Hunting with Edward
by werewolf33

Disclaimer: Anita and friends do not belong to me they belong to the
wonderful L.K.H.  I am just playing with them for a little while...*Wha Ha
Ha Ha Ha**Evil grin*
I am also making no money, this is for pure fun.   Please Note: This is my
first Anita fic so if it sucks please don’t send someone like Edward after

Anyway on with the fic!

I had, had a long day; or night rather, it was about 4:30am when I finally
got home. The house was empty sense the pard had moved in to a house with
I walked to the door before noticing that there was something wrong. There
was a person in my house! I carefully and quietly opened the door Browning
in hand.
As soon as I opened the door I was meet by the smell of fresh brewed
coffee. There was only two people that I could think of that would come into
my house and make coffee, Nathaniel because he had a key still, and Edward
because he didn’t need a key. Just to be safe I kept the Browning out. You
never know.
I made my way to the kitchen quietly and peeked in. there was Edward
sitting at the table with a black mug filled with coffee. He looked at me
when I came in putting the Browning up. If he was here to kill me he would
say so.
“Anita.” was all he said.
“Edward, why must you always just show up, brake into my house? Can’t you
just once call first?” I said getting a cup of coffee and sitting down
across the table from him.
“Anita, you know that’s not my style.” He said smirking slightly.
“So why are you here this time. And don’t even give me any of that, ‘can’t
I just stop by’ shit because I ain’t up for any of your games right now.” I
said sipping at my coffee.
He chuckled,”your right I never just stop by. I came by to see if you
wanted to come hunting with me.”
“What are we hunting?” I ask knowing the answer was probably either
lycanthrope or vamp.
“Rough vamp.” He said plainly.
“Where, when, and are you supplying?” I ask putting my empty mug on the
“Here in St. Louis, tomorrow night, and yes I will be supplying some of the
toys.” He says putting down his mug as well.
“Fine. I’ll help. You want to meet here and then go to the place where we
are going to be hunting?”
“That will work. See you tomorrow around 9:00 pm.” With that he stood and
went fot the door.
I saw him to the door,”See you then.” I said closing the door and locking
I went off to take a shower and go to bed, I had another full night planed.
Why is it that I have a feeling that I’ll come home more injured after
hunting with Edward?
Don’t answer that...

Hunting with Edward
by werewolf33

Chapter 2

I woke at about 10:00am and went about making coffee. It was then that I
remebered that tonight I was going hunting. So much for having a night off
for once.

When my coffee was ready I made a cup with pleanty of cream and suger, and
was sitting down to enjoy it when the phone rang.

"Damn phone," I said quietly getting up to answer it.

"What?" I asked as a
way of hello.

"Anita, it's Edward." Great. Just who I wanted to hear from this

"What do you want Edward?"

"I wanted to know if you wanted me to come over early so you could pick a
few toys for the hunt."

"Sure Edward. Why are you calling first and not just showing up?"

"I am 'just once calling first.'" He said cynically. Now he was
feeding my words back to me. That pissed me off.

"Damn it Edward! Don't do that!"

"Do What?" He asked in a mock innocence.

"You know what. Now are you coming over or not?" I said sighing.

"Yeah, I'm coming over. I'll be there in about 30 minutes." With that
he hung up.

Edward showed up when he said he would with 2 or 3 black bags in hand.
"Damn, Edward. How many vamps are we hunting, one or fifty?" I asked
opening the door.

"Actually about 20 but mostly newbies. Only one master and he's young
still. Should be easy enough." Edward said smiling his cat-who-ate-the-canary

"And you were planning on telling me this when?"

"Tonight when I got here. But then I thought that you might want to pick
some weapons and learn how to use them before we went out for the hunt."

"Well thanks for thinking of me." I said sarcastically.

"Really it's more for my well being that you know how to use the weapons

"Well, now I really know you care."

"Well aren't you just Sarcastic-R-Us today."

"No, I'm just trying not to want to kill you right here in my living

I said glaring at him. He just laughed at me. Damn I hate being laughed at.
To make him stop laughing I slugged him in the jaw, hard.
"Shit! What did you do that for?" He asked, putting the back of his
hand to
his mouth and coming away with blood. "I think you busted my

"Yeah well
consider your self lucky that I didn't hit you harder. You know
that I could've."I said sitting back with a small smirk forming on my

Not only did I surprise Death, I busted his lip for laughing at me. "As
why I did it, it was because you were laughing at me."

"Okay. So from now on when I laugh at you, you gonna slug me?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"So that I can be ready to dodge next time." He said checking to see
if his
lip had stoped bleeding yet.

"No, I'm not going to hit you every time you laugh at me. Just
sometimes." I
said now grining at the disbelief that showed on his face.

"Damn. I'm going to watch out when I laugh at you any more."

"Good. Now what goodies do you have in those bags?" I asked leaning
into his face.

"If you get out of my face, I'll show you."

