a number. Now get the fuck away from my car.” Actually, I wanted her to give me an excuse to shoot her. I think Gretchen knew that too, so she did what I said.

        “You broke your word. You said that you did not want Jean-Claude. That you would wed the werewolf,” she said. She was one royally pissed off vampire, but I was the one holding the gun. I think she would have torn me in half if I hadn’t been armed.

        “Well, Gretchen, if you hadn’t noticed, I was the one who wanted you released from the coffin. And a lot can happen in three years.” I had gotten better in three years. I had formed freaking army of preternatural creatures in three years. “Does Jean-Claude know that you’re hounding me?”

        “Is that what you will do, Anita? Tell Jean-Claude? Run to your Master so he can save you?” Gretchen seemed bitter about that. I suppose being locked in a coffin gives you time to think.

        Her comments would have usually annoyed me more, but I didn’t want to be late to my appointment with Edward. “Jean-Claude is my equal, not my Master. Nor has he ever been my Master,” I added.

        She laughed, and it was a bitter, sad sound. I felt pity for her. Well, almost. “Oh yes, I have heard of your magnificent triumvirate. Of how you and your werewolf tricked my Master to share his power with you. You will both pay,” she emphasised the word ‘pay’, “and when my Master realises his mistake, he will make me his lover.” On that note, she disappeared again.

        A fanatic vampire to end off the day. But, no wait, there was more. I still had to have a ‘talk’ with Edward. I sighed, and climbed into the car. I needed a vacation.


        He was sitting at my kitchen table with two cups of coffee. I assumed that one of them was for me, and I almost drank it in one go. Edward made good coffee, just how I liked it, but at that moment, I wouldn’t have cared if it was cat piss I was drinking. I went behind the counter and poured myself another cup.

        “Something’s wrong, Anita,” he said.

        I glared at him. “You think?” I sat back down.

        “Are you going to tell me what happened tonight at the Circus?” he asked.


        “I followed you.”

        I was suddenly angry and I wasn’t quite sure why. I slammed down the cup. “You know what? It would serve you just right if I didn’t say a thing. If I just said, ‘Fuck you’ like you do to me.”

        Edward didn’t even blink. That man had nerves of steel. “I don’t say that to you, Anita.”

        “The hell you don’t. Stuff this, Edward. What do you want to talk about?” I started to calm down, which meant the coffee was doing its job. But I was still pissed off, and no amount of coffee that night was going to remedy that.

        “Your friend, Veronica Sims, is missing.”

        My heart sped up a little. I hadn’t told Ronnie to stop the search. Edward had warned about the dangers, and I had chosen to ignore them. Now my best friend was missing. I hated it when I was wrong and when other people payed for it. “What do you mean she’s missing?”

        “She never returned to work after her lunch break today.” Edward checked his watch. “Yesterday.” He paused. “Of course, you already know that because you called her up,” the way he said it made it clear that he knew I hadn’t called.

        “I could have called in the morning, before her lunch break.”

        “You could have,” he said, “but you didn’t.”

        There was no point in lying to Edward. “No, I didn’t call, but from what you’ve said, it wouldn’t have been much use anyway.”

        “You lied to me, Anita,” his voice held no emotion when he said it, but I’d known Edward for long enough that he wasn’t happy about it.

        “Don’t tell me that you haven’t lied to me before.”

        It was a while before Edward said anything else. For a few minutes there were only sounds of coffee-drinking taking place. The silence was fine by me and it gave me a chance to look at him. His hair had grown since I had last seen, and it was long enough that I could distinguish a definite curl in it. His eyes hadn’t changed. His skin was more tanned, but other than that, he was the same.

        That led me to Donna. Had she changed him at all, or was it just an act? More importantly, was Edward going to marry her? If he wasn’t, then what was he going to do? We had established that he didn’t want to leave them, but I really couldn’t see any other solution. In the end, someone was going to get hurt.

        “Do you remember the day we met?”

        “What?” He’d taken me completely by surprise.

        “The day we met,” he repeated.

        I shrugged. “Sure I remember the day we met. You burnt the house down with a flamethrower and scared the shit out of me. We killed a lot of vampires. What does that have to do with anything?” We kiss of vampires that had gone rogue and went on a killing spree. Edward and I first met by shoving a gun into the other person’s face. A few years ago, Edward had been faster and I had been slow to kill. A few years ago, my body count hadn’t been so high.

        “Why do you think I was there, Anita?”

        “It was only after your second visit that you told me you were a hit man. I guess I assumed you were hired by one of the grieving families with enough money. I’ve never really thought about it.” I frowned. “I still don’t see what this has to do with anything.”

        Edward cocked his head to one side. “Think about what you’ve just said logically. Why would someone go to the trouble of hiring me, when the Executioner was going to kill the vampires anyway? And at the government’s expense?”

        He’d thoroughly confused me now. “I don’t know. What are you trying to say, Edward?”

        “Did you ever think that I was there for a reason, other than killing vampires?” He finished the coffee, and set the mug down on the table. He stood up and started walking to the door.

        “Was there a reason?”

        Edward stopped in the doorframe, and turned back to look at me. “The location of the lair was kept secret and the building was guarded to make sure no vamps could get out and no humans could get in. The killings were hushed up because it was embarrassing for the police. Many of the victims did not have family, and the ones that did, wouldn’t have had enough money.”

        I stood up. “For God’s sake, Edward! If you want to tell me something, then say it!”

        “I don’t want to tell you anything, Anita. I want you to think about what I said, and maybe next time you’ll have something to tell me.” He started to leave.

        I walked over and I grabbed his arm. He just stared at my hand with waves of disapproval and menace. I ignored it. I had done that trick too many times to count. “What about Ronnie?”

        “What about her?” His face was blank again.

        “You have to help me find her.”

        Edward smiled, and it was a little condescending. It reminded me of Jean-Claude. “Anita, I’m an assassin. What the hell do I know about a missing person?”

        I looked up at him. “Please, Edward.”

        He looked at me for a few seconds, and then something gave way. “Alright.”



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