Christian Seminars for Adults and Children

All programs developed and presented by Mary Jo Thayer, M.A.

Chastity Is a Virtue; Besides, Hormones Have No Brains
A 1 � to 2 hour program for parents and other adults in how to grow the virtues of purity and chastity in the home. Walks parents through Genesis, Ephesians, and the Theology of the Body, while highlighting common issues: media, dancing, dating, clothing, and intimacy. Brings to light the beauty of the Church�s teaching regarding the human person, sexuality, and the sacrament of marriage. Excellent resources made available by reputable vendors.

The Gift of Our Bodies and the Meaning of Vocation
A 30-45 minute presentation geared toward young teens and Confirmation candidates. Talks about the difference of viewing the Church with an untrained eye versus a trained eye. Defines �vocation� and opens up the mind to a realization of whether or not we are called to the single state or the married state. Unfolds for the youth the beauty of Church teaching in the area of sexuality and how choices made now relate to our calling from God.

What Is Vocation?
A 20-30 minute presentation geared toward upper elementary. Defines vocation in detail and walks children through the favorable choice made for either the married state or the single state. Opens up for them a realization that they are wonderful and beloved, simply because God chose to love them into existence. Talks about individual talents and how we can bring souls to Christ by honoring God with our choices.

Pure and Simple
A 45-minute to an hour presentation for high school teens. Gives them credit for having intellect and free will and, thus, the ability to see things for how they really are. Defines the difference between abstinence and chastity. In a way teens can understand, helps them internalize the beautiful message of chastity and begin to make choices that move them more toward that virtue, as opposed to avoiding sexual behavior simply because they fear the consequences. Explodes for them the powerful beauty of Church teaching in this area�the best kept secret!

Falling into the Arms of Our Mother: What the Church Wants to Give Us
A 20-30 minute talk for adults on how the Church is our Mother. Highlights how we can know that God is our Father and how that relationship lends to the Church as Mother. Brings to light the Trinitarian model for our relationships and reveals the often-hidden beauty of the sacraments of Reconciliation and Communion. Helps people fall in love with the Church and yearn for a deeper relationship with Christ.

You Have Been Called!
This dynamic 45-60 minute talk is primarily for Confirmation students, but would work well in other religious education settings, too. It is based on Mark 10:49b, which states, "Take courage, stand up! He is calling for you." The students are led through a progression of the meaning of their existence and relationship with God as each relates to the Trinity, vocation, prayer, sacraments, and Church life. The most important lesson of this talk is that each human person is a gift, who belongs first and foremost to God.

If you are interested in inviting MOM WITH A MESSAGE to your group or church, please contact Mary Jo at: [email protected]

Chastity Index


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