I moved out of his face. He grabbed the first bag and opened it. Inside the
bag was a flame thrower, a shot gun, 2 mini-uzis, and some ammo. In the second
bag was another flame thrower, 2 sawed off shot guns, 4 high-silver content
knives, and 2 swords. The last bag had ammo for all the guns, some silver
nitrate, and a few vials of holy water.

"I have one more bag in the car, I'll be right back." Edward said as
stood and went out the door.

When Edward came back with the bag he sat back down on the couch and just
sat there.

"What's in the bag Edward?" I was growing anxious.

He opened the bag, there was about3 gallons of holy water in the bag.
"For the aftermath," was all he said about it. "Now what toys do
you want to
play with?" He asked with a smile.

"Let's see, I want to use..."


Authors note: A special thanx to Aubrey for helping with the editing... If
not for Aubrey half of you would spend hours trying to figure out what I was
saying...Thank you very much, Aubrey!


Chapter 3
After Edward left I checked out my new toys...
One flame thrower, check.
One new mini-uzi, check.
One new sawed off shot gun, check.
One sword, check.
Silver nitrate, check.
Ammo all around, check.
Yep, I had every thing I could possibly need for tonight...I hoped.
Edward would be back in an hour to show me how to use the flame thrower
I decided to have lunch while I waited for Edward to return.
2 hours later...

Edward and I went to the shooting range for practice and I learned how
to use the flame thrower...
And that it can blow up cars...
After we finished testing out the new toys, we headed back to my place in my
Edward was sloching in his seat looking out the window.
"Edward?" No response. "Edward, it's not my fault that you parked too close
to where I was learning."
He sat up and looked at me, "Anita, you blew up my Hummer!" he yelled.
"It's your own fault for parking so close!" I yelled back.
"I didn't park too close, you lost control of where you were aiming!" Now
this was officialy a fight.
"Not my fault! I was just learning! I didn't know how to make it work
"That's because you weren't paying attention when I explaned it!"
"That's not true! I was paying attention to you, just not to what you were
He froze. "What?" He whispered.
"Shit! I didn't mean to say that out loud." I said softly.
"What were you paying attention to then?"
"I was paying attention to..."



Chapter 4
"What? What were you thinking about?" Edward asked turned in his seat as far
as the belt would allow.
"Nothing.  It's not important."I said concentrating on the road as hard as I
"You're not getting off that easy, Anita. What were you paying so much
attention to that you missed my entire lesson?" Damn Edward's persistence!
"I'm not going to tell you, so drop it." I said as calmly as possible.
"Fine. I'll drop it. For now." Edward said pointedly.
We drove the rest of the way to the house in silence.
Edward had left to get ready for the hunt.
I was getting ready when Nathaniel stopped by. He still had a key incase of
"Hi, Anita!" Nathaniel said jumping onto the bed in front of me.
"Hi, Nathaniel," I said hugging him.
He lifted my hand rubbing his cheek against it, in greeting.
"Now what are you getting ready for?" He asked sitting down on the bed and
looking at the array of weapons laid out on the chair next to the bed.
"Hunting with Edward. We're hunting some rogue vamps tonight." I answered
"Jeez, how many are you hunting with that arsenal?" He asked obviously awe
"Edward said about 20 mostly newbies with one young master."
"Well, they're toast." Nathaniel said laughing lightly.
"I hope so."
"Well, I just stopped by to say hi, I gotta go." He said getting up.
"Ok, I have to finish getting ready anyway. Thanks for stopping by." I said
hugging him good bye.
"No prob.  I'm glad I caught you at home. Bye Anita."
"Bye, Nathaniel"
He turned and left, waving over his shoulder at me.

Chapter 5
Edward showed up at precisely at 9 o’’clock on the dot.
““You ready to go?”” He asked.
““As ready as I’’ll ever be,”” I joked. Okay, so I was nervous to the point
of making lame jokes. Can you blame me?
““Then let’’s go.”” He said turning around heading down the steps.
He had the green Mazda that he always seems to have when he comes to town.
We got into the car.
““Sorry about the Hummer.”” I said.
He just glared at me.
““It wasn’’t totally my fault! You have to take some of the blame, too!””
““I do not! It is completely your fault, because you were the one not paying
““Not my fault!””
““Then what were you paying attention to if you weren’’t paying attention to
my lesson? And you are going to tell me now.””
““I am not going to tell you. At least not until after we survive this show
down with the vamps.”” I said stubbornly crossing my arms over my chest.
““Fine, but you have to give me your word that when this is over you'll tell
me the reason you blew up my Hummer.”” He said glancing at me before putting
his eyes back on the road.
““Fine, fine, I give you my word now leave me alone.””


