SRS in Thailand
When my partner and I decided on having our SRS (GRS) we researched surgeons both within Australia and Asia. We both agreed that Dr Preecha Tiewtranon MD  in Bangkok, Thailand would be our best possible choice.
The reasons for this were twofold. He is widely recognised as the leading surgeon in his field of Cosmetic Surgery in Thailand. From the information we had at hand, he has taught some of the other surgeons who now practice cosmetic surgery in Thailand. He has many positive feedbacks to the SRS (GRS) surgery. Secondly as with anyone researching surgery anywhere was the cost of the surgery. The cost was vastly cheaper than in Australia. We cannot reason why this is the case but for the cost of airfares/hotel/spending money and the surgeries we still spent less than if we had of had the surgeries in Australia.
On checking his website and the testimonials that can be found there and elsewhere on the internet it seemed the best decision. Through his website we saw the facilities available to us as patients and that made our choice easier.
Of course there are always some nagging doubts about travelling overseas for surgery of any kind.
There are always those stories floating around about surgical operations in Asia. Maybe these are spread by uninformed people and in some cases by medical associations themselves. Making that decision to go overseas and put yourself in the hands of someone you have barely met and in a foreign country is a daunting experience. That decision can only be made by the individual. This story from our point of view is a personal perspective drawn on our experiences. Sadly sometimes things do go wrong, that�s the chance we all take.

When we decided to go ahead with preparations for our surgeries we contacted the surgeon by email. Over a few months we did not always receive a reply to our emails or we did not receive the answers to our questions. I cannot answer why this happened but in the end we rang the surgeon�s office from Australia and managed to get the answers we needed verbally.
We followed the guidelines set by Dr Preecha and gathered the documentation that he required to go ahead with our surgeries. I mention this because it has been known in the past that shortcuts have been taken and some pre-ops have had there operations without the due care and psychiatrists workup that is required by the Harry Benjamin Rules. Dr Preecha like many others today require letters from psychiatrists, General practitioners and alike before going ahead with any SRS (GRS).
Bangkok Nursing Hospital (BNH) where Dr Preecha has his institute was one of the cleanest and well run hospitals I have ever been a patient at. My partner a nurse was as impressed by the facilities and presentation as was I and remarked that it was the best hospital she has ever been in. Dr Preecha�s staff was friendly, helpful and kind and made this quite monumental occasion a little easier for us both. The day we arrived we handed our paperwork over and they gave us a brief rundown on what was going to happen before we went into surgery. As we arrived a day earlier than our planned surgeries we were given a room in his hotel (a hospital ward) overnight.
The day of our surgery we met with Dr Preecha and we discussed our operations. He was extremely helpful and explained everything that was to follow. He showed us the implants for our breast enhancements and explained the procedure for that and the SRS (GRS).
From my point of view I was very nervous. Nervous more so about the pain and discomfort I was going to feel after the surgery. The operation itself did not concern me, like am I doing the right thing etc. This was for me my third surgery in six months and to be honest I was fed up from being in pain from these surgeries. I was pre opped for surgery and it was goodbye. I went into surgery at 230 pm and I awoke at 9pm feeling like crap. Still feeling the affects of the anaesthetic I soon fell asleep again.
The following morning I was awakened by a nurse taking my obs and slowly I started feeling the pain and discomfort although it was muted as the nurse had given me painkillers. I started then checking myself out physically. I had bandages around my chest and thighs and groin. I had further bandages around my upper eyelids where I had some surgery there as well. I had an IV in and at least three tubes coming from my thigh /groin bandages. Two were for blood and the other was for my catheter.
Later that morning I willed myself to get out of bed, with the help of two nurses I managed to hobble down the hallway to visit my partner in another room. It was a short visit as it was an effort and I soon grew tired. Eventually after a few days I was able to get out of bed on my own and hobble down to the garden area on the 4th floor. This garden area was a pleasant excursion from the ward as it was decorated with fountains and gardens and a smoking area. Although walking out from an air-conditioned hospital to Bangkok heat takes your breath away.
My hospital stay was supposed to be five days. On that fifth day my bandages were removed and I got to see the new me. It was of course messy and swollen, but you can only marvel at the work that had been done and the new look that I had. Unfortunately for me you have to be able to urinate before they let you leave the hospital on that fifth day and I couldn�t. Swollen urethra stopped me and the surgeon told me I had to stay a further two days.
Two days later I saw Dr Preecha again and he examined me and thankfully I was able to urinate.
Over the next two weeks I saw him again twice. We stayed in Bangkok and did some shopping and sightseeing. Some days though the pain and discomfort was too much and I stayed in the hotel.
The day before we returned home we saw Dr Preecha again and he was very happy with the surgical site. I was given my letters for gender change and a letter for the airlines asking to provide me with a wheelchair if required.
The wheelchair became a necessity while waiting at the airport for our flight. I found I was in too much pain and discomfort. The wheelchair was provided by the airport and a young Thai man helped us around the airport. An added benefit was being pushed to the front of the line at customs and check in.
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