I never stop.
The earth never stop.
Page 2
The Story of the Buddha!

One of the first visitors to the palace after his birth, was a wise Sage called Asita. On seeing the baby, he first smiled and then tears began to trickle down his face. The King and Queen were worried. " Will any harm come to our son?" " Oh, no, Your Majesties," the Sage replied. "Your son will be extremely fortunate. I am smiling because I am very lucky to see him, who is no ordinary human being. He will be most unusual. In fact, he will become a Buddha one day, a Fully Enlightened One, who will teach the whole world how to find true happiness and relief from sorrow. I am old now and shall not live to see that day. That is why I am sad." The King was not altogether happy at what he geared. He invited more learned and wise men to the palace, eight of them for the naming ceremony of his child. They studied special markings on the body of the baby. Seven of them said that he would one day become a great Emperor, or, indeed, a Buddha. But the eighth sage, whose name was Kondanna, was very definite that the Prince would one day see four Special Signs and give up his palace and family. He would lead the simple life of an ascetic in meditation and become a Buddha.

The King and Queen were very upset when they heard this. The baby was named Siddgartha, which means, 'the One whose wishes will be fulfilled' and the family name was Gotama. Seven days after the birth of the Prince, Queen Maha Maya died. The Queen's sister, Prajapathi Gotami, nursed and cared for him as if he were her own. He grew up to be handsome, tall and strong and very good at his studies. He learned many subjects. At the same time, he was gentle and kind, well mannered and loved by his people. One day, his father took him to the ploughing festival which took place every year. The King drove the first pair of bullocks which were decorated with golden trappings and pulled a golden ploughs. The other nobles followed the King, driving silver ploughs and their bullocks had silver harnessing. The young Prince was seated in the shade of a rose-apple tree. Instead of enjoying the ceremony, he started meditating: he concentrated on his breathing, now a breath in, now a breath out. When his attendants returned to him, they found him sitting cross-legged and in a deep trance. "What an unusual child," they said and went to inform the King. Next Page 3
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