This message is for those of you who have met me through work or learnt about me from colleagues.

Do not condemn me for who I am and do not judge me for the person I am. The fact is there is so many TGirls in our community locally and internationally that we should be judged as only as members of our communities. Life is too short to be judgemental or discriminatory. We seek not to harm or hurt others around us.

We have a yearning to be who we are and be ourselves. As we move into a new century attitudes towards us has softened and acceptance has become more widespread. The internet has opened many more opportunities for us and given us a chance to communicate with like minded people.

People have many varied passions.Some want to be married, have children ,a house or a better job,while mine is being who I truly am. We all have differences and we enjoy these differences. As long as it doesnt hurt anyone and the eventual aim is your happiness, WHO CARES.
I do not judge you for who you are,I hope you do not judge me for who I am.

I have met many wonderful people through my job and I have found the majority are quite accepting of who I am. These people are the ones who are true friends and I am so thankful for meeting them. Those who can't accept me....thats your problem.....

If you have any questions......feel free to email address is on the front page of the website....
"what are we to do,live a lie and be unhappy and depressed for the rest of our lives"
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