Death Never Sleeps

By: Montana


“Did you do it?” interrogated Anita. I smiled to myself. Of course I did it, and I was paid handsomely for it too. Not that that really mattered, but it helped.


        “Maybe,” I answered. She knew that was as good as a yes.


        We were sitting on the porch, me on the swing and her leaning against the railing opposite me. Her black shoulder rig, complete with browning, stuck out aggressively against her red shirt. Likewise, my Beretta was securely snug in its shoulder holster. It was nearly a full moon, and the woods around us were washed over in a pale blue.


        Anita crossed her arms, clearly pissed. I wasn’t sure why. She knew that I killed people, and didn’t give a damn about it. I wasn’t about to start now. “This is great. Just fucking great.”


        Raising an eyebrow, a pang of anger hit me deep in my gut. “What, Anita? What does it matter? He was just a vampire. I can’t believe you don’t see that.” I loved Anita, but it infuriated me that she had such a soft spot for the monsters. It wasn’t just jealousy.


        “Vick was just a kid, Edward. A kid.” Hmm. He may have died young, but he didn’t seem so much like a kid when he lunged for my throat. But maybe I’m just a pessimist.


        “He was also a powerful mafia leader’s son. The competition pays well.” The competition paid well enough for it to be worth becoming a wanted man in St. Louis. Again. Of course, Ted Forrester wasn’t wanted. Just a nameless murderer was.


        Leaning against the railing, Anita crossed her arms, scrutinizing me under an angry glare. She still had a lot to learn, and when I didn’t cave she sighed, kicking at the boards of the deck floor. “You could be the next James Bond, Edward. What are you doing here in St. Louis killing vampires?” she asked, turning back up to look into my eyes.


        I smiled slightly. “I’m sitting here on your porch swing arguing with you, completely content. What would I want with the CIA or MI6? There’s not much I’d rather do right now.” I was always content inwardly when I was with Anita. Even if she was angry with me.


        “So you’re not a spook?”

        “Not right now,” I simply answered. No one was paying me to be a spook right now.  Changing the subject, I asked, “So how’s zombie raising?”


Frowning at me, Anita answered sharply, “Peachy. On Larry’s last raising the zombie broke free and thought it would be fun to chase a live chicken around. It ended up biting me instead.” Ah. I had wondered where the bandage on her forearm came from.


“I hope you got that cleaned.”


“Neosporin. Why are you changing the subject?”


Shrugging, my only answer was, “Why not?”


Looking away, Anita huffed. She was truly angry at me. “You shouldn’t be here right now, Edward. Jean-Claude could show up any minute, and he would smell Vick’s blood on you. He wouldn’t be too happy.”


“Always gypping me out of my chance to kill the vampire,” I complained under my breath. But I agreed with her. I knew Jean-Claude was off limits for now, and a confrontation wouldn’t be the smartest thing. The spray of Uzi fire had left some tidbits of the young vampire on me here and there.       


It was then that the wereleopard Anita called Nathaniel stumbled out of the house, pointing a finger at me, obviously inebriated. “You killed my friend,” he accused, leaning against the porch post for support.


“He was already dead,” I insisted, standing from the swing in a lazy lithe motion.


The young man’s mouth opened, then closed, then opened again, searching for words. There was pain in his eyes along with a glazed-overness of being drunk. I felt no remorse from Nathaniel, but a twinge of…I don’t know…something hit me with Anita’s glare.


Leaning in close to her, I whispered, “I’ll see you later.”


“How can you sleep at night?” she demanded in a hushed tone, not looking at me.


I blinked a few times, and answered coolly, “Death never sleeps,” and walked down the porch steps. The dead vampire wouldn’t haunt me, but Anita’s eyes would.



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