Disclaimer: I own none of these characters. They are all the property of Laurell K Hamilton, God bless her.
*** This is my fist fan fiction ever so please don’t be too hard on me. The pairing is A/E of course. Edward is my favorite character and I really want to see him and Anita get together. ***

I Care
By legend
I stepped out of my new Jeep Grand Cherokee. What a night! Bert has me raising 6 zombies a night now. Greedy bastard. I have seriously been thinking about going freelance. At least that way I won’t have to listen to him bitching all the time.
I unlocked the door and went inside. I was so tired all I could think about was a hot shower and then into bed with Sigmund. The house was very quiet. The reason for that being that I kicked the pard out of the house about 2 months ago. Things were getting too complicated. Edward was right. I have been spending too much time with the monsters, which is why about 2 weeks ago I called Richard and Jean-Claude up and broke it off. They weren’t too happy about it but are, for the time being, leaving me alone.
I walked through the living room on my way to the shower and stopped short. There was Death, sitting on my couch looking more exhausted than I had ever seen him.
“Edward, what are you doing here? What’s wrong?”
He just looked at me and I couldn’t read his expression. Then very quietly he said, “Donna left me.”
I was startled. I didn’t think he would care.
“I thought you didn’t love her.” Shit. Not the most tactful thing to say at the moment. That’s it Anita, kick him while he’s down.
Edward just looked at me and said, “I don’t. But I will miss Peter and Becca.”
I was confused now. “If she left you, why come here?”
His face closing up even more, he stood up and walked toward the door. As he walked by me he said, “Obviously I was under the mistaken impression that you would care.”
I grabbed his arm and said, “Wait Edward. I didn’t mean it like that. You know I care.”
He looked at me for a minute, then his eyes softened and he leaned toward me. My heart quickened in anticipation. This is Edward!! Why am I thinking about him this way? We’re just friends, Right?
His lips settled on mine, hesitantly at first but more demanding when I didn’t pull away. Sweet Lord!!! This was heaven! Who would have thought Edward and I would ever end up in this situation. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss. Edward picked me up and carried me into the bedroom. After setting me down he started to unbutton my shirt but stopped and looked at me.
“What about Richard and Jean-Claude?”
“I left them 2 weeks ago. You were right. I was spending too much time with the monsters.
He got a hopeful look on his face and asked, “So, can I kill them?”
I started laughing and said, “No, you can’t.” I was still laughing when he pulled me down onto the bed ……
A few hours later, breathless and drifting off to sleep, I heard Edward whisper, “I love you Anita.” I suddenly realized I have been waiting to hear that for a long time.
I rolled over, cuddled up to his side and said, “I love you too Edward.”

The End
*** So what did you think? Send reviews to krisw_05@ yahoo.com***



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