Chapter 6
"Hey, Edward were exactly are we going?" I asked after a few moments
awkward silence.
"An old abandoned warehouse just out side of blood square." Edward
never taking his eyes off the road.
"So how are we going to do this? Just storm in guns blazing or what?"
asked realizing that I had no clue as to how he wanted to do this.
"Basically." he said.
"Sounds like fun." The rest of the ride was spent in silence.
Edward had taken the flamethrower away from me so I only had the other
stuff. I had really wanted that flamethrower but I guess me blowing up his
is a good enough reason to take it away.
When we got to the warehouse we both went to the same entrance so we
wouldn't have to worry about any friendly fire.
We busted in the door, guns blazing. We took out about half of them before
we were both jumped by vamps.
We each had two vamps on us. I shot one in the head but the other one bit
me. He was trying to bite me again, probably to tear my throat out, when I
him in the head.
Edward was up but I could see a jagged bite mark on his neck. Fun. Now I get
to help
him clean a bite as well.
I looked around to find the place empty of live vamps.
Edward and I looked at each other.
"Shit!" we said in unison.
"Well, they're gone for now." I said, knowing that they were most
likely at
least a mile away already.
"Damn! I got bit and we didn't even get the master." Edward said,
bite on his neck.
"I got bit too. Damn it! Since the master is still out there we should
wash the bites, just in case." I said, grimacing at the thought.
"You're right. I'll help you clean that one if you'll help me clean this
Edward said pointing at the bite on his neck.
"Sounds like fun." I said sarcastically
We went out and got into the car neither saying anything, I think we were
both mentally preparing for the cleansing of the bites we had to look
forward to.


Chapter 7
When we got back to my house the first thing I did was start coffee. I so
was not getting the bite cleansed without coffee in my system.
While I started the coffee, Edward got the bathroom ready by moving all
objects into my bedroom.
After we had coffee we headed to the bathroom for the inevitable cleansing
of the vampire bites. I was most definitely   not looking forward to this.
Edward decided that I got to have mine cleansed first. He made sure that I
no weapons on me and I made sure that he had none on him either. I ended up
in a
spaghetti strap top and silk shorts that Jean-Claude had gotten me.
Edward ended up in a pare of black silk pajama bottoms that Jean-Claude had
left here once, and nothing else.
I decided to start on the floor because that was where I would end up
anyway. Edward got the first bottle of holy water out of the bag, and I
leaned against the tub closing my eyes in preparation."You ready?" he asked.
"Just do it already!" I said, wanting to get this over with.
"Fine." he said and started to pour.
"Shit!" I yelled. I have had to do this one too many times recently.
Once we got to the second bottle I was really hurting. The pain was almost
Damn this hurt like hell.
"Try the cross, Edward." I said, when the second bottle was empty.
He put the cross to the bite and nothing happened. Yea for me.
"Well you're taken care of. Do you want to wait a few minutes to recover
before cleaning mine?" Edward asked.
"No, I'm fine. Your turn to have acid poured on your neck." I said moving so
we could switch places.
"It's not acid." he stated plainly.
"No, but that sure as hell is what it feels like." I replied.
"Point taken." he said chuckling lightly.
"You're not gonna be laughing in a minute here." I said grabbing a bottle of
holy water from the bag.
"You know your cute when your acting tough." he said still laughing lightly.
"Damn you" I said starting to pour the holy water on his bite without
"Shit! Damn Anita, you could've given me fair warning." Edward said
automatically pulling away from me.
"Serves you right. Don't play with my mind." I said sitting back slightly.
"What do you mean 'play with my mind' I meant what I said." Edward said
looking me straight in the eye.
"What?!" I asked dumfounded.
"I meant it when I said you're cute." he stated plainly.
"I did not just hear that. You, Edward, Death, the Undertaker, did not just
say that. I am going to go on not noticing that," especially since I was
thinking the same thing about you earlier, I finished in my head.
We both just sat there for a minute looking at each other before I broke the
awkward silence.
"Let me finish cleansing that bite."
"Fine." Edward said moving back to where I could reach him.
I finished cleaning the bite for him and went to the bedroom to retrieve my
weapons. I refused to be in the same house as Edward and unarmed with the
way he was acting. Then I went into the kitchen for more coffee.
I was just getting my coffee when Edward came up behind me and hugged me. I
turned around and had the Browning against his head before I even knew what
had happened.
"Ok. What the hell is up with you?!" I asked slipping away from him and
lowering the Browning. I was not putting it away until I knew it was safe.
"Nothing is up with me. I have just realized that I have feelings for you.
That's all."
That's all he says. Jeeze can my life get any weirder? Once again, don't
answer that.


Chapter 8


"That’s all! That’s all! Who are you and what have you done with the real

Edward?!" Okay I was freaking out. But can you blame me?


"What are you talking about?" Edward said, taking a step toward me.


I stepped back and automatically raised the Browning, "Oh, no you are not

the real Edward. Edward would kill me first before openly admitting he cared

for me."


"I’ve always cared for you, if I hadn’t do you think that I would have saved

you all of those times? It’s just now I realize that I care about you in a

way I hadn’t before." He said taking another step toward me.


This time I held my ground, "And how would that be?"


" I love you Anita. I think that you’re cute and tough and when I said that

we were soul mates I meant it and now I realize that I meant it in every



The Browning dropped back to my side. I stood there gaping at him, still

trying to grasp what he had said when he closed the distance between us and

kissed me...





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